
6 Classic Spider-Man Suits Teased In Far From Home

Spider-Man: Far From Home gave us some awesome teasers of classic Spider-Man suits! Subscribe to our channel:

In Spider-Man: Far From Home, Peter Parker got the opportunity to channel his inner Tony Stark and make himself a super high tech suit, as we saw in the trailers.

While building said suit, Parker browsed through some of Stark’s previous Spider-Man designs, and eagle eyed viewers may have spotted a handful of recognizable ones.

And today, we are going to tell you about some of the most iconic ones! Spider-Man’s suits have gone through many changes over the years, including designs like webbed flight wings and the fun stealth suit. No matter what suits Spider-Man wears, it never gets old seeing our hero swing through the streets of New York City. Just like the Spider-Man game, having access to all different types of suits enhances the visuals on-screen — while providing plenty of toy options for retailers.

As we look at each suit, we will learn about its history and various ways it may come into play for Tom Holland’s Spider-Man in the future. There’s no denying it — Tony Stark’s impact will only continue to be felt in the MCU. These spidey suits are just the beginning of some of the tech Stark may have been working on for more than just one Avenger. So join us as we dive in to the history of Spider-man! And get ready to see some of these great suits on the big screen – hopefully sooner rather than later.

There may be some spoilers ahead in this video, but more so for the comics and video games. Either way, proceed with caution!

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10 Doofus Rick Theories That Change Rick And Morty

Here are 10 theories about Doofus Rick that change how you view Rick and Morty! Subscribe to our channel:

Fans will never stop talking about Rick and Morty. And why would they? It is firmly cemented as one of the most intricate cartoons out there, and filled with amazing twists and turns that we’d never expect! There is infinite space to dream up possible theories in the multiple universes of Rick and Morty, and their dedicated fans make sure to look under every rock on every planet. Like these theories about the character of Doofus Rick, a version of Rick who is quite separate from the rest of the pack. Not because of anything exciting, it’s just that, he’s, well… not as sharp as the other Ricks out there. But he’s a fan favourite, and the Doofus Rick theories just keep on coming. Like the one that wonders if they bring him along on missions so that all the Ricks can gang up on him instead of each other, and to keep the Jerrys out of the way! Or the idea that all of the Ricks hate Doofus Rick so much just because he’s the only one who is actually happy! What about the theory that he isn’t actually stupid at all, but is just gifted with emotional intelligence instead? There’s an idea that he used to be smart but overdosed on the Megaseeds, one that wonders if Doofus Rick simply doesn’t have the same tragic backstory as the others, one where Doofus Rick might actually be the most evil, and another in which he is working for Evil Morty! And that’s not even all, check out the video below to hear all the other out-of-this-world theories!



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Deleted Movie Scenes You’ll Never Get To See [COMPILATION]

Here is a compilation of deleted scenes from movies that you will never see! Subscribe to our channel:

The hardest decision of every filmmaker is what to cut and what to leave in. Sometimes even director’s most favourite scenes have to be left out, whether it’s for time, continuity, or just to keep the story rolling. Check out these deleted scenes from some of your favorite film franchises including Disney and the MCU.


25 Deleted Marvel Scenes You’ll Never Get To See

20 Deleted Scenes That Would Have Totally Changed DC Movies

10 Star Wars Deleted Scenes That Would Have Made The Movies Better

10 Deleted Movie Scenes That Explain Confusing Moments

20 Awesome Deleted Scenes Cut From Horror Movies

20 Deleted Scenes Disney Didn’t Want You To See

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Top 10 Best Celebrity Bottle Cap Challenges

This viral internet challenge shows no sign of slowing down! The bottle cap challenge is sweeping the internet and now tons of celebs are taking part. We’re looking at the most epic celebrity bottle cap challenges from people like Jason Statham, John Mayer and Conor McGregor. Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the most memorable celebs who have done the bottle cap challenge. Who do YOU think really nailed the challenge? Let us know in the comments!

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25 Times Marvel Heroes Were The Worst People

These Marvel characters have made some pretty jerk moves in the MCU! Subscribe to our channel:

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is teeming with superheroes who we’re all programmed to believe are perfect, righteous men and women – but is there actually a single one of them who hasn’t, at some point in their life, done something terrible?

When you look deeply into it, it seems the answer is a resounding “no”.

Of course, in many of those cases, the characters in question were controlled, manipulated or simply unaware that they were doing anything untoward – but that doesn’t change the fact they’ve done wrong.

To highlight this, we’re going to look at some of the occasions the MCU’s heroes have done wrong – whether they did so by choice, due to ignorance, or through circumstances beyond their control.

It really does emphasise just how flawed our favourite heroes are.

