
Tully (2018) – Daddy’s Darkest Desire Scene (5/10) | Movieclips

Tully – Daddy’s Darkest Desire: Tully (Mackenzie Davis) gently seduces Marlo (Charlize Theron).

Watch the best Tully scenes & clips:

Marlo is a New York suburbanite who’s about to give birth to her third child. Her husband, Ron, is loving and works hard, but remains clueless about the demands that motherhood puts on his wife. When the baby is born, Marlo’s wealthy brother hires a nighttime nanny named Tully to help his sister handle the workload. Hesitant at first, Marlo soon learns to appreciate all that Tully does — forming a special bond with her new, lifesaving friend.

TM & © Focus Features (2018)
Cast: Charlize Theron, Mackenzie Davis
Screenwriter: Diablo Cody
Director: Jason Reitman

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How Captain America Should Have Returned The Stones

How Captain America Should Have Returned the Stones in Avengers Endgame.

Hey HISHE fans, it’s a big day! Daniel wrote and illustrated his first REAL Children’s Book! details about the whole book story to come, but if you’ve ever loved this channel and really wanted to show your support, now’s your chance! Preorders through Amazon are available right now!

You can also support HISHE in our Merch store!

When writing the Endgame HISHE we had Cap returning the stones as a montage bit, but when the sequence became as long as a normal episode we had to table it. After the HISHE launched there were many many requests for a returning the stones short. So we put the video back into production and took it with us to San Diego Comic Con to premiere at our panel. Please enjoy one more Endgame Short (maybe our last endgame short.. for a while… we will see. Daniel still wants to make all the ideas on our list but we gotta get to Spider-Man DANIEL!!!)

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————–Previous Episodes——————–
How Lion King Should Have Ended

How Venom Should Have Ended

How Endgame Should Have Ended

Endgame Alternate HISHE

How Aladdin Should Have Ended

Spider-Man Far From Home Trailer HISHE

How Shazam! Should Have Ended

Avengers Endgame HISHE Review

Captain Marvel HISHE

Avengers Infinity War – HISHE Dubs

How Bumblebee Should Have Ended

How Avengers Infinity War Should Have Ended

How Fantastic Beasts Should Have Ended

How Incredibles 2 Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – Trick or Treat

How Ant-Man and The Wasp Should Have Ended

HISHE Horror Compilation

How Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Should Have Ended

Predator HISHE Dubs

How The Venom Trailer Should Have Ended

Super Cafe – Teens and Titans

How Deadpool 2 Should Have Ended

Infinity War Alternate HISHE

The Last Jedi Lego Summary

Jurassic World Alternate HISHE

Jurassic World – Comedy Recap (HISHE Dubs)

Oceans Over 40 Trailer

How Black Panther Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – The Dead Pool

How Justice League Should Have Ended

How Star Wars The Last Jedi Should Have Ended

How Thor Ragnarok Should Have Ended

How Spider-Man Homecoming Should Have Ended

Avengers Infinity War and Beyond (Toy Story Mashup)

How IT Should Have Ended

How The Incredibles Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – Penny For Your Fears

Honest Trailers | Batman Returns

This episode is brought to you by the Amazon Original series The Boys, a revenge story about taking down corrupt superheroes. Premieres July 26 only on Amazon Prime Video.

Honest Trailers | Batman Returns
Title Design by Robert Holtby
Epic Voice Guy: Jon Bailey
Produced by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, & Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Edited by Kevin Williamsen


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Spider-Man: Far From Home Confirms This Age Of Ultron Theory

Spider-Man: Far From Home is really making us question everything we’ve seen so far in the MCU! Subscribe to our channel:

With Spider-Man: Far From Home out in theaters, fans have already started working overtime with their crazy theorizing. And for good reason too. Far From Home’s post-credits sequences suggest a whole new world may be opening up for Marvel’s Cinematic Universe.


In one of the post-credits sequences, it’s revealed that Nick Fury and Maria Hill aren’t actually who they appear to be. Turns out they were Talos and Soren the whole time, the two Skrulls we’ve come to know and love from Captain Marvel! Nick Fury is off in outer space, chilling out and hanging with the Skrulls. But how long exactly has this been the case?

One theory suggests the switch could have taken place long before Far From Home. And what’s the proof, you ask? It’s all about how Nick Fury prefers to eat his sandwiches. In Captain Marvel, Fury mentions to Carol Danvers that he doesn’t eat his toast diagonally. However, in Avengers: Age of Ultron, he’s seen doing just that.

Is it possible Fury has been Talos in disguise since the events of Age of Ultron, or is all of this just a crazy coincidence? If Talos has been posing as Fury for all these years, does it end up breaking the MCU? Let’s take a deep dive into this theory to determine whether or not it has any merit. We’ll also examine what it might mean if this theory proves correct. Could a Secret Invasion movie be on the way?

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Comic-Con 2019 Roundup! Cosplay, Fan Theories & More!

Hal tours around SDCC 2019 to check the panels, talk Game of Thrones finale, throw axes, and more! – it’s The Screen Junkies Show!

