
The Truth About The Multi-Verse In Spider-Man: Far From Home

There may be more to the Multi-Verse than Mysterio let on in Spider-Man: Far From Home! Subscribe to our channel:

With the success of Spider Man: Far From Home launching the new phase of Marvel movies into existence, there has been one question lingering in everyone’s minds. What’s the deal with the multiverse? It was introduced in Far From Home by Mysterio, and now suddenly seems like it could be the next big direction that Marvel will take its movies in the future! Careful if you haven’t had the chance to check out Far From Home yet, there are a ton of spoilers ahead!

But wait a second, in Spider Man: Far From Home, Mysterio was proven to be lying about just about everything, including what he said about belonging to another dimension. Well, despite his lack of truthfulness, he actually had some pretty real stuff to say about the real Marvel Multiverse. Because the Multiverse is something that has existed in the Marvel comics since the very beginning. So much so that there are actually 15,000 known Marvel timelines!

And the MCU has been dropping serious hints about delving into the multiverse for a number of years now! All the way back in Thor: The Dark World when where Dr Eric Selvig is seen jotting down notes about a multiverse on a chalkboard. And then there is pretty much all of Doctor Strange, along with Ant Man and the Quantum Realm, and more! There are endless possibilities of what could be explored with the opening of a Marvel Multiverse, and Spider Man: Far From Home is just the beginning.

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10 Hidden Endgame References You Missed in Spider-Man: Far From Home

Here are some Avengers: Endgame references you possibly might have missed in Spider-Man: Far From Home! Subscribe to our channel:

Welcome back to Screen Rant! Quick warning — considering this video talks about Endgame and Far From Home — it has spoilers. ALL the spoilers! Deep, hidden spoilers you didn’t even realize would spoil you! So yeah, don’t be surprised if you see some spoilers. Catch our drift? Great!

Spider-Man: Far From Home is a sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming, but deep down, the movie serves as a true epilogue to Avengers: Endgame and the massive scale events which took place. Endgame was so packed with surprises and details we were honed in on and overwhelmed viewers. While cameos from characters like Howard the Duck made headlines, there’s one cameo that went under the radar but had MAJOR implications in Far From Home. The scene in question comes in some of the closing moments of Endgame. As Peter meets up with Ned at the Midtown School of Science and Technology, we see lots of students and teachers converging in the background. If you pay attention to the teacher just over Peter’s shoulder — he looked extremely similar to Captain Marvel’s Talos — but in his human form as opposed to the Skrull alien skin. In Far From Home, one of the biggest themes is dealing with the loss of Tony Stark. The public must deal with the loss of a hero while Peter Parker deals with the loss of a friend and mentor. Because of Tony’s death — there are many changes being made to his company Stark Industries as well.

Peter Parker is obviously still going through a lot after the loss of Iron Man, but the movie dives even deeper to give us more references to Endgame than we ever realized!

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Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back Pitch Meeting

Step inside the pitch meeting that led to The Empire Strikes Back! Subscribe for more Pitch Meetings:

Empire Strikes Back is known not only as one of the best Star Wars movies, but one of the best sequels of all time. Despite it’s amazing reputation it still raises a few questions. Like how did that Wampa freeze Luke’s feet to a cave ceiling? Why was Yoda making him do so many flips? What’s up with the AT-AT strategy on Hoth? Why did Leia kiss Luke?

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to The Empire Strikes Back! It’s super easy, barely an inconvenience!

Check Out These Other Amazing Videos:

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Pitch Meeting

Black Panther Pitch Meeting

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Honest Trailers Commentary | Game of Thrones Vol 3

The writers of Honest Trailers review Game of Thrones, it’s final season, and watch their latest vid! – it’s Honest Trailers Commentary!

Hosted by Spencer Gilbert
Featuring Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris

Produced by Ryan O’Toole
Tech Director: Jonathon Moulton
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

25 Most Amazing Spider-Man Suits

What’s your favorite Spider-Man look of all time?? Subscribe to our channel:

Spider-Man is one of the most beloved characters in comic book history. But we don’t have to tell you that. Chances are you already knew. In the nearly 60 years since the character’s creation, Spidey has gone on all kinds of crazy adventures. And through most of those adventures, he’s always had his classic red and blue suit. This suit, first illustrated by Steve Ditko back in Amazing Fantasy #15, is iconic. It’s no wonder the character was so popular back when he first launched. The suit’s vibe is striking and memorable.

