
Goodbye X-Men… See You In 10 Years

The X-Men are gone, and they won’t be back for a long, long time. Subscribe for more Screen Rant videos:

2019’s Dark Phoenix marked the end of the super popular X-Men franchise. And it bombed pretty hard. How is it possible that some of the most beloved characters like Professor X, Magneto, Cyclops and more weren’t able to draw anyone out to the theatre? In a world where superhero movies are some of the biggest box office hits… what happened to the X-Men? Well now that the franchise is in the hands of Marvel and Fox’s run with the mutants is over, let’s take a look back and figure out what led to this bomb. Was it X-Men: Apocalypse? A lack of Wolverine? Watch this video to find out!

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Marvel Movies Coming In MCU Phase 5

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The talk of the MCU is about Phase 4… But what can we expect for Phase 5? Subscribe to our channel for more awesome videos:

At San Diego Comic-Con 2019, Marvel Studios got everybody super excited about what’s to come in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They revealed that in Phase 4 of the MCU, we’ll be getting movies for Black Widow, The Eternals, Thor (featuring a female Thor played by Natalie Portman), Shang-Chi, and a bunch of TV shows on Disney plus. But Phase 4 is only set to last four years… What comes next? That’s what we’re taking a look at in today’s video. Will we be getting sequels to some of Marvel’s biggest hits? Is that Blade movie starring Mahershala Ali going to be on the slate? What about Guardians of the Galaxy? Check out this video to find out our thoughts on the matter!

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The Winners And Losers Of Comic Con 2019

What was your favorite announcement of San Diego Comic Con 2019? Subscribe to our channel:

San Diego Comic Con always brings with it a ton of big announcements and a slew of new trailers and such.

However, not every single one is a winner. In fact, sometimes certain properties just sort of fall flat on the show floor, not really building up any excitement and raising more questions than anything.

And SDCC 2019 certainly had its fair share of winners and losers. From the awesomeness that was the panel where Marvel announced it’s upcoming Phase 4 slate, with such film projects as Black Widow, Eternals, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and Thor: Love and Thunder, along with a slew of different shows bound for Disney’s streaming platform, Disney+. All the way down the stinker to the trailer for Cats, a horrific monstrosity of a trailer whose characters are sure to give us all nightmares for years to come.

What about the DCEU not showing up at all? No trailer for Wonder Woman 1984, No Birds of Prey panel, nothing about the Batman, not even any substantial news about the James Gunn’s Suicide Squad sequel!

But we did get Guillermo del Toro talking about the practical special effects that was going into the creation of the monsters for his upcoming project, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, based upon the hit children’s books. So that’s nice!

Stick around and we will tell you all about these and more of the best and worst, of San Diego Comic Con 2019.

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10 Times The Simpsons Dissed FOX

The Simpsons have taken quite a few shots at FOX over the years! Subscribe to our channel:

The Simpsons may be produced by 20th Century Fox, air on the Fox network, and have re-runs airing all the time on FXX, but this has never stopped the show from dissing Fox and some of their other companies like FOX News.

Over the years, FOX has had many shows come and go besides the Simpsons, including Ally McBeal, American Idol, and a slew of other reality shows. The Simpsons have managed to not only survive, but toss a couple of hilarious insults towards FOX’s way in the process. Not only are these insults aimed at the FOX Network, but at FOX News as well. Watch as Homer reveals FOX secrets, Moe appears on American Idol, and Marge is pretty much worried the whole time. For ten seasons, American Idol was the flagship show of the FOX Network. The ratings monster including the performance show, a results show, and even spin-off series like American Juniors. The Simpsons has spoofed the series plenty of times, including the episode “Judge Me”. Thanks to his biting remarks, Moe is invited to join the American Idol judging panel. When Krusty the clown decides to run for office in Springfield, many news outlets pick up coverage, including Fox News. In a debate segment, The Simpsons really gets to ramp up their critiques of the news network, which they showcase as right leaning and biased.

Watch to see Homer, Bart, Lisa, and the rest of the Simpsons clan take their best digs at FOX with some pretty hilarious results. Now that Disney owns the famous family, maybe the Fox insults will even get ramped up a little bit.

