
10 Things You Missed In Dreamworks’ Abominable

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Abominable stomped into theaters have nearly ten years of development was able to snag to top US box office spot along the way. But, between all of white fur and globe-trotting adventures through China, there were several moments in the Dreamworks adventure you may have missed.

With a setting in China and a lot of emphasis on the culture, it was only natural for the filmmakers to cater parts of the film to the Chinese audience. In many cases, the English to Chinese translations were changed to help punch up jokes and appeal to the Chinese culture. For example, there’s a moment in the film where Burnish encounters a group of whopping snakes. Watch the video to see all of the changes! Whether you believe in yetis or not, without a real-life whitre fur monster to base designs off of, the process is pretty much an open book. Instead of opting for a standing yeti as seen in movies like Monster’s Inc., the design team in Abominable chose to keep Everest an animal who preferred to be on all fours a majority of the time. Yi has a strong passion for playing the violin, something we see pretty early on in the movie. While alone on her rooftop, Yi plays the strings beautiful in an epic animated sequence. While the music was moving, you may have felt your stomach grumbling a little as well. The reason? As the camera pans around Yi while she plays, look in the background and you will spot a McDonald’s inspired billboard hanging on one of the buildings.

From worldwide differences to some pretty revealing mistakes, learn about all the things you missed in Abominable — including a whole new way you will look at the film’s villain Burnish.

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القصة كاملة كيف سعودي ريبورترز قابلوا فرقة بي تي اس!!
والله في ارميييز كثار في السعودية🔥😂
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Disney Is Going To Kill The Movie Theatre

Disney’s master plan to change movies forever.
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It’s no secret that Disney has been dominating the box office in recent years. With their huge franchises like Marvel’s Avengers, Star Wars, Pixar and more- they’ve made billions and billions of dollars in movie theatres.

But 2019 was a particularly insane year for Disney at the box office– maybe even SUSPICIOUSLY good. 2019 is seeing some of their biggest titles ever, like Aladdin, The Lion King, Avengers Endgame, Toy Story 4, Frozen 2 and Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker.

Is it just a coincidence that they released all their most popular, end-of-an-era cinematic event films in the same year that they’re launching Disney Plus? Maybe– but also… probably not.

In this video we’re going to take a look at the idea that maybe, just maybe– Disney went all-out at the box office in 2019 because… they don’t want to keep releasing movies in theatres for much longer.

Hey Netflix… You Feeling Okay?

Goodbye X-Men… See You In 10 Years

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Actors Who Play Both Amazing Heroes And Villains

It takes a special kind of actor to switch between playing a convincing hero and villain! Subscribe to our channel:

You know how there are certain actors who are iconic for playing a specific type of role? For example, people tend to know Chris Pratt as the lovable goofball who can also pull off some action stunts. He’s clearly defined his niche, and for the most part, every movie he’s in, he plays a good guy. There are others notorious for playing bad guys exclusively. Then, there are the ones who can toggle back and forth like champions. These are the true talents – who are famous for iconic hero AND villain roles.

In this video, we’ll be examining this awesome crop of actors. We’ll take a look at what sort of acting skills are required to pull off such a wide spectrum of likeability, and also dig into some of their most iconic roles. Sit back and enjoy as we break down all your favorite characters and more!

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Small Details You Missed In The Addams Family (2019)

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The Addams Family is finally back in theaters — and this time in animated form! With so many gags, references, and small moments, there was a lot to miss in the film. Giving us a little bit of an origin story, The Addams Family opens up with the wedding of Gomez and Morticia. As Morticia prepares for the wedding by brushing the ashes of her family on her face, one of the small moments connects directly with the live-action Addams Family movies. It feels like every animated TV show and movie has to have some form of a Matrix parody in it — and the Addams Family is no different, despite being such a “different” type of family. In the movie, we get not one, but two different Matrix parodies, each one involving Pugsly. In the two live-action Addams Family movies, one of the more unique visuals featured the lighting on Morticia’s face. There was almost always a gleam light shining directly across her eyes to create a dramatic effect and show just how powerful Morticia was in the family. Ahh, there’s nothing like a great sibling rivalry and the extreme measures from Pugsly and Wednesday really kick things up a notch. There’s a moment in the Addams Family where Wednesday has actually dug an open grave for Pugsly and knocks him inside with one swing of her shovel. It takes a few minutes before we realize the fate of the young Addams Family member, but he manages to survive.

