
25 Mistakes Fans Missed In Avengers: Endgame

Did you catch these little mistakes on your first viewing of Avengers: Endgame? Subscribe to our channel:

Avengers: Endgame is, without a doubt, one of the most epic movies ever made.

It has everything; awesome characters – both heroic and villainous – a great plot, amazing action, humour, tragedy, powerful MacGuffins, time travel and much, much more.

But such a complex movie will always inevitably come with errors and oversights – and, in this video, we’ll be taking you through some of those that made it into the movie.

These are just some of the mistakes in question; Lila Barton’s arrow that hit the bullseye disappeared then reappeared in the movie’s opening scene. Tony Stark’s helmet was damaged on the left side in Avengers: Infinity War, but the right side was shown to be damaged as he recorded a message for Pepper Potts on the Benatar. The names of the decimated on the memorial stones in San Francisco weren’t in alphabetical order. New Asgard was supposed to be in Norway, but the vehicle registration plates there were U.K. plates, as was a listed telephone number. Jasper Sitwell’s cellphone in 2012 was a model that wasn’t released until 2015 in reality. And when Nebula and James Rhodes were on Morag in 2014, Korath and his henchmen should’ve shown up, but they didn’t.

To find out more, you’ll just have to watch the whole video, won’t you?!

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25 Crazy Facts About Robert Pattinson That Will Surprise Fans

Here are some of the craziest things about Robert Pattinson that will blow your mind!
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Batman. Is. Pattinson! With Warner Brothers and DC confirming the news that Robert Pattinson will take on the Bat role from Ben Affleck, we thought he’d take a look at the English actor. On the video today we are going to blow your minds with facts! Or at least make you think, “oh, nice”, as we describe surprising facts about Pattinson. From his early career, to Twilight and beyond, we’ll be looking all over his life for these tidbits of information. Sorry Robert!

With Twilight being one of the most financially successful franchises of all time, there are a lot of Robert facts that fly under the radar. We have some juicy information on an intimate and bizarre rehearsal, an unfortunate injury, and Pattinson’s own opinions on the franchise. As Pattinson’s first big break was in the Harry Potter franchise, we have some facts from there too. How did he get the role of Cedric Diggory? What did the press think of his performance? Find out by watching! There’s a perception that a lot of celebrities will spend money all the time. Just buying another car, or another property somewhere warm. Yet, Pattinson breaks that mold. In his biography, written by Sarah Oliver, he mentions his spending habits. He states, quote, “the only thing I’ve really bought is my car, which cost one-thousand five-hundred dollars and keeps exploding!” end quote. We also have some tense and fascinating stories involving his childhood and his troubled school-life. Did Pattinson love or loathe his media nickname, R-Patz? What career did Robert pursue before switching to acting? To find out this smorgasbord of information, take a gander at today’s video. So, stay tuned and find out what scientific discovery was named after the future Bruce Wayne!

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10 Black Panther 2 Fan Theories That Will Blow Your Mind

Black Panther will be back in action for MCU Phase 4! Subscribe to our channel:

Amidst all the hype in the aftermath of Avengers: Endgame, it’s easy to forget that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is nowhere near finished yet!

Not only is Spider-Man: Far From Home dominating cinema this summer, there’s also a whole new phase of MCU movies coming our way.

While very little in terms of concrete information is known about Phase Four, one thing that IS known is that, as of October 2018, Ryan Coogler had completed a deal to write and direct a sequel to Black Panther.

That’s pretty exciting – Black Panther was awesome – and people are already theorising what the movie might entail.

In this video, we’ll take you through ten awesome theories about Black Panther 2.

The theories in question are; that Wakanda will be revealed to have strong connections to the Soul Stone, that Letitia Wright’s Shuri will recreate the Mind Stone, that Shuri will recreate the Heart-Shaped Herb, that Kraven the Hunter will be introduced in a minor role, that Namor the Sub-Mariner will be the movie’s main villain, that Doctor Doom will be the movie’s main villain, that Winston Duke’s M’Baku will turn against T’Challa, that the X-Men’s Storm will make her MCU debut in the movie, that Shuri will become the new Black Panther, and that Michael B. Jordan’s Killmonger will return (in spite of the fact he died in the first Black Panther movie).