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The COMPLETE Fast & Furious Recap | CRAM IT

Dan Murrell gives the ultimate recap of the ENTIRE Fast and Furious franchise so you can be all caught up in time for Hobbs & Shaw – it’s CRAM IT for the Fast Franchise!
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The COMPLETE Fast and Furious Recap | CRAM IT
VO: Dan Murrell
Written by: Lon Harris and Dan Murrell
Produced by: Billy Patterson
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
Editor: Erik Hogan
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

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15 Rick And Morty Moments That Were Completely Improvised

Some of the best moments in Rick and Morty are the ones that weren’t even in the script! Subscribe to our channel:

Fans can hardly wait for Rick and Morty to come back for its fourth season, which is supposed to come out this November! But seeing as that is still a ways away, we thought we would revisit some of the moments that made us love the show even more than we already did. The show has become famous for its off-the-cuff improvised moments, especially in the Interdimensional Cable episodes. Well, these are some of the best. Like the creation of Rick’s catchphrase: Wubba Lubba Dub Dub, which was a joke based off the whoop whoop from the Arsenio Hall show. Or how about the fact that they actually prefer to use outtakes in the final product, like the Gazorpazorp-field ending, where he cracks up asking for his enchiladas. There’s the entire cold open of the pilot episode that was all completely off script, the Quick Mysteries segment from Rixty Minutes, the unfortunate premise for a show called Man Vs Car, which is exactly what it sounds like, and good ol’ Ants In My Eyes Johnson, who also can’t feel anything, but that doesn’t sound as good as Ants In My Eyes so it often falls to the wayside. There is the grossly funny Eye Holes bit that turns into an ad for cereal, a play fight in the episode M Night Sham-aliens that was made up on the spot, the great detective Baby Legs, some of Rick’s most famous rants, and a ton more amazing moments that would be hard to believe weren’t in the script if they weren’t so perfectly Rick and Morty.

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The Origins Of Disney’s Mulan Are Darker Than You Thought

The original story of Mulan is nothing like the Disney movie we know! Subscribe to our channel:

Most of us came to know the story of Mulan from the 1998 Disney animated classic, but actually, the story of the young Chinese warrior woman goes back a whole lot further. Hua Mulan is a Chinese Folk tale that dates all the way back to the fifth century, and has been passed down from generation to generation for over a thousand years.
While Disney did get a lot of her story right, there is so much more to Hua Mulan than they fit into the hour and a half long movie. And, we’re sorry to say, Eddie Murphy’s Mu Shu the dragon doesn’t make an appearance, and neither does a certain lucky-unlucky cricket.

What the story of Hua Mulan does have, however, is a ton of bravery, disguise, battle fighting, and honour. While in the Disney version, Mulan is the only child of her family, in the original tale, she also has a baby brother who is too young to fight for her family. While she still takes her father’s armour and disguises herself as a man, Hua Mulan fought with her troupe of men for over twelve years, and was never discovered! When she finally was able to return home after over a decade of fighting for her country, only then did she reveal herself to be a woman, to the shock of all the men who had been at her side for all that time.

Most tales of Mulan have this happy ending, but there is one other version that gets a whole lot darker. Watch the video below to find out!

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IT Chapter 2 Chose The Perfect Cast

Who’s your favorite adult casting in IT Chapter 2? Subscribe to our channel:

It: Chapter 2 has quite the challenge ahead of it. Not only does the film seek to capture lightning in a bottle a second time, looking to replicate the box office success of the original It, which saw the film breaking records and becoming the highest grossing horror film of all time, but it also needs to do so while basically replacing the original film’s entire cast.

Can’t say I envy the filmmakers there.

However, after getting a good look at the new, adult cast thanks to multiple trailers and teasers, we can safely say that the new film is in safe hands.

With the acting talents of people such as James McAvoy, Jessica Chastain, and Bill Hader, not to mention actors who look so much like their child counterparts, such as James Ransone, Jay Ryan and Andy Bean, things are sure to work out for the filmmakers.

And who knows, maybe we will even get an Old Spice joke or two courtesy of Isaiah Mustafa along the way!

At the very least, these actors are going to do a fantastic job of filling in for their child predecessors, and in this video, we are going to break down why we think this will be the case!

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