
How Godzilla King of the Monsters Should Have Ended

How Godzilla King of the Monsters Should Have Ended

Featuring Guest Voices of Neebs Gaming.

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————–Previous Episodes——————–
How Spider-Man Far From Home Should Have Ended

Spider-Man FFH HISHE Bonus Features

How Captain America Should Have Returned the Stones

How Lion King Should Have Ended

How Endgame Should Have Ended

Endgame Alternate HISHE

How Venom Should Have Ended

How Aladdin Should Have Ended

Spider-Man Far From Home Trailer HISHE

How Shazam! Should Have Ended

How Bumblebee Should Have Ended

Avengers Endgame HISHE Review

Captain Marvel HISHE

Avengers Infinity War – HISHE Dubs

How Avengers Infinity War Should Have Ended

How Fantastic Beasts Should Have Ended

How Incredibles 2 Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – Trick or Treat

How Ant-Man and The Wasp Should Have Ended

HISHE Horror Compilation

How Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Should Have Ended

Predator HISHE Dubs

How The Venom Trailer Should Have Ended

Super Cafe – Teens and Titans

How Deadpool 2 Should Have Ended

Infinity War Alternate HISHE

The Last Jedi Lego Summary

Jurassic World Alternate HISHE

Jurassic World – Comedy Recap (HISHE Dubs)

Oceans Over 40 Trailer

How Black Panther Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – The Dead Pool

How Justice League Should Have Ended

How Star Wars The Last Jedi Should Have Ended

How Thor Ragnarok Should Have Ended

How Spider-Man Homecoming Should Have Ended

Avengers Infinity War and Beyond (Toy Story Mashup)

How IT Should Have Ended

How The Incredibles Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – Penny For Your Fears

Honest Trailers Commentary | X-Men: Dark Phoenix

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Honest Trailers Commentary | X-Men: Dark Phoenix
Hosted by Spencer Gilbert
Featuring Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford, & Joe Starr
Produced by Ryan O’Toole
Tech Director: Josh “JTE” Tapia
Assistant Editor: Emin Bassavand

#HonestTrailers #DarkPhoenix

Honest Trailers | X-Men: Dark Phoenix

Say goodbye to the Fox X-Men Franchise as it goes out with a fart!
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►►Watch The Honest Trailers Commentary Tomorrow at 10 AM PDT Here on Screen Junkies►

Honest Trailers | Dark Phoenix
Title Design by Robert Holtby
Epic Voice Guy: Jon Bailey
Produced by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, & Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Edited by Kevin Williamsen


Breaking Bad Pitch Meeting

Step into the pitch meeting that led to Breaking Bad! Subscribe for more Pitch Meetings:

Breaking Bad was one of the most celebrated shows of all-time, and really showcased how good TV can really be. Walter White, played by Bryan Cranston, shook audiences to their core with his decisions and the lengths he went to in order to reach his goals. Characters like Jesse Pinkman, Gus Fring, Skyler, Tuco Salamanca and more all brought this great show to life in an unforgettable way. Although it’s awesome, the show definitely raises a lot of questions. Like why don’t it’s best scenes sound as cool when you try to explain them out loud? What’s up with the yellow tint in Mexico? What happened to Walt’s goatee? What’s up with that El Camino spinoff that’s coming to Netflix?

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to Breaking Bad! It’s super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Pitch Meeting

The Lion King (2019) Pitch Meeting

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20 Creepiest Babies In Movies

You may never want to have kids after seeing these movie babies! Subscribe to our channel:

Let’s face it — not all babies are cute — especially in the world of movies. Some are just downright creepy. Whether they were infused with the DNA of Satan himself or have some alien-like features, a creepy baby is enough to haunt your dreams and nightmares for years to come. You can expect to see anything with the surreal nature of a director like David Lynch, but the baby in his feature-length film Eraserhead is one that will become ingrained in your memory for a long time after seeing it. Henry is left alone to care for his odd-looking child, a baby who is swaddled up tightly, features smooth snake-like skin, and eyes on the side of its head. With vampires, werewolves, and massive fight scenes, you would think that animating a small baby would be a piece of cake for the Twilight franchise, but boy did they screw up Edward and Bella’s baby girl. The bloody birth was actually one of the more normal parts — it was scenes later on where the baby got real weird. Just when you thought Sid’s Baby Face Mutant toy was going to be the worst of the worst of the Toy Story series, Toy Story 3 outdoes itself with the introduction of Big Baby. The slow walk. The drooping eyelids. The dirt stains, wear, and missing accessories. Yeah — we can imagine a whole generation growing up having nightmares of this little guy.

