
Bumblebee (2018) – In Theatres Thursday

With 98% on Rotten Tomatoes, Bumblebee (Default) is THE movie to see this holiday season! Critics are calling it “Fresh, fun and awesome action.” Get your tickets now to experience #BumblebeeMovie in theatres THURSDAY.

On the run in the year 1987, Bumblebee finds refuge in a junkyard in a small Californian beach town. Charlie (Hailee Steinfeld), on the cusp of turning 18 and trying to find her place in the world, discovers Bumblebee, battle-scarred and broken. When Charlie revives him, she quickly learns this is no ordinary, yellow VW bug. 
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John Cena Has Serious Questions About Transformers

Being in the Bumblebee movie didn’t stop John Cena from coming in with some SERIOUS questions about Transformers

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John Cena Has Serious Questions About Transformers

Featuring John Cena
Produced by Max Dionne
Edited by Randy Whitlock
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

Captain Marvel: Is Jude Law’s Character A Kree Or A Skrull Spy?

What’s the stoory with Jude Law’s character in Captain Marvel? Subscribe to our channel:

After ten years of Marvel movies, we think we know what to expect. But when Captain Marvel is released, do you think the rug will be pulled out from under us? Although Captain Marvel is set in 1990’s, we haven’t yet met Jude Law’s character in the present. He’s set to play Mar-Vell but is the character going to be portrayed as he exists in the comics or will he be a new being altogether? Join ScreenRant as we attempt to uncover the secrets Marvel keeps. Is Jude Law’s character a Kree or a Skrull spy?

The clues from the trailer and online photos point in either direction and in this video we’ll analyze the facts and some theories to come to our own conclusions. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a wide open expanse with tons of possibilities and, like Doctor Strange in Avengers: Infinity War, we’ll analyze the millions of options to determine the endgame. As Jude Law manages to stand out – even in less critically successful films – we’re sure he’ll put in a memorable performance in as big a tentpole blockbuster as Captain Marvel. And no matter which course the MCU chooses for Law’s Mar-Vell, his character will have a big part to play in the overarching Marvel story. Look, this is a film that also features Brie Larson, Sam Jackson, Annette Bening, and Lee Pace among others. Whether we get a villainous turn from Jude Law or not, it’s going to be full of great performances.

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13 Rarest Fortnite Pickaxes You’ll Never Get Your Hands On


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There are many cosmetics released in Fortnite, but one of the most useful is the pickaxe, also known as a harvesting tool. Over the multiple seasons of Fortnite, there have been multiple pickaxes released, but some are much more rare than others!

This is TheGamer’s list of the 13 Rarest Fortnite Pickaxes You’ll Never Get Your Hands On.

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Harvesting items is crucial for building and having materials to get you through a round in Fortnite: Battle Royale. The only way to do this harvesting is with a pickaxe, available in a number of different styles and designs. While you can purchase various pickaxes in the Fortnite storefront on a daily basis, some of these designs are much more rare than the others. Learn about the various pickaxes that you may never get to play with.

For players in China, there were actually TWO different pickaxes released for the game, each one with fun designs players WISH they could get their hands on. The 2017 holiday season was filled with a number of fun designs, including two pickaxes you probably won’t get to unwrap this year. There’s also an unreleased harvesting tool no one will ever get their hands on because Fortnite decided to redesign it completely. Watch to see all of these crazy pickaxes in action!


Script by: Alan Donahue

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Olivier Soussana

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All Of The Hidden Ghosts You Missed In The Haunting Of Hill House

You’d be shocked at the number of hidden ghosts you totally missed in The Haunting Of Hill House! Subscribe to our channel:

The Haunting of Hill House has taken Netflix, and the world, by storm. Although it’s only been in our lives since this Fall, this show has changed what we thought possible in a horror series. Inspired by the famous Shirley Jackson novel, which spawned a couple films before it – including a classic directed by Robert Wise and another starring Liam Neeson, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Owen Wilson – The Haunting of Hill House has taken family drama to a new level. But what makes it so successful is it’s attention to detail. Not only in its attempt to realistically build tension between a family over several decades, but also in the creative team’s vision to craft a series that works like an elongated horror film.

It’s the attention to detail that makes this Netflix show sing, and that detail extends to the scares within the scares. Sure, there are jump out moments and thrilling sequences, but there’s also an underlying unease that lies beneath the larger story. Much of that comes from the fact that there are ghostly figures hidden throughout Hill House. Whether their peeking around a door, hiding under a basement ladder, sticking out of a shadow down the hall or peering in from a window – just hitting the pause button could scare the bejeezus out of you. So curl up in a blanket, look over your shoulder and ward off the dark specters that hover around your own home. Join ScreenRant as we uncover all of the ghosts you may have missed in your first visit to The Haunting of Hill House.

Read the original article:

Check out these other haunting videos!

All Of The Hidden Ghosts You Missed In The Haunting Of Hill House

10 Secrets You Missed In The Haunting Of Hill House

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Storybook Amusement Park Looks Unreal


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Ninja Disrespects Players With Grappler | Fortnite Best Grappler Plays Compilation

Sick Fortnite grappler plays featuring Ninja and others!
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Ninja, MYTH, Daequan, TFUE, Cizzors, CDNthe3rd, Dr Lupo … What do these ultra popular and awesome Twitch streamers have in common? They all have made full use of the awesome Grappler (grappling gun) in Fortnite Battle Royale! When the pros play, they make it look easy… we can only wish that we could pull off these incredible grappler plays. Now that Season 7 is here, we’re sure even more snow covered awesome grappler kills will be coming, but until then, let’s enjoy this compilation of funny fails and clips and watch these pro players absolutely dominate and get victory royales with the grappler!


Script, Voice Over, & Edit:
Wes Beach (@MrWesBeach)

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Best Villains of 2018

FANDOM has gathered the top 100 most searched villains of the year so we sat down and went over our favorite villains of 2018

Hosted by Hal Rudnick
Featuring Roth Cornet, Dan Murrell, & Joe Starr
Produced by Max Dionne
Edited by Randy Whitlock
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

Screen Junkies Show – Best Villains of 2018

شغال.. بليلة بـ 13,000 ريال ! 😱

تجربة جديدة لبرنامج شغال.. هذه المرة مع البليلة وتكاليفها البدائية وكيف نقدر نسوي المشروع من الصفر وخطوة بخطوة..

#شغال راح يخليك تعيش التجربة خطوة بخطوة..

تقديم: محمد بافقيه


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