But no worries! We’re here to dig up every grave, follow all of Wednesday’s cross-bow shots, and give you all the details you missed in The Addams Family animated movie. See how the film connects to several classics including Titanic, E.T, and Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie.

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A Nightmare On Elm Street Pitch Meeting

Step inside the pitch meeting that led to A Nightmare on Elm Street! Subscribe for more Pitch Meetings:

Back in 1984, Wes Craven took the horror world by storm with the original A Nightmare on Elm Street, about a horrible dude named Freddy Krueger that hunts teenagers down in their dreams, with real world consequences!

The movie is a horror classic and led to a whole lot of sequels and even a reboot. However it definitely raises a lot of questions. Like how exactly do Freddy’s powers work exactly? Is there any consistency to what he can and can’t do? Where did Nancy get that insane library book that helps her defeat Freddy? Why is her mom so chill about this whole thing? Why doesn’t anyone believe her when obviously supernatural stuff starts happening around town? Does this movie hold up?

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to the original Nightmare on Elm Street! It’s super easy, barely an inconvenience!

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15 Things Star Wars Can Learn From The MCU

Star Wars should take a chapter out of Marvel Studios’ book! Subscribe to our channel:

There has been a disturbance in the Force. It’s as if millions of fanboys and fangirls cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. Well, maybe that’s because Kevin Feige is joining Star Wars for what just might be a collaboration of the ages. And we here at ScreenRant are psyched for what just might be the intergalactic cinematic event of the century. So watch as we go through the 15 things that Star Wars can learn from the MCU. While the final installment of the Skywalker saga, Episode IX, is just around the corner, Star Wars and Marvel movies will be coming out for the foreseeable future. We all love (or at least, love to talk about) the films from that galaxy far, far away and, with that in mind, there are many ways that Lucasfilm can improve upon previous installments.

Perhaps, it’s the special way that the MCU organizes their story group, the way they develop their plot lines, or the process through which they manage the casting, directing and overall writing of each stellar superhero film. Maybe it’s the compelling villains, vulnerable heroes, standalone stories or mash-up event films that bring audiences together in these trying times. Or could it be the involvement of Kevin Feige himself? Join us and together we’ll dissect just what makes these flicks so special, and why a collaboration between the Star Wars and MCU braintrust just might be the ultimate force to be reckoned with in this or any galaxy. Watch and then join the debate in the comments section below.

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Spider-Man Reacts to the Disney/Sony Breakup

The real story behind the Disney & Sony deal and how Spider-Man came back to the MCU…
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Spider-Man Reacts to the Disney/Sony Breakup
It’s been a crazy time for everybody’s favorite Marvel web-slinger. First, the Disney and Sony deal broke down and he was out of the MCU. Then, miraculously, things turned around and his third movie already has a release date! But how did that really all go down…


Spider-Man – Noah Grossman (
Dick Richards – Michael Adams Davis
Janine – Kelly Sparrman (

Written by Michael Schroeder and Michael Adams Davis

Directed by Michael Schroeder

Produced by Brian Fisher

Cinematography by Michael Schmidt

Makeup by Ashley Aldridge

Production Designer – Megan Mantia

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NEW VIDEOS EVERY FRIDAY! The Warp Zone is a pop-culture sketch comedy, gaming, and music video channel.

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We here at The Warp Zone have a passion for all things nerdy- such as video games, movies, tv shows, comics, superheroes, and anime and we love making funny parody videos about them!

10 Life Hacks For Lazy People

Hey, you can be both lazy AND ingenuous. For this list, we’re looking at hacks that, quite frankly, solve problems that were never that big to begin with. But who are we to judge? These shameless hacks are sure to get results with the least possible effort. But fair warning… they aren’t always going to be pretty. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Life Hacks For Lazy People.

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10. Use a Ziploc Bag & Straw Instead of Cups
9. Duct Tape Cup Holder!
8. Perfume Hair Brush Instead of Showering
7. Turn Your Screen on Its Side
6. Quick Dryer Refresh Instead of Ironing
5. Use Your Yogurt Lid as a Spoon
4. Using an Oven as a Heater

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