So, now’s the time to take a look back – not at the babies who make us laugh, give us all the good feels, or make us ready to procreate. These newborns simply CREEPED US OUT — and quite a few will do the same to you as well!

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10 Things You Missed In The Boys Season 1

How many of these secrets and Easter eggs did you notice in Amazon Prime’s The Boys? Subscribe to our channel:

Warning! Like The Deep jumping into the ocean, we’re diving deep into spoilers for The Boys! So be prepared for full spoilers and details on the show!

After the awe and surprises found in the first season of Amazon Prime’s The Boys, we can finally slow down a little bit — take a breather there, A-Train. OK, good. Now that the dust has settled a bit and all of Translucent’s skin has been cleaned up, it’s time to open up the doors to the surveillance van and reveal some of the biggest things you missed in The Boys season one. When The Boys was first published back in 2006, the comic book series drew up a lot of controversy for the graphic content. A couple of Deadpool movies later and audiences were ready for some more risque superheroes, but the initial casting options had aged too much to fill the roles. The Boys kicks off in one of the more surprising ways — especially if you’ve never read the comics. As Hughie walks down the street with the love of his life, Robin, her body gets blasted through by A-Train, only leaving Hughie clutching her lifeless hands. While we marveled in the slow-motion effects and horror of the moment, it was pretty easy to miss out on the clever Batman reference.

Be on the lookout for connections to Batman, Breaking Bad, and even Disney! We dive real deep into The Boys, all eight episodes and some of the biggest connections you may have missed!

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10 Nickelodeon Shows That Were Supposed To Look Completely Different

These Nickelodeon shows could have turned out totally different from the shows you know and love! Subscribe to our channel:

Over the years, Nickelodeon has created many iconic characters. There’s SpongeBob. Tommy. Arnold. And for the young ones: Blue. But through the development process, these characters were supposed to look very different than the results we saw on-screen. The Rgurats was one of the first Nicktoons to ever be commissioned by Nickelodeon and the show went through a lot during the development process. Show creators Gábor Csupó and Arlene Klasky were actually working on The Simpsons before Rugrats — clearly finding some inspiration through the pacifier sucking antics of little Maggie. SpongeBob Squarepants has been airing on Nick for over 20 years now, but the show took several years before that before it would become the iconic cartoon multiple generations grew up on. Show creator Stephen Hillenburg originally worked as an educator at the Ocean Institute before diving into the world of animation. It was there where he developed the character of SpongeBob through an educational comic story known as The Intertidal Zone. In it, SpongeBob was not square and didn’t wear a tie — he was more circular and true to an ocean sponge more than one of the kitchen variety. One of Nick’s newest hits is the Loud House — following the adventures of Lincoln Loud, the only boy among ten other siblings. Well, the Loud House could have A LOT louder if the original production went forward the way it was supposed to. Instead being actual humans, The Loud House was going to feature a whole family of bunnies — who pretty much lived and acted like humans — well besides munching on raw carrots a little more than usual.

From major character changes to huge plot developments, watch and learn how some of your favorite Nickelodeon shows of all-time were supposed to look completely different!

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The Evolution Of Anime

Join us in this video to look at how far anime has come throughout the years! Subscribe to our channel:

Do you know what the first anime ever created is called? If not, don’t worry, we’ll fill you in! The history of Japanese animation is absolutely fascinating and there have been quite a few bumps along the way including a massive earthquake resulting in some lost films. We’ll talk about the start of propaganda cartoons during World War II and how Walt Disney had a hand in shaping the television shows and movies we have today. There’s no doubt this popular format has undergone quite an evolution over the years and today we’re going to talk about it.

Most people know about legendary animator Hayao Miyazaki who created some of our favorite movies including Spirited Away the first non-American film to win an Academy Award for best-animated feature. He helped co-found Studio Ghibli and we’ll talk about what he was influenced by in his early career and how his projects would inspire others. You might also be surprised by what a pivotal role Cartoon Network played in making the genre popular when it came out with Toonami and Adult Swim.