The occasions in question include; when Steve Rogers abandoned the Avengers in Avengers: Endgame, when Star-Lord doomed the universe in Avengers: Infinity War, when Scott Lang chose to go back to a life of crime after getting out of jail in Ant-Man, when Tony Stark and Bruce Banner created Ultron in Avengers: Age of Ultron, when Wanda and Pietro Maximoff worked for HYDRA in Avengers: Age of Ultron, and when Thor restarted the ancient war with the Frost Giants in Thor.

You’ll just have to watch the whole video to find out what the other entries are.

We hope you enjoy the video! Please leave a comment letting us know what you thought about it. And don’t forget to subscribe to Screen Rant’s YouTube channel, so you never miss our great new video uploads in the future.

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Star Wars: Episode VI – Return Of The Jedi Pitch Meeting

Step inside the pitch meeting that led to Star Wars: Episode VI – Return Of The Jedi!

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The original Star Wars trilogy revolutionized the world of cinema forever– but did the final movie stick the landing? While not as universally loved as Empire Strikes Back, the movie is definitely a classic. That being said it does raise a few questions– like what exactly was Luke’s plan to rescue Han? Why did the Emperor leak the actual plans instead of decoys? Why did the Empire include another thing in the Death Star that blows the whole thing up if you shoot it? What’s up with Obi Wan being such a sassy ghost? Speaking of ghosts, is Anakin turned into a Force Ghost, doesn’t that mean that Palpatine is probably still out there?

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to Star Wars: Episode VI – Return Of The Jedi! It’s super easy, barely an inconvenience!

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Spat, the Hydrodynamic Spatula – SpongeBob SquarePants – MAN AT ARMS: REFORGED

We decided to make a fun item today to celebrate SpongeBob’s birthday: Spat, his loving and hard-working spatula. SpongeBob uses Spat to cook the yummy Krabby Patties at the Krusty Krab. Enjoy & thank you for your tremendous support! Please subscribe:

Kerry Stagmer – Swordsmith and Machinist
Matt Stagmer- Swordsmith / Blade Grinder
Ilya Alekseyev – Bladesmith / Armourer
John Mitchell – Shop forman / Lead fabricator
Ferenc Gregor – Carving and design
Bill Collison- Assistant Blade Grinder
Rick Janney- Assistant Smith
Tanner Saslow – Machinist/Knifemaker

Episode Produced and Directed By
Executive producer – Brendan Kennedy

Supervising Producer – Warren Tessler
Office Production Coordinator – Sarah Rivera

Baltimore Forge Crew:
Producer – Kerry Stagmer
Director of Photography – Paulius Kontijevas
Story Producer — Katie Shinsato
Production Manager – Patricia Parris
Runner/PA – Tori Markham
Camera Op – Chris Mariles
Set Medic – Kevin Dugard
1st AC – Jason Remeikis
2nd AC – Michael “MJ” Johnson
DIT – Nate Spivey
Gaffer – Steve Scott
Grip – Jeff Calloway

Post Production:
Lead Editors – Stephen Erdmann
Post Sound – Anthony Vanchure
Director of Post Production – Michael Gallagher

Spat, the Hydrodynamic Spatula – SpongeBob SquarePants – MAN AT ARMS: REFORGED

25 Things You Missed In Stranger Things Season 3

Did you catch any of these hidden secrets and Easter eggs in Stranger Things Season 3? Subscribe to our channel:

Think you know everything about Stranger Things? Well tune into this video to see the 25 things you may have missed in the third season of Netflix’s strangest show. Sure, there’s a lot happening in the foreground, but just like the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana there’s a lot going on just beneath the surface. And while the Upside Down continues to throw surprises at our favorite characters, the Duffer Brothers and the whole creative team working behind the scenes, always give us easter eggs to discover, hidden messages to dissect, and sight gags to enjoy.

Throughout the season we’re treated to references to famous movies and TV shows from the awesome 80’s – whether it’s Back to the Future, Dawn of the Dead, Caddyshack, Cocoon, Die Hard, Gremlins, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Halloween 2, Evil Dead, Making Contact, Cheers, Magnum P.I., or Miami Vice. Plus, we get nods to 90’s flicks like Camp Nowhere and Jurassic Park. Also, anyone from the eighties will recognize the importance of a social hangout at the local shopping mall, swimming pool, and carnival – and these places get a decent amount of screen-time in the show. Beyond that, we’re treated to mentions of New Coke and Jolt Cola, we see Cary Elwes put into a compromising position that harkens back to his role in Saw, hair products and cereal, comic book lore and adult magazine sightings, Weird Al cameos and more. In season 3, characters developed further, situations became more dire, and things became more… well… stranger than ever before.

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