
These Are Probably The First Fox Characters We’ll See In The MCU

Here’s who we think will be the first characters to transition from Fox to Disney’s Marvel Cinematic Universe! Subscribe to Screen Rant:

Disney’s recent acquisition of Fox comes with an exciting consequence – the Marvel characters formerly limited to appearances in the X-Men and Fantastic Four movies are now fair game for use in the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

That leaves Marvel Studios with an enviable problem: which of those heroes, villains, mutants, aliens and cosmic entities do they introduce to their enormously popular comic book movie franchise first?

Well, based on character popularity, ease of integration and a variety of other logical factors, we think we can make an educated guess or two!

So, in this video, we’ll be taking a look at the former Fox characters who we believe will appear first in the MCU!

The characters we believe are in contention to be the first to make an appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are; Professor X, Magneto, Apocalypse, the Fantastic Four, Doctor Doom, Kang the Conqueror, Galactus, the Silver Surfer (or, possibly, other Heralds of Galactus) and Deadpool.

But, of course, there were hundreds of characters Marvel Studios couldn’t previously use in their movies because Fox had the rights to them – so we’d love to hear from you regarding who YOU think might be the first ones to appear in Marvel’s flagship movie franchise. Do you think it’ll be someone we haven’t mentioned or thought of?

With that in mind, we hope you enjoy the video! Please leave a comment letting us know what you thought about it. And don’t forget to subscribe to Screen Rant’s YouTube channel, so you never miss our great new video uploads in the future.

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The Actors Behind Famous CGI Characters

Behind many CGI characters is an actor in a ridiculous suit! Subscribe to our channel:

Throughout the history of Hollywood, some of our greatest performers and actors never actually get to see their face in front of the camera. Whether it’s Boris Karloff dressed a Frankstein, Jim Hanson hiding behind a Kermit puppet, or Doug Jones dressed to the nines in an intricate outfit, these performers don’t get enough credit for the work they do.

And in today’s modern-day filmmaking, a lot of those practical designs have been replaced with digital motion capture suits. These actors are still on-set — typically wearing large one piece outfits, only to have their whole body erased and replaced with a digital character. With so many movies relying on CG characters and effects, it’s easy for a lot of actors to do just the voices and have everything else done digitally. While actor Alan Tudky is known for his iconic voice in roles for projects like “American Dad”, “Young Justice” and “Frozen”, Tudky also has donned the motion-capture suit on multiple occasions and performed the physical work as well.

One of his most infamous roles may be in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. For the film, Tudky played K-2SO, a tall droid with plenty of personality. The droid could have easily been all CG or featured an enclosed actor like Anthony Daniels in the role of C-3PO, but Tudky donned a motion capture suit and some short stilts to help bring the droid to life and make him feel like a living character on-screen. Because of the motion capture, we are able to feel the presence of the character, especially when it interacts with others — including the improvised slap across the face of Cassian.

Well, today we’re taking a little peek behind the curtain to reveal some of the great actors behind famous CGI characters and give a little insight into the hard work that goes into each performance.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story | Recap Raps

Let’s revisit the first Star Wars anthology movie, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
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A recap rap for the first star wars movie to start without an opening crawl. It’s the once untold story of how a plucky group of rebels somehow stole the plans to the DeathStar and saved the galaxy

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Top 10 Funniest Mark Hamill Joker Moments

Hey Justice League fans! Check out our Trivia to test your knowledge:

The funniest Mark Hamill Joker moments will have you laughing until it hurts. We’re looking at darkly funny moments from any iteration of the Joker voiced by Mark Hamill. They don’t call him the Clown Prince of Crime for nothing. WatchMojo ranks the funniest Mark Hamill Joker moments. What do you think is the funniest Mark Hamill Joker moment? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great Mark Hamill related content here:
Top 10 Times Mark Hamill’s Joker Terrified Us –
Top 10 Mark Hamill Voice Performances –
Top 10 Best Mark Hamill Characters –

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25 Things Only Adults Notice In Nickelodeon Shows

Sometimes we look back on Nickelodeon shows and wonder how we missed these moments as kids. Subscribe to our channel:

What made kids shows so great was how clever the writing often was. In fact, in many of them, there was some seriously adult jokes tucked away in the scripts that made the shows even funnier once the kids grew up or for the parents watching with their kids. Nickelodeon’s shows featured some of the best adult humour around and we’re amazed that some of them made it past the censors.

