
25 John Wick Movie Mistakes You Totally Missed

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John Wick may be a man of precision and perfection with a gun and a car, but when it comes to the filmmakers recording him, not everything goes so smoothly. The John Wick trilogy is a collection of three nearly perfect action movies, but we cannot help but notice some mistakes made along the way. From obvious editing blunders to magically healing cars, check out some mistakes you missed the first time around and see if you can spot them before the big reveals!

In one scene, Viggo manages to get the upper-hand on Wick by plowing into the side of his car with an SUV. But the whiplash and maximum force wasn’t enough. Viggo continues to push until Wick’s car falls off the edge of the docks, flips completely, and lands on the platform below. Did you spot the mistake? One of the earliest signs of Wick’s past and involvement with the world of assassins was when he made “dinner reservations” and called in the clean-up crew to dispose of the dead men scattered around his house. What could go wrong with a simple phone call? Dial a wrong number? Nope. Phone not plugged in? Nope. The mistake has to do with Wick’s dialogue. One of the more brilliant parts of John Wick is the pacing of the story, showcasing the love and build between John and his wife through a series of quick flashbacks without focusing too much on exposition. At one point we see a series of shots of their love together and the point where it takes a turn for the worse. John’s wife collapses, but something is a little off about the shot. Watch to see all of these mistakes and several others from EVERY John Wick movie!

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“I’m going boop to my mom’s butt.”


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10 Things Only Adults Noticed In The Secret Life Of Pets

Here are some things that kids would have missed in The Secret Life of Pets!
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With the hype building for the release of The Secret Life of Pets 2, we thought we’d take a look back at the hilarious first movie that started it all. The amazing adventure of the jack russell terrier Max, and his friends Duke, Gidget, Chloe, Mel, and others along with the super funny villainous bunny Snowball made for an instant classic. But we all know that animators and writers love to slip some jokes into their movies that are just for the grown ups in the audience. And The Secret Life of Pets is no different! To start, the name Snowball is actually a reference to the rebellious pig from George Orwell novel Animal Farm! And then there’s the fact that Leonard the poodle likes to rock out to Bounce by System of a Down when his owner leaves the house! How about the fact that Tattoo the Pig’s tattoos aren’t actually just cool designs but sectioned off cuts of meat! Or that every celebrity you know and love is in this movie, from Kevin Hart to a ton of Saturday Night Live alumni, with everyone in between! There’s also a reference to the classic Boyz N The Hood that keeps coming back as Snowball calls out for his departed friend Ricky. Or that there’s also a reference to the grossest scene from Alien. And another one to the black and white film Some Like It Hot.

All of these moments and more might have gone right over the heads of children, but they definitely landed with their parents!

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10 Animals That Are Close To Going Extinct

Our world is changing, and these at-risk animals are paying the price. For this list, we’re looking at endangered species who are most at risk for going extinct in the next 30 years. WatchMojo counts down the 10 Animals That Could be Gone by 2049.

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10 Avengers Who Could Have Used The Infinity Stones Instead Of Tony

Who could have done the Snap at the end of Avengers: Endgame instead of Iron Man?
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We’ve all kinda of accepted it now — Iron Man made the ultimate sacrifice, outsmarting Thanos, gathering the Infinity Stones and making the snap to eliminate him and his army for good. But WHY exactly did if have to be Iron Man? If the snap eliminated Thanos and ended the war against him, why couldn’t another hero use the Infinity Gauntlet instead? We’re mostly asking this question to Doctor Strange and his multiple visions of the future.

Either way — there could have been multiple Avengers who used the stones instead of Tony and a majority of them could have prevented their own death, along with the loss of Iron Man in the process. We’ve seen the power of the Stormbreaker bust through a full-fledge stone attack during Infinity War so if he held the axe in the opposite hand, maybe the weapon would have absorbed some of the energy instead of it directly impacting Thor.She carried ships. She destroyed ships. She glowed in the night. She got a haircut. She’s Captain Marvel and she clearly showcased why she is one of the most powerful superheroes in all of the MCU! When Captain Marvel returned from her mysterious adventures in outer space, she was all fight, barely breaking a sweat as she on a massive Thanos headbutt. Star-Lord could have worn the Infinity Gauntlet and stopped Thanos — becoming the ultimate hero in Avengers: Endgame. Done laughing? Well, don’t go to the next video yet — just hear us out for a moment. Watch to see all these heroes and several others to learn who could have used the Infinity Stones!

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The Snap Didn’t Kill Anyone (And Thanos Isn’t Dead)

We might not have seen the last of the Mad Titan in the MCU! Subscribe to our channel:

After 7 years of build up, a successful evil plan, and one giant battle, we thought we had finally seen the last of Thanos. To be honest, it’s very possible we have! Even so, we still have one theory on how Thanos could make his triumphant return.

It involves Dr. Strange, the Soul Stone, the ozone layer, and Thanos’ true motivations. We don’t want to give too much more away before you watch the video, so we’re just going to recap it in a very vague way, using a strained metaphor comparing it to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Do you remember that kid, Mike Teavee? He was the kid who was obsessed with TV. You remember. In one of the last scenes of the movie, Mike demands to be sent into television by having all his molecules split up and then rearranged inside the TV set. Willy Wonka, ever the child safety advocate, obliges, and Mike is zapped into the television, unharmed. All his molecules are the same, rearranged in roughly the same order, but he’s in a different location.

However, if someone were to see Mike disappear from where he was standing in the blink of an eye, they might think “Mike is dead”. They would have good reason to. So, if someone were, say, turned to dust, and the particles that made them up were transported to another location or form, say for five years, we could easily believe them dead. This would be a mistaken belief however, as said person was not dead, just in a different form. So don’t you think that if Mike Tevee could be brought back from this form, so could, hypothetically, a certain purple villain?

Less vague details in the video!

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