
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) – Fight and Flight Clip – Paramount Pictures

Watch this new clip from #TerminatorDarkFate and see it in theatres this Thursday night.

More than two decades have passed since Sarah Connor prevented Judgment Day, changed the future, and re-wrote the fate of the human race. Dani Ramos (Natalia Reyes) is living a simple life in Mexico City with her brother (Diego Boneta) and father when a highly advanced and deadly new Terminator – a Rev-9 (Gabriel Luna) – travels back through time to hunt and kill her. Dani’s survival depends on her joining forces with two warriors: Grace (Mackenzie Davis), an enhanced super-soldier from the future, and a battle-hardened Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton). As the Rev-9 ruthlessly destroys everything and everyone in its path on the hunt for Dani, the three are led to a T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) from Sarah’s past that may be their last best hope.

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طقطقة – حديقة امرابط

حلقة جديدة من برنامج #طقطقة يقدمها بندر حلواني في الجولة الثامنة من دوري الأمير محمد بن سلمان بين #الهلال و #النصر

#طقطقة 707

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25 Things You Missed In Big Mouth

Did you catch these hidden clues and Easter eggs in Netflix’s hit show Big Mouth? Subscribe to our channel:

With three seasons and a whole lot of hormones, the Netflix original animated series “Big Mouth” has a whole lot to take in. The show often rifts on pop-culture, has numerous guest stars, and is filled to the brim with small moments and details.

So let’s dive right into our pillows as we uncover some secrets, moments you missed, and great references the show has made. Gina clearly has the powers of Mr. Fantastic as she stretches her body into multiple positions. DeVon heats up a steak with some flame powers, and then there’s Andrew with the ability to turn invisible — but only if he passes a little gas first. The only one missing from the four was “The Thing”. There’s nothing like a good pop-culture reference in Big Mouth, especially when they do not have to directly mention it and make it obvious that the reference is even being made. Take for example, the season episode “Obsessed”. When Matthew and Aiden spend some time alone together, Maury shows up to help give a little encouragement. Along with the Macho Man reference in the episode “Obsessed”, we take a journey with Nick into the world of Cellsea. Even though the shots go by quick, there are a ton of small moments to take on as Nick journeys past viral videos adorned across Cellsea’s digital walls.

Also, with a big emphasis on season 3 of the show — there will be MAJOR spoilers, so you’ve all been warned. Watch to see all of these moments from the first three seasons of Big Mouth!

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Playing With Fire (2019) – First Responders Day – Paramount Pictures

On #FirstRespondersDay and every day, we thank our nation’s first responders. #PlayingWithFireMovie


“When straight-laced fire superintendent Jake Carson (John Cena) and his elite team of expert firefighters (Keegan-Michael Key, John Leguizamo and Tyler Mane) come to the rescue of three siblings (Brianna Hildebrand, Christian Convery and Finley Rose Slater) in the path of an encroaching wildfire, they quickly realize that no amount of training could prepare them for their most challenging job yet: babysitting. Unable to locate the children’s parents, the firefighters have their lives, jobs and even their fire depot turned upside down and quickly learn that kids (much like fires!) are wild and unpredictable.




Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a major global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), home to premier global media brands that create compelling television programs, motion pictures, short-form content, apps, games, consumer products, social media experiences, and other entertainment content for audiences in more than 180 countries.

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The Sixth Sense Pitch Meeting

Step inside the pitch meeting that led to The Sixth Sense! Subscribe for more Pitch Meetings:

The Sixth Sense starring Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment was one of the most popular movies of 1999 and was a launching point for M Night Shyamalan’s twist-ending based career. The movie follows Malcolm Taylor, a totally alive child psychologist that’s trying to help Cole Sear, a little boy with the ability to see dead people.

The film was a cultural phenomenon, but it definitely raises a lot of questions. Like what exactly ARE the rules of being a ghost in this world? Why do they only seem to apply to Malcolm? Why are all the ghosts so hostile towards Cole if they actually just want to talk? How is Cole going to help ghosts that don’t have currently active easy-to-solve cases? Does this whole movie just exist as a set-up for the big twist ending?

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting The Sixth Sense! It’s super easy, barely an inconvenience!

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The Happening Meeting

Game of Thrones Season 8 Pitch Meeting

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نكت سامجة ( انت مو انسان اذا ما ضحكت 😂😂😂 )

نكت سامجة ٢٠١٩ نكت تضحك ٢٠٢٠ ههههه
اذا عندكم نكت اكتبوها في التعليقات واسعدوا البشر

موقع بلايز جاهيييز:
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نحبكم واحد واحد!!!

25 Movies That Were Planned But Never Made

Which of these cancelled movies would you most like to see? Subscribe to our channel:

Hollywood can be a tough place to get a movie made. That applies even if you’re one of the most accomplished filmmakers of all-time. Throughout the history of movies, there are plenty of examples of film projects that never took off. But the most shocking thing? Some of these projects could have been really amazing.

For instance, Stanley Kubrick, the master filmmaker behind the likes of ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ and ‘A Clockwork Orange’ never got to make his passion project ‘Napoleon.’ Steven Spielberg, yes, THE Steven Spielberg, couldn’t get his project ‘Night Skies’ off the ground. (He got a little too distracted by a project about a friendlier alien named E.T.) Guillermo del Toro, the filmmaker behind ‘Pan’s Laybrinth’ and ‘Hellboy,’ has always wanted to adapt H.P. Lovecraft’s short story ‘At the Mountains of Madness.’ Sadly, the project is far too expensive for studios to want to fund.

Other projects include Orson Welles’ attempt to adapt Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness,’ Tim Burton’s ‘Superman Lives’ and even a ‘Halo’ film based on the popular video game series. That movie had Neil Blomkamp attached as director with Peter Jackson attached as producer and it still didn’t make it to the big screen! Darren Aronofsky’s ‘Batman: Year One’ is yet another project we would love to have seen.

And this is just the beginning. There are tons of other examples of filmmakers like Quentin Tarantino, Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese not getting to make their passion projects. Let’s take a look at the entire list and try to figure out what happened.

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These Old Actors Have Still Got It

Why is it that older action stars are so beloved by fans? Subscribe to our channel:

What’s with Hollywood’s obsession with old dudes beating the crap out of bad guys and making things explode? Is there anything audience’s love more than an aged gentleman starring in an action movie? Why is that such a common thing these days? It seems like every action hero these days is nearing retirement age, and it’s a lot of the same faces we’ve seen since the 80’s.

In this video, we’ll dive into the concept of old action heroes and discuss why they’re so popular. We’ll examine the reasons why this phenomenon currently exists, the history behind it, the new class of heroes that never quite took the torch, and what the future may hold for the genre of action movies.

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