
Friday the 13th VII: The New Blood (1988) – Resurrecting Jason Scene (1/10) | Movieclips

Friday the 13th VII: The New Blood – Resurrecting Jason: Tina (Lar Park-Lincoln) tries to revive her father from the lake but unwittingly animates Jason (Kane Hodder).

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Years after the strange drowning death of her father, Tina Shepard (Lar Park Lincoln) returns to the site of his demise, Crystal Lake. Her developing psychic powers were responsible for ending his life, leaving Tina riddled with guilt as an adult. While deceitful Dr. Crews (Terry Kiser) tries to manipulate her abilities for his own ends, both physician and patient are in for a shock when Tina’s powers unwittingly free camper-killer Jason Voorhees from his watery slumber.

TM & © Paramount (1988)
Cast: Jennifer Banko, John Otrin, Lar Park Lincoln, Susan Blu, Terry Kiser
Director: John Carl Buechler

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The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes, and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.

Why The Bar Keeps Rising For Scary Movies

Scary movies have gotten a lot more intense since the early days of horror! Subscribe to our channel:

Scary movies have gotten a tad bit out of hand, have they not? I mean, just think about it; back in the day, the simplest things used to drive people into a frenzy. Movies like Poltergeist or The Exorcist would cause people to lose their minds, yet by today’s standard, both of those titles are relatively calm by comparison.

In this video, we’ll dive into the evolution of scary movies and discuss how the bar has just been set too high for anything to properly register with audiences anymore. Special effects and CGI have gotten out of hand as well, which can be great in some instances, but too often just looks cheap and unrealistic. The entire horror genre has taken such massive leaps that there isn’t really anywhere else to go from here. Is anything scary anymore? Can the human brain concoct anything that would actually frighten audiences who have seen it all before and become totally desensitized to it all?

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Every MCU Phase 4 Leak So Far

What we know about the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4! Subscribe to our channel:

Let the countdown to phase 4 begin! The production of Marvel’s new slate of movies and Disney+ shows is fully underway. Two of them are filming as we speak. Fortunately for us, some of the people on the sets of Eternals and Black Widow have those things that sink ships. These are just movies, so there won’t be any sunken ships, just leaks and previews for us to dissect. Such as:

The Red Hulk. William Hurt is reprising his role as General Thunderbolt Ross in Black Widow, which is set to release in May of next year (remember the nagging Secretary of State who keeps gets hung up on in Captain America: Civil War?). In a 2008 comic, the general turned into Red Hulk, a similar version of our green friend Bruce Banner, but red. Hurt has even expressed an interest in taking his character in that direction.

There’s also a whole pile of leaks from the set of Eternals. First of all, there are some early shots of their version of Babylon. Not only does it look cool, it gives us some insight into the time-frame of the movie (thousands of years!). We’ve also got a little taste of the most god-like creatures in all of Marvel: the celestials.

Only slightly less god-like, but much more real, Angelina Jolie also appears in a leaked photo from the set of the new film. In it, we get a preview of her new look as Thena.

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Why The Joker Is More Powerful Than You Thought

Do not underestimated The Joker. Batman sure doesn’t! Subscribe to our channel:

When you think about powerful heroes or villains, you probably don’t necessarily think Joker. Sure, he is definitely a force to be reckoned with, wreaking a lot of havoc all across Gotham for decades, but as we saw in the Injustice series, he is rather, how you say…mortal.

But, we you may not have considered, is all of the aspects of his character that makes him so powerful. Sure, he may not be able to survive something like, oh I don’t know, a batarang to the face or Superman’s fist through his chest but there is certainly a reason why he is the subject of so much of Batman’s attention.

So let’s take a look at his origins, what he can do, and what kind of sweet gadgets and gizmos he regularly utilizes. You know the spiel. Let’s dive right into it!

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Honest Trailers Commentary | The Shining

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Honest Trailers Commentary | The Shining
Hosted by Spencer Gilbert
Featuring Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Produced by Ryan O’Toole
Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand

#HonestTrailers #TheShining

Pondemonium 3 (2018) – Balloon Blunder Scene (3/10) | Movieclips

Pondemonium 3 – Balloon Blunder: The insects team up to save Joe from a dinosaur balloon.

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When Bartle Bee and Cosmo get into a heap of trouble, it’s up to the whole pond to come together to help save the day.

TM & © WOWNow Entertainment (2018)
Director: Zhe Hou
Screenwriter: Zhe Hou

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The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes, and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.

The Ring Pitch Meeting

Step inside the pitch meeting that led to The Ring! Subscribe for more Pitch Meetings:

A remake of the spooky Japanese film Ringu, The Ring starring Naomi Watts was a massive hit in the early 2000’s. It not only made the phrase “seven days” a creepy part of pop culture but also inspired Hollywood to remake a ton of other Japanese films thanks to its success.

Although the movie is undoubtedly creepy, it also raises a bunch of questions. Like what happens if you’re not anywhere near a phone when you watch the tape? What happens if you’re standing next to a Jumbotron when Samara decides to crawl out of the screen? Why didn’t Rachel ask her son, who was communicating with Samara, for a bunch of information? Why did Samara’s dad bonk Rachel over the head before having his electricity party? And why did this ghost leave so many clues?!

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to The Ring! It’s super easy, barely an inconvenience!

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IT Pitch Meeting

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سرقنا سيارة ولد الحاكم – قراند حياة واقعية ( رحنا فيها !!! )💔😔

شكرا لك على المشاهده , فعّل زر التنبيهات ( 🔔 ) عشان توصلك الفيديوهات
الجديده على طول!

موقع نون اضغط عليه ولا تنسى الكود حقي ( mjrm )

– قال النبي ﷺ (البخيل من ذكرتُ عنده فلم يصلِّ عليَّ)
فلا تنسون الصلاة على اشفع الخلق محمد ﷺ

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Honest Trailers | The Shining

Based on a Stephen King novel that Stanly Kubrik threw in the trash, it’s The Shining! Watch before you see Doctor Sleep! – it’s Honest Trailers presented by Fandom
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►►Watch The Honest Trailers Commentary tomorrow at 10 AM PST►►

Honest Trailers | The Shining
Voice Narration: Jon Bailey aka Epic Voice Guy
Written by: Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Produced by: Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, & Max Dionne
Edited by: Kevin Williamsen
Post-Production Supervisor: Kevin Williemsen
Production Coordinator: Ryan O”Toole

#HonestTrailers #TheShining #DoctorSleep