
Avengers: Endgame Confirms Thanos Failed His Mission

Did Thanos actually fail his mission at the end of Infinity War? Subscribe to our channel:

Audiences left Avengers: Infinity War with their jaws on the floor. The biggest problem in the MCU has arguably been their villains and the fact that the heroes always won. That all changed when Thanos collected all six Infinity Stones and wiped out half the universe. Why did he do this? For the greater good, or so he kept telling himself. The way he saw it, the number of people vastly outweighed the number of resources and civilizations around the cosmos were on a path that would end in ruin and despair, much like his homeworld of Titan. But unlike manually wiping out a planet’s population, such as Gamora’s homeworld, the Decimation wiped out half of everything. People, plants, animals. Nothing was spared. As such, the ratio of people to resources remained the same. In fact, things actually got worse, as all the destruction and dependency threw the balance way off. In the Superbowl teaser, we saw that Earth is a husk of its former self, living in darkness and despair. Thanos’ vision for a utopian future is actually met with a dystopian present. For all his sacrifice and bloodshed, it seems that Thanos actually failed in his mission and caused way more harm than he initially planned on doing. What’s worse, is that no one was ultimately saved. Will Thanos see the error of his ways and help the Avengers undo what was done, or is he blinded by his bias and will refuse to see things from any other point of view, regardless of the outcome. We’ll have to watch Endgame to find out!

Script by Sean Gallagher

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طريلر – تقدر تسوي 23 شخصية ؟

محمد الشهري يقدم توصياته الجديدة من قاعة السينما في السعودية. وأكيد جاب خبر حفل جوائز #الأوسكار والأفلام المرشحة وقصته في السنوات اللي راحت!

والسؤال المهم في هذه الحلقة.. تقدر تسوي 23 شخصية؟؟

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Villain Pub – Best Picture Summary (Oscars 2019)

Thanos is not happy he was left out of this years Best Picture Nominations.
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Honest Trailers – The Oscars (2019)

You don’t need a host to be Honest – It’s the 91st Academy Awards aka The Oscars (2019)!

Watch The Honest Trailers Commentary!

Movies Mentioned (the Best Picture Nominees)
Bohemian Rhapsody
A Star is Born
Black Panther
The Favourite
Green Book

Honest Trailers – The Oscars (2019)
Voiceover Narration by Jon Bailey
Title Design: Robert Holtby

Josh Robert Thompson as Mr Rogers

Written by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, Lon Harris
Produced by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Joe Starr & Max Dionne

Edited by Kevin Williamsen
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

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Inside The Brilliant Mind Of Christopher Nolan

A look at the brilliant mind behind movies like Inception, Interstellar and The Dark Knight trilogy! Subscribe to our channel:

Dreamworlds. Clown princes. World War II battles. The cinematic universe of visionary director Christopher Nolan. The famed director of such films like The Dark Knight and Inception is no stranger to big box office spectacles, but his movies go above and beyond common movie fare. Layered within each movie are detailed character studies, philosophies, and themes involving both external and internal worlds. The journey Nolan takes moviegoers on is complicated, well-thought out, and truly one of a kind. He is a filmmaker of a generation — but why do his films connect with audiences — why do people analyze several aspects of his movies — whether it’s a popcorn superhero movie or a trippy film about magicians. To understand the popularity of his movies, we have to step into the mind of Christopher Nolan — analyzing his characters, worlds, and what draws people in from all across the globe.

Catching up on the filmography of Christopher Nolan is a fairly easy task. Starting with his low-budget debut of The Following in 1998 — the director has only helmed a total of 10 films — and this includes the whole Dark Knight trilogy. While we would all love a new Christopher Nolan movie every year — time is clearly an important aspect in both the story and planning of his movies. He takes his time to develop the story, characters, and the fictional worlds they belong in. Compare this to other visionary directors and you’ll see how Nolan truly takes his time. Watch this incredible documentary that dives into the mind of Christopher Nolan!

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Disney Theory: Was Frozen Created To Hide The Truth About Walt Disney?

Some fans think there might be a sinisterr motive behind the creation of the Disney movie Frozen! Subscribe to our channel:

While the movie Frozen may seem like just an innocent Disney cartoon about two sisters named Elsa and Anna, some fans out there believe that the whole thing might actually be a complete conspiracy! For many years now, there have been rumours circling Walt Disney and the Disney corporation, that it seems like Disney might just want us all to forget. Rumours that Walt Disney actually had himself cryogenically frozen right before he passed away, so that he could be re-animated years later when medical science had advanced enough to wake him from his chilly slumber. While this has been disproven, some actually think that the movie Frozen was given its name so that when the words “Disney” and “Frozen” are Googled together, only the popular 2013 movie comes up, and the creepy rumours about Walt are buried forever. Sure, this all seems like a pretty far way to go to hide an old wives tale, but it might be possible! Disney definitely has the means, and their motive is right there! They go to all sorts of lengths in order to protect their squeaky clean, family friendly image, so rather than naming the movie Ice Queen or something else appropriate, why not name it Frozen and get the whole thing out of the way for good!? And it totally worked: when you google Disney and Frozen, there is no mention of the urban legend to be found. All you get are links to the sing-along version of Let It Go and compilations of Olaf’s best moments. Well played, Disney. Well played.

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Night School (2018) – Prom Problems Scene (9/10) | Movieclips

Night School – Prom Problems: Lisa (Megalyn Echikunwoke) shows up at the high school prom where Teddy (Kevin Hart) and his night school class is celebrating.

Watch the best Night School scenes & clips:

Teddy Walker is a successful salesman whose life takes an unexpected turn when he accidentally blows up his place of employment. Forced to attend night school to get his GED, Teddy soon finds himself dealing with a group of misfit students, his former high school nemesis and a feisty teacher who doesn’t think he’s too bright.

TM & © Universal (2018)
Cast: Al Madrigal, Anne Winters, Kevin Hart, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Megalyn Echikunwoke, Rob Riggle, Romany Malco, Taran Killam, Tiffany Haddish, Yvonne Orji
Screewriter: Harry Ratchford, Joey Wells, John Hamburg, Kevin Hart, Matthew Kellard, Nicholas Stoller
Director: Malcolm D. Lee

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The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes, and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.

Night School (2018) – Rooftop Fail Scene (6/10) | Movieclips

Night School – Rooftop Fail: Teddy (Kevin Hart) and his classmates try to escape the school after stealing the midterm.

Watch the best Night School scenes & clips:

Teddy Walker is a successful salesman whose life takes an unexpected turn when he accidentally blows up his place of employment. Forced to attend night school to get his GED, Teddy soon finds himself dealing with a group of misfit students, his former high school nemesis and a feisty teacher who doesn’t think he’s too bright.

TM & © Universal (2018)
Cast: Al Madrigal, Kevin Hart, Mary Lynn Rajskub, Rob Riggle, Romany Malco, Taran Killam
Screewriter: Harry Ratchford, Joey Wells, John Hamburg, Kevin Hart, Matthew Kellard, Nicholas Stoller
Director: Malcolm D. Lee

#nightschool #kevinhart #tiffanyhaddish

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The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes, and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.