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25 Secrets About Marvel Actors’ Superhero Suits

One of the hardest things about being an MCU actor is dealing with the ridiculous superhero costumes! Subscribe to our channel:

Hours in the make-up chair. CGI armour. Chris Evans’ favourite Captain America suit. Lady Sif’s undergarments. And yes, pee breaks.

Those are just some of the things we’ll be talking about in this video.

You see, it’s gonna be covering a bunch of interesting facts about Marvel actors’ superhero suits!

Those facts include; how Tom Holland drinks in his Spider-Man suit, why Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange wears seven belts, how long it takes Dave Bautista, Karen Gillan and Zoe Saldana to become Drax, Nebula and Gamora in the make-up chair, what Elizabeth Olsen dislikes about her Scarlet Witch costume, the fact that each member of Starforce has a different shaped star on their costume, Scarlett Johansson’s initial reaction to her Black Widow costume, why Ryan Reynolds and Chris Pratt stole their respective Deadpool and Star-Lord costumes from their respective movies’ sets, why Michael Chiklis needed therapy after wearing his Thing costume, what was so special about Korg’s shirt in Avengers: Endgame, how long it takes to design costumes for Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, and what happens to MCU costumes after the studio are done with them.

If you’d like to know more about those facts – and hear a bunch of additional ones – you’re just going to have to watch the whole video!

We hope you enjoy the video! Please leave a comment letting us know what you thought about it. And don’t forget to subscribe to Screen Rant’s YouTube channel, so you never miss our great new video uploads in the future.

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▶ شغال 202 – دخل 2,000 ريال في نفس اليوم ! 😍🍃

الموسم الثاني من برنامج شغال ينطلق بتجربة جديدة | هذه المرة بعنا نعناع المدينة

#شغال راح يخليك تعيش التجربة خطوة بخطوة..

تقديم: محمد بافقيه | سناب: Zaghloul_moe

سوشل ميديا: خالد آل خضر


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10 Cartoon Characters With Hidden Faces You Were Never Supposed To See

We actually ended up getting to finally see some of these hidden characters in the end! Subscribe to our channel:

Imagine getting your first starring role on a TV show — only to learn your head is going to be cut off from view in every episode! Well, thankfully the characters on our list are all cartoons — merely drawings without any true feelings or emotions. Ever wonder who tries to control all of the chaos in the house where a cat and mouse would literally try to assassinate each other in every episode?! Well, it was none other than Mammy Two Show, the possible owner of Tom — or at least the person who looked over the house on the classic cartoon “Tom and Jerry”. The early seasons of South Park helped build up the world of iconic characters we still love today, but the real pop-culture icon recognition began with Kenny. Keny parishing away in each episode became a talked about trademark on the show — along with the thick hoodie he draped over his head. The hoodie may have muffled his words, but we all knew the young boy had a heart — and we REALLY REALLY wanted to see that cartoon face while watching the Comedy Central hit show!

And while the artists took the time to hide faces and conceal their real identities, there were some small moments where the faces were revealed — even if it required pausing or slow motion effects. So now it’s time to see the mysterious faces on shows like Inspector Gadget, the Muppet Babies, and multiple shows that waited for full-length movies and specials to reveal the hidden faces!

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Time Travel Will Change Everything In Stranger Things Season 4

Time travel might be the key to saving Hopper in Stranger Things 4! Subscribe to our channel:

Over the course of ‘Stranger Things’’ three seasons, showrunners Ross and Matt Duffer, a.k.a. The Duffer Brothers, have succeeded in taking fans on a wild ride. But the promise of even crazier things to come has fans waiting for more news with bated breath. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, the Duffer Brothers teased some potential directions the show might take. They talked about opening up their world beyond the little town of Hawkins. And if we take a look at some of Season 3’s Easter Eggs, as well as ‘Stranger Things’’ original pitch back when it was known simply as ‘Montauk,’ we might have a pretty decent idea of what Season 4 might entail.

We’re willing to make a safe bet that time travel could play a significant role in ‘Stranger Things’ Season 4. The film ‘Back to the Future’ was prominently displayed in a number of Season 3 scenes. Additionally, the original pitch for ‘Montauk’ suggested the potential for aliens and even time travel. Even though ‘Stranger Things’’ subject matter differs greatly from that initial pitch, it’s clear the Duffer Brothers have taken a number of ideas from that and put them in ‘Stranger Things.’

It’s also possible that including time travel would allow for the opportunity to save a number of fan favorites. Barb. Bob Newby. Even Chief Hopper, who met his demise in Season 3’s emotional finale. (Or did he?) This could also open the door for a whole number of ramifications for our Hawkins heroes. Let’s dive into this theory to take a closer look.

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Avengers: Endgame – Totally Real Deleted Scenes!