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Everything You Need To Know Before Seeing Spider-Man: Far From Home [Compilation]

Spider-Man: Far From Home already has fans excited about new multi-verse theories! Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos:

With all the excitement surrounding Avengers: Endgame, it’s easy to forget that Spider-Man: Far From Home is just around the corner.

The twenty-third movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has recently been confirmed to be the final movie of Phase Three of the franchise – and NOT the first movie of Phase Four, as was previously thought.

But even though Far From Home currently dwells in Endgame’s shadow, superhero movie fans have been coming up with theories about the MCU’s second Spider-Man offering for some time.

We hope you enjoy the video! Please leave a comment letting us know what you thought about it. And don’t forget to subscribe to Screen Rant’s YouTube channel, so you never miss our great new video uploads in the future.


Spider-Man: Far From Home Will Introduce Venom To The MCU:

Spider-Man: Far From Home Will Introduce Deadpool To The MCU:

25 Surprising Facts About MCU’s Aunt May:

15 Spider-Man: Far From Home Fan Theories That Might Be True:

10 Ways Spider-Man: Far From Home Will Set Up Marvel’s Phase 4:

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Never Have I Ever: Dating Edition

“On my second date with my fianceé, I farted out loud.”


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20 Times Family Guy Characters Got Too Close For Comfort

20 times Family Guy characters actually got hot and heavy! Subscribe to our channel:

If there’s any show on TV that’s going to push the limits when it comes to their content — that show is going to be South Park. ANDDD of course — Family Guy! Through many, many seasons of the FOX sitcom, we’ve peeked between the sheets, on the lawn, and even at the post office as your favorite characters blended their animated colors together to make some sweet love. And why go digging through episode after episode when we’ve gathered all the best ones for you here and now!? Time to check out some great moments where Family Guy characters actually “did it”. Giggity, Giggity. Sorry — couldn’t help ourselves.

While backstage, Meg runs into guest host Jimmy Fallon, who immediately starts putting the moves on Meg. Quagmire forced himself on Marge at first, but then Marge slowly got into Quagmire and they went back to the Simpson’s home. While we were stuck with a view of the home’s exterior — we heard everything going on. Stewie is one talented baby. In the episode “Switch the Flip”, he manages to create a body swapping device, but things get a little crazy when they crash into a telephone pole and the whole city of Quahog manages to swap bodies with each other. When Peter Griffin gains ownership over a cardboard cutout of a famous celebrity, you know things are going to get a little weird. As in, Peter falls in love with the cardboard cutout and has a pretty graphic scene involving a steamy shower. Watch to see all of these crazy scenes and how they were too hot for TV!

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Animator Vs. Cartoonist Draw Pixar Characters From Memory • Draw Off

The gang tries drawing Buzz Lightyear, Carl from Up, and Wall-E from memory. How well would you do?


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Thanos Will Be In Marvel’s Eternals Movie In Phase 4

Could we see more of Thanos in MCU Phase 4? Subscribe to our channel:

You thought the Marvel Universe was done with Thanos? We did too, but mounting evidence points to that not being the case. Our favourite Grimace impersonator may be dead for now, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be seeing him again sometime soon.

Rumor has it that the big purple one may even pop up in the upcoming Eternals film, slated for Marvel’s Phase 4. How exactly will that happen? We have a theory, but we want you to watch the video to see it, so we’re gonna go on a tangent.

The Eternals follows in a long Marvel tradition of picking directors from smaller films, and giving them a shot at a big blockbuster. Thor Ragnarok snagged Taika Watiti, fresh off critically acclaimed indie comedies like What We Do in the Shadows and Hunt for the Wilderpeople, and Black Panther picked up Ryan Coogler, who made festival darling Fruitvale Station and the mid-budget Rocky sequel Creed.

For the Eternals, Marvel hired Chloe Zhao, who last year swept the festival circuit with her drama The Rider. Truly a hidden gem, The Rider follows a Native American rodeo cowboy named Brady, who is still recovering from a nasty head injury. Another injury could be catastrophic for Brady’s brain, and this leaves him at a difficult crossroads. Can he return to the sport he loves, one that seems, at first glance, to define him? Or can he bear to stay away from it for his own safety?

We really like The Rider, is our main point, and we’re excited to see what Chloe Zhao does with The Eternals. For more on the film and Thanos’ potential involvement, check out the full video.

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