
10 Mistakes You Missed In Stranger Things Season 3

Did you catch any of these little mistakes in Stranger Things Season 3? Subscribe to our channel:

Any time a show is set in a different year or decade, the production has a whole layer of new challenges to take on. For Stranger Things, the creative team has been pretty accurate, but season 3 featured some glaring errors that slipped through the cracks among all the mall references, food cameos, and pop-culture tie-ins with the show.

One of the key moments in the finale of season three was when Dustin finally got to connect with his summer camp girlfriend Suzie. He reached out to her to find out one thing: Planck’s Constant Value. Of course, getting an answer like this isn’t as easy as it seems because Suzie has Dustin croon a little with her too. And while we all got lost in the song, when it finished, we finally got to hear the value: 6.62607004. The number worked, Hopper and Joyce were able to retrieve the keys and help save the day. But there was a major error we all missed! As Will, Eleven, Mike, and the other friends hang out at the hospital, Mike and Eleven share a snack together. Will gently pours some M&Ms into Eleven’s hand, proving that even small milk chocolates can create teenage angst! But many of us watching weren’t worried about Mike and Eleven’s relationship, we were concerned with the red M&M’s featured in the scene!

Along with these errors, check out some glaring mistakes and goofs including a scene where Mike’s legs suddenly get extremely hairy!

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Rick And Morty Theory: Evil Morty Is Actually Rick!

Rick and Morty could be hiding a very deep connection between Evil Morty and Rick! Subscribe to our channel:

Hi ScreenRanters! We hope you’re well. Rick and Morty is an animated TV show involving a lot of science. The show involves scientific concepts such as cloning and inter-dimensional travel. As well as many, many more. One other concept would be the multiverse. And with that, the various other versions of Rick and Morty. One of the most infamous cases being the Evil Morty! This mysterious character originally appeared as Eyepatch Morty. After being found out as an evil mastermind, he has wreaked havoc in the show. At least subtly…for now! But we know very little about the character and his secretive past. When TV characters are presented with barely any information, the internet will come to the rescue! They fill in the knowledge-blanks with theories! Which brings us onto the topic of today’s video, is Evil Morty actually Rick? We say yes!

In the video, we’ll take an in-depth look at this cryptic character. His actions on the show and the titbits of information we know for sure. Then we’ll go over the theory in detail. Such as what the theory is exactly. Then, we will look at the evidence and hints the show has provided us. How does his debut episode factor into him being a Rick? How are Rick and Evil Morty similar? Why is Evil Morty not a Morty? What does his campaign to become president of the Citadel tell us? How can a Morty be a Rick? All these questions and more will be answered with theories! As the show’s new season is just around the corner, this theory will tide you over for a bit until then! So, what are wubba lubba dub dub waiting for? Click the play button and get your noggins massaged by this fun theory!

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15 More Times Marvel Actors Went Totally Off Script

Here are 15 more totally improvised moments from Marvel movies! Subscribe to our channel:

From the people who brought you “25 Times Marvel Actors Went Totally Off Script” comes the next exciting instalment in the series: “15 MORE Times Marvel Actors Went Totally Off Script”!

We… we couldn’t think of a more imaginative title…

ANYWAY, Marvel movies have always tended to allow the actors who star in them to be creative – and that’s resulted in countless moments that you probably didn’t even know weren’t scripted.

You might be surprised that some of these moments involving the likes of Robert Downey Jr. (who plays Tony Stark AKA Iron Man in the MCU), Chris Pratt (who plays Peter Quill AKA Star-Lord in the MCU), Chris Hemsworth (who plays Thor in the MCU), and Benedict Cumberbatch (who plays Stephen Strange AKA Doctor Strange in the MCU) were completely ad-libbed – though you might be less surprised at the fact that one of them sees RDJ humorously trying to one-up his good buddy Tom Holland (who plays Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man in the MCU).

There’s a chance you won’t look at certain scenes in these Marvel movies in the same way ever again!

If you’d like to know what exactly those moments entail – and indeed which other stars are included in this video – you’ll just have to watch it to find out more!

We hope you enjoy the video! Please leave a comment letting us know what you thought about it. And don’t forget to subscribe to Screen Rant’s YouTube channel, so you never miss our great new video uploads in the future.

