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10 Things Only Adults Noticed In Toy Story 4

Did you catch any of these subtle jokes and references in Toy Story 4? Subscribe to our channel:

The Toy Story films have long been mainstays of children’s entertainment. After all, these movies center on kids’ relationships to their toys, so what else could we expect? Yet Pixar is well-known for throwing in raunchy easter eggs and weaving in mature themes for its more adult audiences, a topic we’ve explored before . The latest film, out in theatres now, has kept this trend going. Part of the reason why it has so quickly become a critical and box-office hit might be because it has done so well to grow up alongside the now adult fans of its earliest film, released 23 years ago, without ever sacrificing its child-centred message.

Alongside a cast of newcomers, Toy Story 4 continues to follow the misadventures of its mainstay characters, including Woody, Buzz and Jesse, as they try to hold onto Forky, a makeshift toy built from a spork and Kindergarten craft supplies, who is bent on his desire to escape back to the trash, insisting that he is not a real toy. While the film remains kid-centric, it also deals with some of the most mature themes of any Toy Story film, and includes countless moments meant to titillate the adult audiences who grew up with the franchise. From raunchy allusions to love and drugs to more tame references to its earlier films that only grown-up fans are bound to catch onto, Toy Story 4 continues to wink at adult moviegoers without letting the kids know. Join ScreenRant as we take a closer look at the latest of these classic kid’s films for the moments only adults are sure to notice.

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25 Things You Missed In Avengers: Endgame’s Final Battle

Here are 25 moments during Avengers: Endgame in the final battle against Thanos that you may have missed!

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After three hours of build up,(or a decade of build up, depending on who you ask), the final battle of Endgame had a huge weight of expectation on its shoulders. Still, for our money, everything paid off beautifully.

Still, with so much going, it was easy to miss some of the smaller details, callbacks, and easter eggs. It’s hard to pass an eye test in a hurricane, as they say. They say that, right? Either way, we here at Screen Rant have got you covered.

Check out the full video for 25 things you might have missed.

Some sly cameos among the Avengers back-up, including a duck who may or may not be getting his own series on Hulu very very. A behind the scenes video that may surprise you. A conspicuous absence from the Endgame shoot. A hint about a potential future Avengers film. Some altered footage from the Endgame trailers. A subtle homage to the original Infinity Gauntlet story. A quick joke that paid off a set up from Ant-Man and the Wasp. A line that called back to Captain America: The Winter Soldier. A quick action beat borrowed from the first Avengers film. A throwaway quip from Spider-Man that helps explain the mechanics of the snap. Some Black Panther dialogue that references one of Civil War’s best jokes. A last minute addition that created one of Endgame’s most memorable moments. A smart choice by the filmmakers which made the final moments work. The visual effects that allowed Endgame to stay PG-13.

All of these and many more in the full video!

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25 Things You Missed In Toy Story 4

Did you catch all these hidden clues and Easter eggs in Toy Story 4? Subscribe to our channel:

The Real Villains Of Frozen 2 Theory –

It just wouldn’t be a Disney Pixar movie unless it was absolutely chock full of hidden jokes, Easter eggs, callbacks to earlier movies, and references to some of our favorite classics. We went over the movie Toy Story 4 with a fine-tooth comb to pick out some amazing movie moments nobody realized were happening. Woody and Bo Peep spent a lot of time looking for Forky inside the Second Chance Antique Shop where we saw tons of interesting and out of the ordinary items. We also saw a very familiar looking grape soda bottle cap that reminded us of the one featured in the movie Up. Of course, it was kind of hard to see anything after that because of the tears but we pulled through!

Ducky and Bunny encountered our hero Buzz Lightyear at the carnival which was also packed full of references. Did you happen to get a good look at the other prizes? If not don’t worry, we’ll fill you in one what you missed out on the first time around. Some of these movie references are so dated we wouldn’t blame you for not catching them but we’ll be impressed if you did!

After you take a look at the twenty-five notable things we found in the movie tell us which one was your favorite! We know there are plenty more to choose from so tell us your pick in the comment section below and don’t forget to click on the subscribe button to get access to the latest and greatest videos from us here at ScreenRant.