Case in point, literally anything put on screen from Rocko’s Modern Life or Ren and Stimpy. Seriously, we could have made a whole video out of those two shows alone and it wouldn’t have mattered. But thankfully, we diversified and there’s more to see from there. Even the most innocent of shows, like Doug, have their moments. Hey Arnold can be seen talking about trying sausages and experiences at Woodstock while the Rugrats tackled everything from “the snip” to dirty VHS tapes. Actually, Rugrats All Grown Up and the Movie carried on that tradition of adult jokes. Alone time jokes made their way into Fairly Odd Parents, as does Spongebob Squarepants, who got it’s fair share of sly humour. Sometimes, the writing is more clever and you may not even get the joke as an adult. Case in point, the Animaniacs. It’s not all animation though, iCarly made the list as well with some interesting literature. It is amazing that many of these moments made their way into cartoons as some of them are actually pretty explicit and adult.

Script by Sean Gallagher

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Marvel Theory: Scarlet Witch Will Create Mutants In Phase 4

Wanda could be the one to bring Mutants into the MCU in Phase 4! Subscribe to our channel:

Marvel’s Comic Con presentation was jam-packed this year, and we here at ScreenRant are still working to unpack everything that got announced. Shang Chi! Thor 4! Blade! The full Eternals cast!

Something that may have flown under the radar however, was the announced connection between the Disney+ Series WandaVision (to star Vision and the Scarlet Witch) and the Doctor Strange sequel, The Multiverse of Madness.

From that announced connection, we’re bringing you a theory as to how the X-Men (and all of Marvel’s mutants) could be brought into the mainstream MCU. Specifically, how WandaVision could serve as an adaptation of House of M, a massive crossover event that Marvel ran in 2005. It heavily involves Scarlet Witch, and her ability to alter the reality of an entire universe.

We’re also going to dive into Doctor Strange 2, the fate of Vision and Quicksilver, and even, oddly enough, Season 4 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Saying more would be giving too much away, and we want you to watch the full video, so instead we’re going to use the remaining space to tell you about Ingrid Goes West, an underrated indie movie starring Elisabeth Olsen.

Most audiences may have missed Ingrid Goes West when it first came out in 2017, but it’s well worth seeking out. In addition to Elisabeth Olsen, the cast includes Aubrey Plaza, O’Shea Jackson Jr, Wyatt Russell, Billy Magnussen, and Pom Klementieff. It features some of the most nuanced writing of modern young people in a recent film, and thoughtfully explores issues of social media addiction and mental health. Scarlet Witch and Mantis are in it. Check it out.

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Top 10 Unbelievable Medical Mistakes

Top 10 Worst Mistakes Ever Made By Doctors

An apple a day will keep the doctor away, which is exactly what you will want after seeing this list. For this list, we’re looking at some of the most horrifying errors made by those in the medical profession. WatchMojo counts down the Top 10 Worst Mistakes Ever Made By Doctors.

If you’re concerned about healthcare issues, be sure to learn more from our videos on the Top 10 Diseases That Kill You Quickly:, Top 10 Worst Epidemics in History: and Top 10 Leading Causes of Death:

10. The Fertility Clinic Used the Wrong Sperm
9. Removed Kidney Instead of Gallbladder
8. Unneeded Double Mastectomy
7. Drilling into the Wrong Side of the Skull
6. Surgical Tools Left in Patients
5. Removed Wrong Testicle
4. Anesthetic Awareness

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