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5 Marvel Scenes That Shouldn’t Have Been Deleted (And 5 That Should Have)

Which of these deleted MCU scenes is your favorite? Subscribe to our channel:

Marvel Studios isn’t stingy with packing their films to the brim with amazing scenes. Each entry in their franchise tends to be around the two-hour mark, so most of the time you can tell they’re not holding back. That being said, there are instances where the filmmakers have had to cut certain moments out. Whether for pacing reasons, or because the scene just doesn’t really work, a number of scenes have ended up on the cutting room floor. Sometimes those deleted scenes end up working better than ones that ended up in the final version of the film.

For instance, writer and director Joss Whedon deleted a sequence that followed Steve Rogers acclimating to his new life in the 21st century. While it wasn’t entirely necessary, it provided more insight into how he got used to everything so quickly. Another deleted scene from the recent ‘Avengers: Endgame’ features the Avengers taking a knee in honor of Tony Stark’s sacrifice. It slows down the pacing, sure, but it’s nice to see the Avengers united in this cause.

On the opposite end of the spectrum are scenes that ended up in the final product that should have wound up on the cutting room floor. We’re talking the Black Widow/Hulk romance that was almost completely forgotten in later entries. Or what about the infamous Mandarin twist from Iron Man 3? There are tons of fans that would argue that scene should have been left out entirely.

Let’s dive right in and examine 5 scenes deleted from the MCU that should have been left in. While we’re at it, let’s take a look at 5 scenes that should have been taken out.

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Stranger Things: Every Kid Experimented On By Hawkins Labs

What happened to all the other kinds that were experimented on at Kawkins Lab? Subscribe to our channel:

Stranger Things has put the emphasis and focus on the journey of number Eleven and her time at Hawkins Lab — but ever since we first saw that number placed on her wrist, we knew there were other kids involved at the lab — but who exactly are they? Well, today we’re going to deep dive into the expanded universe of Stranger Things to showcase who the show has featured, what other forms of media have showcased, and to help fill in the various numbers. Oh yeah — there’s a creepy set of twins that will give those little Shining girls a run for their money as well.

The Hawkins Laboratory may have been shut down by the end of Stranger Things season 2, but the building still holds a ton of secrets that are slowly getting revealed — both on the show and through media like books and comics. Among the biggest secrets we want know? Who the other numbers are. Of course — when the actual show dove into this — it created one of the most polarizing episodes of the series with the in-depth focus on Eight, but there’s a lot more interest in the other possible numbers.

So now let’s do some quick math here. Assuming Eleven is the last of the numbers before Hawkins Laboratory shut down, we have numbers one to ten to account for. After already covering three, six, eight, and the nine twins — there are many spots for other Hawkins numbers we are unaware of. This includes One, Two, Four, Five, Seven, and Ten. While there is no direct confirmation, there have been numerous hints at who or what these numbers might be. Watch to learn about all of these child lab experiments and who they might be!

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Netflix Is Reviving These Iconic Cartoons

Your favorite childhood cartoons are being brought back by Netflix! Subscribe to our channel:

We are in the midst of the streaming wars as every big production company aims to capture the largest viewing audience — and a big piece of their wallet as well. This means that Netflix is not just reaching out to develop top-notch family programming, but directly to the nostalgic parents looking to share the same content they enjoyed as kids with kids of their own. Enter the reboot!

Welcome to the land of reboots. A land filled with new versions of your favorite shows, older cast members returning to their roots, and that whole island filled with all those Disney animated movies turned into live-action spectacles. As the land of reboots continues to grow and prosper in the world of Hollywood, it was only inevitable that Nickelodeon would join in on the mix. Instead of sandwiching reboots between episodes of SpongeBob Squarepants and The Loud House, the network decided to team up with Netflix to unleash some of our childhood favorites for a whole new generation.

For kids growing up in the 90’s, Nicktoons were everything. The expansion of shows included hits like Doug, Rugrats, and Ren and Stimpy. Then programming expanded as we enjoyed more hits like Ahh! Real Monsters, Hey Arnold, Rocket Power, and Rocko’s Modern Life. Each show had its own unique style which helped build the foundation for Nickelodeon and still sees its influence on the airwaves today.

And Netflix has found a great partner among them all by teaming up with Nickelodeon to revive some of your favorite 90’s cartoons along with a slew of other shows. Learn about these cartoons, some possibilities for the future, and a pair of Angry Beavers who could easily chomp their way back into our lives!

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طقطقة : الجولة الثانية ( الوحدة x أبها )

حلقة خاصة من برنامج #طقطقة يقدمها بندر حلواني | #الوحدة – #أبها

#طقطقة 701

تقديم: بندر حلواني

سوشل ميديا: خالد آل خضر


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