But what ends up being just as impressive as Spidey’s original suit are the many many other suits the character has used throughout the years. For instance, you’ve got the black symbiote suit, the first major suit change for Spidey in the character’s history. This suit enhanced his abilities and ended up spawning the fan-favorite Spidey villain Venom down the line. You’ve also got the Spider-Man 2099 suit, which is futuristic and so, so cool. When Miles Morales showed up, he got his own unique version of the Spider-Man suit, which ended up being just as awesome as the original Spidey suit. And what about the on-screen versions of the suit? For the most part, the Spider-Man movies have done an excellent job translating the iconic costume to the big screen.

There are plenty more where that came from. Let’s dive in and take a look at some of the most amazing suits we’ve seen in the world of Spider-Man.

Classic Spidey
Raimi Trilogy
Superior Spider-Man
Current Run
Stark suit
Homecoming homemade suit
Symbiote suit
Scarlet Spider
Iron Spider
Miles Morales
Into the Spider-Verse
Bombastic Bag Man
Negative Suit
Amazing Spider-Man 2
Captain Universe
Spectacular Spider-Man
Future Foundation
Last Stand

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25 Disney Moments That Make Us Weep Uncontrollably

Disney might be for kids, but it sure has some really sad moments. Subscribe to our channel:

Break out the tissues — we’re about to get nostalgic, sad, and heartbroken all at once! And yes, it’s all because of Disney movies! Don’t let those smiling stuffed animals or Disney World mascots fool you. These movies are stuffed full of heartbreaking moments.

Lost dreams, lost family members, and the sad truth about growing up are just a few of the themes we tackle here today. And one more quick warning: tears will be shed! This video may or may not be sponsored by Kleenex. Ok, it’s not, but they could toss us a few bucks for the amount their product will be used.

After seeing a montage of home videos focused on Andy growing up with his beloved toys, we cut to present day where all of the toys are desperate for a connection. When Woody holds the phone even tighter just from hearing Andy’s voice, we can feel the angst, pain, and desire he has just to be loved. Remember back in 2013 when Frozen first came out. The soundtrack listing had some many great song titles. One of the more intriguing ones? “Do you want to build a snowman?” Yay, a whimsical song about building snowmen and sisters bonding! Not quite… While the title seems silly and fun, the whole song and visuals with it are not at all. Big Hero 6 really threw us for a loop when it was released. Not only was one of the main characters a big plastic inflatable, but the movie ditched the traditional death of a parent and switched over to the death of a sibling. Watch to see all of these heartbreaking moments and learn what makes Disney so great!

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Honest Trailers | Game of Thrones Vol 3 (Seasons 6-8)

They’re going off an outline and boy does it feel that way – it’s Honest Trailers Vol 3 (seasons 6-8)

Honest Trailers | Game of Thrones Vol 3
Title Design by Robert Holtby
Epic Voice Guy: Jon Bailey
Produced by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, & Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Edited by Kevin Williamsen


25 Questions Spider-Man: Far From Home Left Unanswered

Spider-Man: Far From Home left us with a ton of unanswered questions! Subscribe to our channel:

Welcome back to ScreenRant! Oh yeah…there will be a ton of spoilers in this video if you couldn’t already tell!

With so much globe-trotting, high-flying action, and jaw-dropping illusions in Spider-Man: Far From Home, our minds are still racing from the epic conclusion to phase three of the MCU.

Naturally, once all of the green dust has settled, we just have a few questions to get off our chest. These unanswered questions may come in the future — or could just be left to linger in the MCU stratosphere until Kevin Fiege gets asked enough times he finally delivers a straight answer. During the post-credits scene, we got to see the REAL Nick Fury aboard a Skrull spaceship — more on that later. Firstly — where is the real Maria Hill? Is she in hiding? On a secret mission? Or is she simply on the same ship with Fury, just busy doing her thing at the moment? A quick glimpse or appearance could have tied things up in a nice little box, but we’ll just have to wait for her next appearance to get more information. Is there a real multiverse? For months, we’ve been teased about Quentin Beck’s role in the MCU and the fact that the character proclaimed to be from another Earth — essentially bringing the multiverse to the forefront of the MCU. Well, it turns out Beck was just a big phoney liar — getting our hopes up in trailers only to have them come crashing down.

So let’s dive in to discuss characters, plot points, and some potential future storylines for Peter Parker!

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