
Honest Trailers Commentary | Alita: Battle Angel

The writers of Honest Trailers talk about manga adaptations, James Cameron, and battle angels! – it’s Honest Trailers Commentary for Alita: Battle Angel!

Honest Trailers Commentary | Alita: Battle Angel
Hosted by Spencer Gilbert
Featuring Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, & Danielle Radford
Produced by Ryan O’Toole
Tech Director: Josh “JTE” Tapia
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

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HISHE Compilation | The Disney/PIXAR HISHE Shorts

A compilation of How It Should Have Ended’s animated shorts that are only Disney or Pixar Titles.

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HISHE Horror Compilation

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Honest Trailers | Alita: Battle Angel

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Honest Trailers | Akita: Battle Angel
Title Design by Robert Holtby
Epic Voice Guy: Jon Bailey
Produced by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, & Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Edited by Kevin Williamsen


25 Strict Rules Marvel Actors Have To Follow

Who knew that Marvel actors have to follow such strict rules?? Subscribe to our channel:

Marvel is a massive powerhouse in Hollywood. With Disney’s backing, the MCU has gone from a humble beginning with Iron Man, to being a historic cinematic franchise. They’ve turned the niche genre of superhero films into a mainstream success. Time and time again they’ve broken various box office records. Especially with the commercial success of Avengers: Endgame! And with that power, Disney has created a huge amount of rules that their actors need to follow. Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr, or Scarlett Johhansson aren’t exempt from the litany of policies. Every single MCU actor must follow the Marvel policies. From Captain America to Ant Man. If anyone broke any of these rules, then their MCU employment may come to a swift end! Just ask some of the actors that did experience this! Who are we talking about? Well, you’ll find out when you watch the video!

In today’s ScreenRant video special, we’re going to look at some of the rules that Marvel devised. You lucky bunch. The video has a variety of different rules. Some rules dictate the public personas that the actors must show. Another rule looks at which other production companies that the thespians can’t work for. A different collection of rules include what the actors can be expected to do when on set. And finally a different bunch of rules that cover Marvel’s obsession with reducing the possibility of film leaks. So, strap in. Get your cape ready. And relax whilst we fill you in on Marvel’s collection of rules.

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15 Deleted Scenes Disney Doesn’t Want You To See

Some of these Disney scenes caused fans to protest in outrage! Subscribe to our channel:

Howdy, ScreenRanters! Welcome back to brand new video! Disney Pixar is the animation powerhouse of the cinema world. Year after year, they release one epic movie after another. Many childhoods have been defined from their experience of Pixar films. However, there have been a number of times where our positive, childhood nostalgia could have been broken instead.

Like with all films, some scenes are going to end up cut from the final film. This could be due to the overall length of the film, or a scene doesn’t get a positive reaction from the test audience. Pixar is no exception. So, today we’re going to look at some of the controversial scenes that Pixar would rather we didn’t know about.

Each Pixar film from their vast library was considered for this video. No Disney animations of course, just the Pixar computer generated films. Some of the ones that made the cut (pun-tastic) include Toy Story, Moana, Frozen, and Up among others. From disturbing plot points being removed, to whole character redesigns, and complete genre changes, there are many reasons why each entry appear in the video. Each entry brings its own behind the scenes story that we’ll delve into. Without these changes, we would have seen very different films to what we got. For better or worse. We won’t distract you any longer. Now, you can go and watch the video and find out what Pixar left on the cutting room floor!

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#يعرب | الحلقة الأخيرة

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#يعرب | الحلقة الأخيرة
#يعرب | إرم – الحلقة الأولى :
#يعرب | سلمى – الحلقة الثانية:
#يعرب | سبعة نسور- الحلقة الثالثة:
#يعرب | جديس – الحلقة الرابعة:
#يعرب | قيدار – الحلقة الخامسة
#يعرب | الفاو – الحلقة السادسة
#يعرب | سنمار – الحلقة السابعة
#يعرب | السموأل – الحلقة الثامنة
#يعرب | طُريفة – الحلقة التاسعة

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25 Things You Missed In Umbrella Academy Season 1

Did you catch any of these hidden secrets and Easter eggs in the first season of Netflix’s Umbrella Academy? Subscribe to our channel:

There are some shows which seem to make it their mission to be filled with as many hidden references, subtle jokes, and Easter eggs. The Umbrella Academy is definitely one of them and we spotted numerous callbacks to the popular comic book series created by Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance Fame. We’ll talk about Ellen Page’s character Vanya and how she paid tribute to the character White Violin and a movie called Whip It, which was directed by actress and author Drew Barrymore. Then there’s also the fact that some scenes from this Netflix streaming series look awfully similar to ones we’ve seen in the popular film No Country For Old Men, which was directed by the Cohen Brothers. We’ll also talk about some notable dance scenes from a fairy light throwback to the meaningful lyrics in “I Think We’re Alone Now.” Did you spot the numerous references to the Eiffel Tower or the mention of a villain named Doctor Terminal? If not, don’t worry, we’ll fill you in on these moments and many more!

After checking out all of the twenty-five things you might have missed the first time you watched this awesome series let us know what we missed! There is no shortage of things to see in the series so we know there are definitely more out there. Tell us what we didn’t see in the comment section and don’t forget to click on the subscribe button so you don’t miss out on any of the latest videos from us here at ScreenRant.

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Marvel Stars React To Mahershala Ali’s Casting As Blade

What do you think about the MCU’s new Blade? Subscribe to our channel:

One of the most exciting reveals at San Diego Comic Con 2019 was the announcement that there was a Blade movie coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Phase Four of the franchise – and that Academy Award winner Mahershala Ali would be playing the titular vampire hunter.

Of course, Wesley Snipes had famously played the character previously in three movies between 1998 and 2004 – and there had long been talk that he’d be reprising the role, even though he’s now reached the grand old age of 57.

But Ali’s casting really caused a buzz – especially amongst those who work (or have previously worked) in the world of Marvel – and, in this video, we’ll be looking at how some of those Marvel stars reacted to his casting.

The stars in question include; Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige himself, former Blade actor Wesley Snipes (who seemed to think he’d be reprising the role for quite some time), Guardians of the Galaxy actor Chris Pratt, Loki actor Tom Hiddleston, Thor: Ragnarok director and Korg actor Taika Waititi, Black Widow and Hawkeye actors Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse star Bryan Tyree Henry, and Luke Cage co-creator Cheo Hodari Coker.

We hope you enjoy the video! Please leave a comment letting us know what you thought about it – and feel free to tell us what you think of Mahershala Ali being cast as Blade. Will he be as good as Wesley Snipes? Give us your opinions!

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