These totally real scenes from Avengers Endgame were deleted for being way too dark…
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Avengers: Endgame Deleted Scenes
The dark reality of the blip was never really fully explored as billions of people were brought back into existence after 5 years. Surely some stuff went wrong…


Hit by Car Guy – Lasercorn (
Car Driver – Ryan Tellez
Car Passenger – Taylor Frost
Husband 1 – Joven (
Husband 2 – Jeremy Boone
Grieving Wife – Nikki Limo (
Air Force Radar Technician – Brian Fisher
Air Force Captain – Michael Schroeder
Husband 3 – David Odom
Pregnant Wife – Kira Halling
Doctor – Michael Davis

Written by Michael Adams Davis and Michael Schroeder

Directed by Michael Schroeder

Director of Photography – Michael Schmidt

Production Designer – Taylor Frost

Edited by Ryan Turner

VFX by RomThirty –

Intro VO by Jon Bailey –

#Avengers #AvengersEndgame #Blip

– The Warp Zone –
Michael Adams Davis (
Brian Fisher (
David Odom (
Michael Schroeder (
Ryan Tellez (

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NEW VIDEOS EVERY FRIDAY! The Warp Zone is a pop-culture sketch comedy, gaming, and music video channel.

We here at The Warp Zone have a passion for all things nerdy- such as video games, movies, tv shows, comics, superheroes, and anime and we love making funny parody videos about them!

25 References In Disney Movies Kids Won’t Understand

How many of these hidden pop culture references did you notice in these Disney movies? Subscribe to our channel:

Disney loves to reference their own movies and put in Easter Eggs of characters like Mickey Mouse, but there are many times where the writers get clever with pop-culture references outside the realm of Disney. Ahh, the classic go-to excuse: “You wouldn’t hit a guy with glasses”. It’s been used so much in pop-culture, the TV Tropes website has a WHOLE SECTION dedicated to it. In the world of Disney, we see this moment in Wreck-It Ralph, when King Candy poses the question to Ralph. Ralph instantly punches the glasses — smashing them into pieces. When it comes to Indiana Jones, there are numerous iconic scenes movies have paid homage too — including one scene with a “close call”. As Indiana escapes a booby-trapped temple in Raiders of the Lost Ark, a large stone door slowly shuts. At the last moment, Jones snags up his hat and able to retrieve his precious item — you know, instead of just buying a new one. Disney loves to entertain parents with jokes that fly right over a child’s head, but no one expected a meth lab Breaking Bad joke in Zootopia — but that’s exactly what we got! With John Travolta voicing the title character in the Disney animated film “Bolt”, you would expect some callbacks to Grease or Saturday Night Fever, but the film took a munch different route. When Bolt first encounters Mittens, he wants to find answers about his owner Penny and does it the only way he knows how — by hanging her body over a fast-moving freeway. Watch to see the secret movie reference!

From Die Hard to Speed and even cult classics like Office Space — see how Disney hid these pop-culture references in some of your favorites like Ralph Breaks the Internet, Moana, The Incredibles, and Toy Story 4.

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10 More Strict Rules Marvel Actors Have To Follow

Marvel actors have to follow so many guidelines, we couldn’t fit them all into one video!
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Check out 25 Strict Rules Marvel Actors Have To Follow:

Disney has been incredibly lucky over the past decade or so to have some of the most talented actors working today take on some of their most iconic comic book characters as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

And on the flip-side, those actors have been equally blessed to work on such a juggernaut of a franchise. Such a massive cinematic undertaking.

And in order to keep working as a member of the Marvel family, there are some rules that these actors must follow.

You’ll already know this if you watched our previous video on this subject, but today we are here to tell you about a few more rules that actors must follow to stay a part of the MCU, such as having their social media content monitored, and sometimes even having their involvement at all kept tightly under wraps.

Or how about the fact that Scarlett Johanson isn’t allowed to keep the same hair from film to film, or the fact that Vin Diesel can only say three words, despite having completely written out dialog. Or how Ultron gets to sing a song from the movie Pinochio, but no one ever gets to put in any other Disney-related Easter Eggs without the company’s express permission.

Or how it is absolutely, positively a bad idea to do anything that could in any way, shape or form upset the House of Mouse? Including saying small, tiny little complaints about them?

So let’s dive in and take a look shall we?

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Why Rick And Morty Are The Same Person

This theory states that Rick and Morty are actually the same person! Subscribe to our channel:

Rick and Morty is one of the wildest, most imaginative TV shows out there, so much so that it has spawned more fan theories than almost any other TV show ever made! And for good reason! Just about anything that you can imagine could happen in the multiverse of Rick and Morty, and even some things you might never have thought possible. But one fan theory in particular might just be the Rickest of all! And that theory is the one that Rick and Morty might actually be the same person!

Yup, you heard right! Some fans think that Morty is actually his own grandfather, or that Rick is his own grandson. While Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland have gone on record about how they don’t want to get into the messy business of time travel, this theory wonders if Rick used time travel once, to go back in time and change his own future. See, some think that there is a possibility that Rick never came back to his family, and that Morty grew up without the influence of this grandfather. Without it, he became isolated and miserable, but interested in science. Over time, his life got so bad that Morty went to the utmost extremes in order to stop himself from winding up the way he did, which meant going back in time and impersonating his grandfather, in order to show himself the wonders of the universe!

Okay, so that’s just the jist of it, the real theory is a whole lot more complicated. Check out the video below for the full explanation!

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