
Honest Trailers | Pokémon Detective Pikachu

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Honest Trailers | Pokémon Detective Pikachu
Title Design by Robert Holtby
Epic Voice Guy: Jon Bailey
Produced by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Joe Starr, & Max Dionne
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Edited by Kevin Williamsen


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Gemini Man – Bike Fight Clip (2019) – Paramount Pictures

Starring Will Smith, don’t miss the spectacular new action-thriller by visionary director Ang Lee. Available now:

Gemini Man (#GeminiMan) is an innovative action-thriller starring Will Smith (#WillSmith) as Henry Brogan, an elite assassin, who is suddenly targeted and pursued by a mysterious young operative that seemingly can predict his every move. The film is directed by Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Ang Lee and produced by renowned producers Jerry Bruckheimer, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg and Don Granger. Also starring are Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Clive Owen and Benedict Wong. Gemini Man opens in theaters October 11, 2019.

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It Chapter 3 Fan Theories So Crazy They Might Be True

There’s a real possibility that we haven’t seen the last of Pennywise! Subscribe to our channel:

Pretty much as soon as It Chapter Two wrapped up we were already wondering if there would be a sequel. Hey, we all know how much big movie studios love churning out sequel after sequel. But even actor Bill Skarsgard and director Andy Muschietti have acknowledged that there are definitely some different avenues they could explore for It Chapter Three. Come on, we didn’t even get to see the turtle Maturin in the second movie! The ancient alien most of us call Pennywise the Dancing Clown has a long, fascinating story that we wouldn’t mind seeing either on the big screen or on a Netflix streaming show like Stranger Things. The possibilities for world building and shared universes seem pretty endless considering how many Stephen King books connect with one another. If you thought the Marvel Cinematic Universe being a multiverse is a big deal what about the possibility of the Macroverse being further explored? Considering the original book is over a thousand pages long there’s definitely a lot of directions another movie could go in.

What do you think about the possibility of this story continuing? Do you think it’s already been told enough or are you excited about the possibility of more? Tell us whether or not you’re done with the story, and what form you’d like to see it take, in the comment section and then click on the subscribe button to get access to all of the latest videos from us here at ScreenRant.


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طقطقة – الجولة الرابعة (الاتحاد x الهلال)

حلقة جديدة من برنامج #طقطقة يقدمها بندر حلواني في الجولة الرابعة من دوري الأمير محمد بن سلمان بين #الاتحاد و #الهلال

#طقطقة 703

تقديم: بندر حلواني

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برنامج حركة 3 – 89 عامًا عشناها في رخاء

قناة صاحي تطلق الحلقة الثالثة من برنامج #حركة – يقدمه هادي الشيباني. حركة برنامج اجتماعي، يطرح ويناقش قضايا وسلوكيات المجتمع بطريقته الخاصة. مشاهدة ممتعه.

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The Secret Meaning Behind The Groot Language In The MCU

Here is a lot of hidden meaning in the Groot language! Subscribe to our channel:

Out of all of the awesome characters in the MCU, few are as consistently likeable and adorable as Groot. Sure, he’s a sentient tree, but he’s so much more than that. He’s helpful, he’s caring, and he’s got a little bit of sass to him also. He’s a staple of the Guardians Of The Galaxy and one of the most popular members of the team at that. However, what the heck is he saying?

“I am Groot” appears to be the only thing that he can say. Does that mean something else, or is he just repeating the same sentence over and over again? In this video, we’ll elaborate on the Groot language, the Groot species, and the Groot character. It’s a very multi-functional word, and we’re diving into all the various meanings. Strap in, because this is The Secret Meaning Behind The Groot Language In Guardians Of The Galaxy!

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20 Really Messed Up Moments In The Fairly OddParents

For such a popular Nickelodeon show, The Fairly OddParents was pretty weird! Subscribe to our channel:

Fairly OddParents is childhood classic. We all have fun memories of the zany show! The supportive Wanda and the Goofy Cosmo kept our eyes glued to the screen. We all wished we had magic fairy godparents and force them to grant every wish on our way to world domination!!! Er, sorry about that. We could all relate to Timmy Turner. An outcast that has a tough time in life. If it isn’t his babysitter Vicky tormenting him, it’s his parents reminding him that he wishes he never existed. Oh? Does that last one not sound familiar? Well, sorry dear reader, that is actually the case. Timmy’s dad confirms this! In fact, there are many more really horrid and messed-up moments scattered throughout the animated television show. And in today’s video, we’ve compiled a whole list of them!

We all like innuendos slipped into a kid’s show. It’s a fun nod from the creators towards the parents that are involuntarily made to watch the series. Well, Fairly OddParents is no exception. In fact, we have a few examples in today’s video! There are also some sinister, worrying moments in the show. Such as the real reason the dinosaurs went extinct. As well as Mister Turner’s, not so well hidden, insane darkness creeping below the surface. Yeah, we’re not kidding on this one. There are a few times where this is shown to the case. So, join us today and view this smashing video! Let’s all have our childhood nostalgia destroyed together! Yay!

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MCU Theory: Avengers Tower’s New Owner Is…

We think we might know who bought Avengers Tower! Subscribe to our channel:

The Stark Tower has been an iconic part of the MCU — but much like the major changes we saw in Endgame — change is also coming to the tower as well. With the Avengers relocated in upstate New York for the time being, the sale and renovation of the tower has been hinted at for some time — especially in Spider-Man films. But who actually bought the tower and how will the new ownership impact the rest of the MCU? Well, we have a theory about that!

New York City is full of real estate, but in the MCU there only seems to be one building that matters: Stark Tower. First introduced in The Avengers, the tower has become an iconic part of the MCU. Originally all Tony’s pride and joy — a battle with Loki transformed Stark’s plans and eventually the Stark Tower was turned into the Avengers tower. Well…turns out having a huge base for superheroes would pretty much be a giant “A-sized” target looming over the giant city.

This is when Happy Hogan revealed in Spider-Man: Homecoming that the tower was sold — Stark was packing up shop, and everything was moving to the secret Avengers headquarters in upstate New York. That’s all well and good, but Hogan never actually revealed who DID buy the tower. Whoever did is well underway on construction and renovation plans though. Yeah — we must assume they are going to remove Loki’s jail cell, maybe just use the basement area for some storage. Anyway, in Spider-Man: Far From Home, Peter Parker actually does come home and his web-swinging through the city reveals the HUGE construction site.

Some seeds have already been planted about the new tower owners. And not only will the possible new owner have major implications for the city of New York, but he could be a thorn in Thor’s side as a major villain in the upcoming Thor sequel.

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Fast And Furious Had Us All Fooled

The Fast and Furious franchise breaks all the laws pf physics, and then some… Subscribe to our channel:

Fictional movies are known for stretching the barriers of possibility and being a little unrealistic from time to time. There’s also different franchises that offer different universes, which often includes their own unique set of rules. There’s the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where wizards, intergalactic space monsters, and time travel are all pretty much the norm. Or there’s the Star Wars universe, where sentient robots and giant furry friends are friends and allies.

However, there’s probably no movie reality more messed up that the Fast And The Furious franchise. It’s hands down the most absurd of them all; a place where all logic goes out the window and pretty much anything is possible. You don’t see expensive sports cars driving through one high-rise building into another one in Star Wars, do you? I didn’t think so. There’s definitely something very weird going on with The Fast And The Furious, and Screen Rant is here to dig into what that is.

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