
Honest Trailers Commentary | Avengers: Endgame

The writers of Honest Trailers talk about the MCU, Tony Stark, Thanos and more! – it’s Honest Trailers Commentary for Avengers: Endgame!
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Honest Trailers Commentary | Avengers: Endgame
Hosted by Spencer Gilbert
Featuring Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, Danielle Radford, & Lon Harris
Produced by Ryan O’Toole
Tech Director: Josh “JTE” Tapia
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

20 Times Family Guy And The Simpsons Dissed Each Other

The Simpsons and Family Guy have taken shots at each other on many occasions! Subscribe to our channel:

Despite being two of the longest running cartoons — and airing on the same network, Family Guy and The Simpsons have been long seen as competitors and enemies in the world of adult animation.

And this isn’t just from fans debating about which show is better – it comes from the shows themselves. Over the years, we’ve seen The Simpsons diss Family Guy and the Family Guy diss the Simpsons. No matter which one you’re a true fan of, you have to admit a lot of these disses were extremely funny — so we gathered them all here for you today! Every season of Family Guy leaves a whole lot of content on the cutting room floor. Thankfully, the show is able to pick up that cut content and save it exclusively for DVD releases, Blu-Ray, or for access online. This is the case with the cut Stewie song entitled “I’ve Got a Little List”. Over the years, the battles between Sideshow Bob and Bart Simpson never seem to get old, much like Stewie plotting to attack Lois or an evil turtle. Well, the journey between Sideshow Bob and Bart continued in the episode “The Italian Bob” where it’s revealed that Bob actually has a child now! But that is all besides the point, in a quick cutaway gag — a big theme among all these disses — we watch as two officers flip through a book of criminals with a Family Guy connection you have to see to believe!

By the time we end, you can make the final decision, who had the best disses — and don’t forget to comment on which show you like better!

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Rick And Morty’s Most Messed Up Character Isn’t Rick (Spoiler: It’s Beth)

Here’s why Beth is by far the most messed up character on Rick and Morty! Subscribe to our channel:

You know, you might assume that Rick Sanchez is the most messed up character in all of Rick and Morty. It’s him who causes pretty much all of the mayhem after all, excluding the time that Morty Cronenberged the entire planet… but if you think about it, that was kind of on Rick too. But, even though he causes chaos wherever he goes, his daughter Beth Smith might just be the most disturbed character in the Rick and Morty universe! She shot Mr Poopy Butthole after all, she’s a monster! And there are a whole lot of other reasons why Beth is pretty deranged, like the fact that Rick had to build her a magical land to keep her away from the neighborhood when she was a kid.

Beth was causing so much destruction with the terrifying inventions she had Rick make for her that he hid her away in Froopy Land so she wouldn’t hurt anyone. Which almost worked, until she abandoned her friend Tommy there forever. And then there is her relationship with her daughter that really isn’t winning her any parenting awards any time soon. She told Summer she was unwanted in the worst way possible! Beth is super neglectful of Morty, and actually prefers not to have him around. Her relationship with Jerry is just all kinds of messed up, and even though Rick has been horrible to her, she still needs his approval more than anything.
For all these reasons and more, Beth might just be the craziest character on Rick and Morty.

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Honest Trailers | Avengers: Endgame

Disney+ is the only place to stream your favorites from Marvel and more. Watch now!

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Honest Trailers | Avengers: Endgame
Title Design by Robert Holtby
Epic Voice Guy: Jon Bailey
Produced by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, & Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Edited by Kevin Williamsen


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25 Things You Missed In Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Did you catch any of these hidden clues and Easter eggs in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood? Subscribe to our channel:

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood has finally arrived, and is already the source of much debate. After a massive opening weekend, odds are you’ve seen the film, but did you catch everything in it?

In Tarantino tradition, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is stuffed to the gills with cameos, references, and allusions to other films and celebrities. Even more than other Tarantino movies, Hollywood history is baked into the story, it can be very easy to miss something.

Don’t despair! Your pals at ScreenRant have you covered with a detailed look at the stuff you may have missed.


An actor dedicated to capturing the essence of Charles Manson. The unusual opening credit that hints at the thematic intentions of the film. A Tarantino favourite who makes a memorable cameo. A playful insult with some fascinating real life history. A quick cameo by a 60’s icon. The background to Bruce Lee’s most memorable scene. Another Tarantino stalwart with an awesome walk-on. The key to one of the movie’s very best scenes. A prominent prop with a purpose. The tragic true-life story behind Cliff’s marriage. An actor with a cool couple of parents. Some history behind the film’s scenes in Italy. Pitch perfect stunt casting in the movie’s western sequences. The final film of an accomplished actor. A music cue which foreshadows a later plot development. A Hollywood icon who died before his scenes could be completed. Some connections between other films in the Tarantino-verse.

All these and many more in the full video!

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طقطقة ـ لقاء حصري مع مدرب السعودية الجديد

في لقاء حصري مع رئيس الاتحاد العربي السعودي لكرة القدم الاستاذ / ياسر المسحل
ولقاء حصري مع مدرب المنتخب السعودي الجديد المدرب الفرنسي هيرفيه رونار
في برنامج طقطقة وبشكل حصري في حفل توقيع عقد المدرب الجديد

تقديم: بندر حلواني


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The Winona Ryder Paradox That Has Stranger Things Fans Talking

How will future seasons of Stranger Things deal with the Winona Ryder paradox? Subscribe to our channel:

As the Duffer Brothers and the rest of the production crew gear up for Stranger Things season four — there’s a lot to juggle. The Byers family and Eleven have left Hawkins, Hopper is presumed dead, and the Mind Flayer still lives on in the Upside Down. Not to mention all the meddling by those pesky Russians. And now as the show moves through the 1980’s timeline, they may have an even bigger problem on their hands, something we’ll simply refer to as the Winona Ryder Paradox.

The first season of Stranger Things took place in 1983 and as each new season of the show began, we were brought into a new year in the life of the Hawkins’ residents. The timeline of the 1980s was not just picked out randomly by the Duffer Brothers — it acts as their love letter to the pop-culture and industry that defined them. We see this through references to The Terminator, Farrah Fawcett hairstyles, and 1985’s Back to the Future.

With production seemingly taking place this October, it’s only natural to assume that season four of Stranger Things will take place in 1986, probably focusing on autumn holidays like Thanksgiving. And this is where the Winona Ryder paradox comes into focus. Clearly, Ryder is one of the main stars in Stranger Things, a refreshing role that has thrust the actress back into the spotlight with much fanfare and acclaim. But focusing on the year 1986 also brings us back to her roots — the same year she made her big-screen debut in the movie “Lucas”.

What exactly does this mean and how could it impact the show? Well, we’ll tell you and break everything down — including comments from Stranger Things producer Shawn Levy on the whole matter.

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تحدي الخمس ثواني 💨⏱ | الخسران ينجلد جلد مبرح حتى البكاء ههههههه #2

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