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The COMPLETE Stranger Things Recap | CRAM IT

This episode is presented by Rocket League’s Radical Summer: a 9-week in-game event celebrating all things ’80s including free items, new modes, and Premium DLC. Play now through August 12. #StrangerThings3 #RocketLeague #RadicalSummer

Dan Murrell gives the ultimate recap of Stranger Things seasons 1 & 2 so you can be ready to binge season 3 on Netflix – it’s CRAM IT for Stranger Things
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The COMPLETE Stranger Things Recap | CRAM IT
VO: Dan Murrell
Written by: Lon Harris and Dan Murrell
Produced by: Billy Patterson
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
Editor: Erik Hogan
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

Avengers: Endgame Re-Release Pitch Meeting

Step inside the pitch meeting that led to the Avengers Endgame Re-Release!

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Avengers Endgame had one of the best theatrical runs in the history of cinema. But not quite… THE best. In a pretty transparent attempt to dethrone James Cameron’s Avatar as the highest grossing movie of all time, Marvel decided to re-release Endgame in theatres with a little bonus content to try and entice people to see it again. But is an intro from the director enough to get people to come out? What about a deleted Hulk scene? Did they include a Stan Lee tribute just to try and tug us by the heartstrings all the way to the movies? Do they really think people will pay for a movie ticket just to see a few minutes from Spider-Man: Far From Home which is set for release a week after the Endgame re-release?

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to the Avengers Endgame Re-release! It’s super easy, barely an inconvenience!

Check Out These Other Amazing Videos:

Game of Thrones Season 8 Pitch Meeting

Avengers Endgame Pitch Meeting

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What You Should Know About The Sinister Six After Spider-Man: Far From Home

Spider-Man: Far From Home seems to leave the door wide open for a group of villains like the Sinister Six! Subscribe to our channel:

It’s safe to say all of us missed seeing any extra footage after the final moments of Avengers: Endgame. Yeah, we understand why they skipped it but that doesn’t mean we weren’t all hoping for a little bit extra. But hopefully, the tantalizing ending to the movie Spider-Man: Far From Home made up for it just a little bit. We’ll explain the post credit scene and how it could signal just about the worst thing possible happening to the MCU.

We all love Peter Parker but not everyone feels the same, especially some of the more classic villains from Marvel comics. In the comic books he comes face to face with the notorious Sinister Six, a group made up of some of his most powerful villains including Doctor Octopus, Electro, Sandman, the Vulture, Mysterio, and Kraven the Hunter. But what could be worse than this group? How about the Sinister Twelve started by classic villain the Green Goblin also known as Norman Osborn? If the old Stark Tower really does become a base of operations for Oscorp this really could spell disaster for the entire MCU.

What do you think about the idea of this notorious group of enemies finally joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Do you think things are going to get way too crazy complicated or do you want to see how this all plays out? Take a moment to tell us what you think in the comment section and then click on the subscribe button for more videos from us here at ScreenRant.

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25 Most Powerful Weapons In The Marvel Universe

Here are some of the Marvel universe’s most powerful weapons in existence!
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In today’s video, we’ll be looking at the 25 most powerful weapons in the MCU. Marvel has given us a load of destructive treats since its inception. Some have been forgotten, but others have left a mark on the minds of fans. Yet all of these weapons are something to be wary of.

The list isn’t formed in any power scale. Instead, we’ve chosen the most powerful weapons that can turn the tide of battle in its favour. Most of the weapons excel in different areas. Some are for pure destruction, whilst others are inspiring or even play a defensive role. Inspiring an army can be more powerful than how big a boom a weapon makes. As a result, we felt that a power scale might not give some love to often over-looked weapons.

We’ll be looking at all the areas within the MCU. From cosmic weapons like the Infinity Gauntlet and the Yaka Arrow. Learn about these weapons and see what kind of planets and heroes they can all take down. Asgardian based weapons like Stormbreaker and the Necroswords. Human-made weapons like Captain America’s shield and the Iron Man armour. And finally, some from the magic side of Marvel such as the Cloak of Levitation and the Eye of Agamotto. Each weapon brings something to the table of destruction in their own way. So stay tuned and watch the video to see if your favourite is in our top 25. If not, drop into the comment section below and mention it!

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