
طقطقة – عيش التحدي في مدريد 😍🔥

حلقة خاصة يقدمها بندر حلواني من ملعب نادي ريال مدريد -برنابيو- لنهائي كأس #عيش_التحدي.

طقطقة 629

تقديم: بندر حلواني

سوشل ميديا: خالد آل خضر


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Top 10 Anime Villains Who Got The Girl (ft. Todd Haberkorn)

Bad Guys need love too! For this list Todd will be looking at the shows where the girls fell for the bad boy. That means shows like Fate/Apocrypha, Gundam Build Fighters, Death Note, Naruto Shippuden, Digimon 02, Inuyashiki, Rage of Bahamut Virgin Soul, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable, Dragon Ball Z, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, and more! That means romances like Sasuke and Sakura, Vegeta and Bulma will appear as well as characters like Yoshikage Kira and Paptimus Scirocco!

#Anime #Naruto #DragonBall

#10. Kotomine Shirou
#9. Chairman Mashita
#8. Light Yagami
#7. Sasuke Uchiha
#6. Ken Ichijouji
#5. Charioce XVII
#4. Hiro Shishigami
#3. ???
#2. ???
#1. ???

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عالفرة – 111 طرب وبحر 😍❤️

في مدينة جدة وبالتحديد في #موسم_جدة.. انطلت كاميرا برانامج #عالفرة لتغطية الفعاليات وهذه المرة البداية من #درة_العروس على شاطئ البحر الأحمر.

تقديم: محمد الجبرتي

إعداد: أشواق عبد الله

سوشل ميديا: خالد آل خضر


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Honest Trailers | Shazam

This episode is brought to you by the Amazon Original series The Boys, a revenge story about taking down corrupt superheroes. Premieres July 26 only on Amazon Prime Video.

Honest Trailers | Shazam

#HonestTrailers #Shazam

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طريلر – مع نجوم مسلسل لاكاسا دي بابيل “البروفيسور” | Special with La Casa De Papel

لقاءات حصرية لجمهور برنامج #طريلر مع أبطال مسلسل La casa de papel .. سألناهم عن الفكرة، والمسلسل، والأحداث.. التفاصيل في الحلقة مع محمد الشهري.

#صاحي – طريلر | الحلقة 38 الموسم الثالث

تقديم: محمد الشهري

سوشل ميديا: خالد آل خضر

9:10 – 9:58
Merlin- Altafonte Music Distribution
نيابةً عن: Atresmúsica

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Stranger Things Season 3’s Ending (And Hopper’s Fate) Explained

What really happened at the end of Stranger Things 3?? Subscribe to our channel:

Quick spoiler warning: we’re diving deep into the Upside Down here with some MAJOR spoilers about Stranger Things season 3!

Every season of Stranger Things ends with an emotional bang. From Eleven disappearing in the Upside Down and Will throwing up slug creatures — or season two’s ominous presence of the Mind Flayer looking over the school dance. Well, it seems like season three has topped them all with a major character disappearance, a big move, and the first-ever mid-credits scene on the show.

But what does it mean and is Hopper actually still alive? Let’s break everything down for you here, explaining exactly what could have happened and the secret phone number you can call for clues! After a huge battle against the Mind Flayer and some suspicious Russians, things seemed to go back to normal in Hawkins, Indiana at the end of Stranger Things, except there’s one major role to fill: the town’s police chief. After getting trapped between the giant machine used to open the portal to the Upside-Down, Hopper had no choice but to sacrifice himself as Joyce turned the keys that would implode the machine and close the gate.

While it’s easy to assume Hopper was turned into a pile of ashes, the scenes which followed his supposed death indicates it’s anything but that. Not only did was Hopper’s supposed death kept off-screen, but there are SEVERAL clues to indicate he somehow survived and will be back for Stranger Things Season 4. One of the major clues came from the mid-credits scene of the show.

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Dora and the Lost City of Gold (2019) – “Puquois” Clip – Paramount Pictures

Dora and her friends make a splash in this new clip from Dora and the Lost City of Gold, in theatres August 9!

Having spent most of her life exploring the jungle with her parents, nothing could prepare Dora (Isabela Moner) for her most dangerous adventure ever – High School. Always the explorer, Dora quickly finds herself leading Boots (her best friend, a monkey), Diego (Jeffrey Wahlberg), a mysterious jungle inhabitant (Eugenio Derbez), and a rag tag group of teens on a live-action adventure to save her parents (Eva Longoria, Michael Peña) and solve the impossible mystery behind a lost city of gold.



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25 Darkest Versions Of The Joker

We’re counting down the darkest and most sinister versions of The Joker in the history of the DC comics villain! Subscribe to our channel:

The Joker is, without a doubt, one of the most iconic villains – nay, most iconic characters – in pop culture history.

He’s right up there with the likes of Darth Vader, Professor Moriarty, Dracula, Doctor Doom and Freddy Krueger in terms of how instantly recognisable he is.

We love his psychotic, unpredictable, maniacal and wicked nature, and we can’t get enough of his eternal rivalry with Batman, who is essentially his polar opposite.

But there have been countless versions of the character over the years – in comic books, in movies, on television and more – many of which differ in terms of tone and personality.

But which one is the darkest? In this video, we’ll run you through 25 of the darkest versions of the character.

The versions in question include; Cesar Romero’s Joker (yes, really) from the 1960s Batman television series, Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker from the upcoming Joker movie, Jack Nicholson’s Joker from 1989’s Batman movie, Martha Wayne Joker, Mark Hamill’s Joker from the animated Batman television series, Emperor Joker, Heath Ledger’s Joker from The Dark Knight, Cameron Monaghan’s Joker from Gotham, The Killing Joke Joker and New 52 Joker.

There are, of course, many versions of the Joker who we haven’t put on our list, so feel free to tell us any versions you think we should have included!

We hope you enjoy the video! Do please leave a comment letting us know what you thought about it. And don’t forget to subscribe to Screen Rant’s YouTube channel, so you never miss our great new video uploads in the future.

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