Comic-Con 2019 Roundup! Cosplay, Fan Theories, Axe Throwing & More!
Hosted by Hal Rudnick
DP: Richard Keith
Produced by Max Dionne & Dan Murrell
Edited by: Rebeca Marques
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand
PA: Michael Liu

#SDCC #SDCC2019 #HootHoot

This Is What Will Happen In Stranger Things Season 4

Here’s what we think is going to happen in season 4 of Stranger Things! Subscribe to our channel:

Quick warning: spoilers abound for Stranger Things 3. Can’t really talk about season 4 without diving in deep — so here we go!

So with eight episodes of Stranger Things 3, you probably got through the whole season in a little under eight hours, given a bathroom break or two. And what’s the first thing you do when you’re done — well, if you’re like us, then you begin speculating about season four!

And that’s just what we’re here to do. There’s already so much great stuff coming out about season 4, but one theory predicts the next season of the show in a HUGE way. If you want to go deep on a show, its characters, or future season speculation, there’s just one place to visit: Reddit! The community on there loves to dive deep into everything pop-culture, including the world of Stranger Things. Just HOURS after Stranger Things 3 premiered, theories began popping up online about season 4. Seriously, a Scoops Ahoy ice cream wouldn’t even have been melted by the time these theories were posted.

And boy are they all over the place. As we dug through the Upside Down vines looking for the best theories out there, we came across one of the more interesting options from the user Gamer_nation. Not only did the theory get some major Reddit coverage, but it has been posted by other media outlets like Mashable. So what exactly does this theory propose for season4 of Stranger Things? Easter and Chernobyl. Yep, that’s the gist of it — of course there are several more details used to break this down.

So let’s dive in to see where the show could take us, what comes next for the kids of Hawkins, and how Hopper will be impacted if “The American” is indeed still breathing on planet Earth!

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عالفرة – قمة القيصرة

ختام حلقات برنامج #عالفرة مع محمد الجبرتي في #موسم_جدة

تقديم: محمد الجبرتي

إعداد: أشواق عبد الله

سوشل ميديا: خالد آل خضر


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15 Lion King Fan Theories That Change Everything

With the release of The Lion King remake, we thought it would be a good time to revisit the film that started it all. Subscribe to our channel:

As with many Disney classics that are this beloved, The Lion King has been seen by it’s loyal fans countless times. In these repeat viewings, fans can’t help noticing little easy to miss details. Sometimes, those details can start to tie together and build into something bigger. This is how fan theories are born. In the internet age, fan theories can find homes on sites like Reddit, where like minded superfans compete to find the best angle on a classic film. Who has the weirdest, wildest theory, and can they make it make sense?

The Lion King is a veritable watering hole for anybody looking to make an elaborate theory about a popular movie. Fans have dug into locations, character motivations, lion biology, similarities to political movements, and much, much more. In the full video, we break down some of the most outlandish, (and most plausible) theories about this groundbreaking animated film.

A new point of view on the heroes and villains of pride rock that will blow your mind. An interesting theory on a character’s parentage. Mufasa’s secret superpower. The surprising inspiration behind the story of the film. A hidden message in the background of a key scene. The real reason there was a drought in Scar’s kingdom. The secret origin of the Elephant Graveyard.

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25 Things You Missed In Quentin Tarantino Movies

With Once Upon A Time In Hollywood on the horizon, we’re breaking down 25 things you missed in Tarantino films! Subscribe to our channel:

ScreenRant has dug into Quentin Tarantino’s stash to give you 25 of the most twisted, shocking or just plain quirky secrets hidden in his films.

We’ll give you the low-down on Samuel L. Jackson’s bible verses from Pulp Fiction and show you how Kill Bill was teased in that same film. You might be surprised to learn that Tarantino almost didn’t direct Reservoir Dogs, and that Vince and Vic Vega’s roles in two separate movies are connected. There’s also connections between the Donowitzes of Inglourious Basterds and True Romance, a grave link between Kill Bill and Django Unchained, a cameo of a John Wayne line from Rio Bravo, a different actor rumored to play Pai Mei, a nod to Christopher Walken in Django, and a link between Natural Born Killers and Tarantino’s larger body of work. You might not know about the ironic connection between Steve Buscemi’s roles in Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction and the funky way they filmed the famous adrenaline shot scene.

This video has details on how the Big Kahuna burger franchise lives on, how O-Ren Ishii perfectly timed her own demise, and what the lasting link may be between English Pete and Archie Hicox. Not to mention, we go into the repeating appearances of Sheriff McGraw, the gunfighting titles that group Russ Tamblyn and Amber Tamblyn together, the stolen trophy from the twist competition, the reason why the movie’s called “Reservoir Dogs,” Tarantino’s big tribute to Shaft, that time he went shopping for a Volvo, the tribute to the source material in Jackie Brown, the homage to Big Trouble in Little China that was snuck into Death Proof, the unlucky woman in both Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, and Tarantino’s own explanation for how every one of his movies are connected.

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