
15 Spider-Man: Far From Home Fan Theories That Might Be True

Spider-Man: Far From Home already has fans excited about new multi-verse theories! Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos:

With all the excitement surrounding Avengers: Endgame, it’s easy to forget that Spider-Man: Far From Home is just around the corner.

The twenty-third movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has recently been confirmed to be the final movie of Phase Three of the franchise – and NOT the first movie of Phase Four, as was previously thought.

But even though Far From Home currently dwells in Endgame’s shadow, superhero movie fans have been coming up with theories about the MCU’s second Spider-Man offering for some time.

In this video, we’ll take you through fifteen of the best of them!

The theories in question are; that MJ is Nick Fury’s daughter, that Nick Fury will be Peter Parker’s new mentor in the MCU, that Captain Marvel will appear in the movie, that we’ll see a darker version of Spider-Man in the movie, that it will crossover with Sony’s recent Venom movie, that Jake Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio is from the multiverse, that the Elementals will be from a different dimension, that the Elementals are actually classic Spider-Man villains, that Vulture and the Sinister Six will appear, that Mysterio is actually a sorcerer, that Miles Morales will appear in the movie, that we saw the movie’s opening scene at the end of Avengers: Endgame, that Peter Parker’s parents were S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, that the true nature of bodega owner Mr. Delmar will be revealed, and that Mysterio is actually Uncle Ben.

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Spider-Man Far From Home Trailer HISHE

How the Spider-Man Far From Home Trailer Should Have Ended.
While Avengers Endgame HISHE is being built the guys wanted to work on a little Spider-Man fun while they wait for Endgame art.

If you are curious where the Endgame HISHE is, rest assured the episode is in production and will likely be as long as our Infinity War Episode if not longer. It will take time to build, but we are working as best we can. We have some other videos scheduled while you wait, but we promise it doesn’t mean the Endgame episode isn’t being worked on.

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————–Previous Episodes——————–
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Avengers Endgame HISHE Review

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HISHE Horror Compilation

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Predator HISHE Dubs

How The Venom Trailer Should Have Ended

Super Cafe – Teens and Titans

How Deadpool 2 Should Have Ended

Infinity War Alternate HISHE

The Last Jedi Lego Summary

Jurassic World Alternate HISHE

Jurassic World – Comedy Recap (HISHE Dubs)

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The Problem With Loki In Endgame

Avengers: Endgame made some questionable decisions with Loki! Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos:

Yep, we’re back – and while we’ve got 99 Endgame problems and Iron Man ain’t one — today’s focus is on the God of Mischief himself — Loki. Truthfully, after his death at the hands of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, we should be happy to even see Loki in the movie at all, but now that we did, there’s a whole slew of new problems to deal with.

Loki’s small scenes during the time-traveling exploits in Endgame have some pretty big implications, but do they actually all work for the story the movie was supposed to tell? Spoiler alert: not really. So let’s break things down — and if you’re not agreeing with us, just a quick tap from Loki’s sceptre will help you understand exactly where we’re coming from.

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Honest Trailers | Speed

Can you keep the bus above fifty and the chemistry below zero? – it’s Honest Trailers for Speed

Watch the Honest Trailers Commentary w/ the writers of Honest Trailers!
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Title Design by Robert Holtby
Epic Voice Guy: Jon Bailey
Produced by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, & Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Edited by Kevin Williamsen

30 Avengers: Endgame Mysteries And Plot Holes

Avengers: Endgame left us with some pretty big questions! Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos:

Avengers: Endgame is the spectacular culmination of eleven years of movie-making in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It saw the Avengers come together to defeat Thanos – the powerful intergalactic despot whose life mission was to bring balance to the universe, at the cost of trillions of lives.

It provided us with closure to a number of character’s stories and gave us answers to lots of long-standing questions – but it also created just as many questions, mysteries and plot holes.

In this video, we’ll run you through thirty of the niggling issues Avengers: Endgame left us wondering about. Please note, there WILL be spoilers for the movie (both in the following text AND the video itself)…

The isses include; How did Carol Danvers find Tony Stark in space? How exactly does time work in the Quantum Realm? Are Namor and Captain Britain in the MCU? What does Loki’s escape in 2012 mean for his MCU future? Will Black Widow’s movie be a prequel now that she’s dead? Are we getting A-Force and Young Avengers movies? How did Valkyrie get her flying horse back? Why didn’t the heroes just use the Time Stone to bring Tony Stark back to life? Where is Gamora now? How is Peter Parker still the same age as all of his classmates? And is this the end for the Avengers?

We hope you enjoy the video! Please leave a comment letting us know what you thought about it. And don’t forget to subscribe to Screen Rant’s YouTube channel, so you never miss our great new video uploads in the future.

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Why Mjolnir Surprised Everyone In Avengers: Endgame

Mjolnir has been given a bad rap in the MCU! Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos:

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Mjolnir has undoubtedly proven itself to be a powerful weapon, but it was destroyed rather easily by Hela in 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok.

Moreover, as of 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War, Thor acquired a new weapon – the mighty Stormbreaker – which made his iconic warhammer look like a toy in comparison.

But in the comics, Mjolnir is far more powerful than the MCU version – in fact, it’s far more powerful than the MCU version of Stormbreaker too.

The scale of the powers Mjolnir has shown in the MCU aren’t even close to the version in the source material and, perhaps more importantly, the comic book version has a plethora of additional powers that the live action version simply doesn’t possess.

In this video, we’ll show you why Mjolnir is far more powerful than you thought.

The comic book version of Mjolnir has massively upscaled versions of every power the MCU version has shown such as flight, weather control, striking power and so forth. But it also has teleportation capabilities, dimension traversing powers, time travel (or at least it used to), transmutation, tracking abilities, a variety of enormously powerful energy blasts, soul manipulation, the ability to resurrect the dead, and much, much more!

We hope you enjoy the video! Did you realize Mjolnir was this powerful? Please leave a comment letting us know your thoughts. And don’t forget to subscribe to Screen Rant’s YouTube channel, so you never miss our great new video uploads – just like this one – in the future.

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