What do you think about the way this popular format has evolved through the years? Do you find yourself wishing things could go back to the way they were or are you looking forward to seeing what comes next? Take a moment to share your thoughts with us in the comment section and then click on the subscribe button to get access to more great videos from us here at Screen Rant.

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دس تراك عبدالله وعبدالعزيز – باي باي خلود (فيديو كليب حصري) | 2019

معاكم عبدالله وعبدالعزيز 😎😎 شكرا ريبورترز على تفاعلكم وحماسكم🖤 زي ما وعدناكم ماحنسيب خلود.. هذا هو الدس تراك اسمعوه وانشروه في كل مكان 🖤 عشان جا الوقت نرجع خلود في مكانها..🔥
خلينا نرد عشان يبان الفرق بين حاجتين
الفرق بين الدس الصح .. والدس اللي بريالين..

معتمده على صوتك الناعم في الدس انو يجرحنا احنا نشرب الراب .. قومي صبّي كاستين

ماما بابا سامحوها واضح شويّة قرشين في جيبها غيروها

تسأل ليش.. ليش اخوانها نسيوها؟ يمكن لأنو ما منها فايدة فلمن نسيوها ذكروها

انو الريبورترز ما يصنعهم احد ومافي غيرها يستفيد بدون مايجتهد يا كوكو

غريبه وصلنا صوتك فوق.. وإنت تحت

يخسا اللي يقول انو صنعنا

تعبنا بعد ماجتهدنا وصلنا

هذا دس من طيور الجنة.. زعلانه عشان كلام صحباتك كلو عنّا؟

ماما بابا سامحوني.. قصدك ساعدوني
ليش تحرجي نفسك؟ ليش ياخلود؟

صوتك صوت كناري يغرّد صوت ناعم مايهدد
ليش تحرجي نفسك؟ ليش ياخلود؟

واقفه ضدنا من جدّك؟ شكلك ماتحبي نفسك
ليش تحرجي نفسك؟ ليش ياخلود؟

ماما بابا سامحوني.. قصدك ساعدوني
ليش تحرجي نفسك؟ ليش ياخلود؟

لكل من يحسب انو خلود تعمل منتاج ..
خليها اول شيء تتعلم تمسك فأرة

كلامها للي نقال ترا خرابيش دجاج

في الأخير انحشرت وقالت اسم سارة…

لساني حصاني لسانك حمارك ..
لوبيده ماخانك سابك

دس تراك على اخوانك؟
تعابير ندم على وجه من جابك..

كان نفسي أقول خلي كلامك على قدك

بس وفرتي عليّ لأنو كلامك اتفه منّك..

مبسوطه بكم مليون مشاهدة؟
بدون الريبورترز كان محد دري عنك..

كنا في يوم سندك والحين اعدائك

أساسنا اصرارنا مو احسانك..

لو الهدف من الدس تراك انك تثبتيلنا حاجة

فمبروك نجحتي اثبتّي غبائك..

ماما بابا سامحوني.. قصدك ساعدوني
ليش تحرجي نفسك؟ ليش ياخلود؟

صوتك صوت كناري يغرّد صوت ناعم مايهدد
ليش تحرجي نفسك؟ ليش ياخلود؟

واقفه ضدنا من جدّك؟ شكلك ماتحبي نفسك
ليش تحرجي نفسك؟ ليش ياخلود؟

ماما بابا سامحوني.. قصدك ساعدوني
ليش تحرجي نفسك؟؟؟

ليش؟ قولي ليش؟ ياخلود..

ديماً نقول الأخوّه ماتموت

يوتيوب يفرق بيننا .. لي ما كلمتينا

بدال ما تجبرينا..

انو ندمّرك ونرجّعك معانك

ماما بابا سامحوني.. قصدك ساعدوني
ليش تحرجي نفسك؟ ليش ياخلود؟

صوتك صوت كناري يغرّد صوت ناعم مايهدد
ليش تحرجي نفسك؟ ليش ياخلود؟

واقفه ضدنا من جدّك؟ شكلك ماتحبي نفسك
ليش تحرجي نفسك؟ ليش ياخلود؟

ماما بابا سامحوني.. قصدك ساعدوني
ليش تحرجي نفسك؟ ليش ياخلود؟
#دس_تراك #باي_باي_خلود