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Top 10 Stars Who Destroyed Their Careers on Live TV

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Well, that didn’t go as planned. Many celebs’ careers have been destroyed by mistakes on live TV. From Fergie’s questionable performance of the national anthem to Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction, these stars’ embarrassing moments will go down in history. Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the top 10 celebs who killed their careers on live TV. Which of these moments did you find most cringeworthy? Let us know in the comments!

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#SNL #LiveTV #CelebrityScandal

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10 Actors Who Were Furious About Being Replaced in Sequels and Reboots

These Actors Were Not Happy About Being Replaced
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Welcome back ScreenRanters! We have a fun video for you today. And that’s us saying it, so you know it’s true! Today, we’re going to take a gander at some angry actors. Film franchises will usually dip into recasting when a reboot is on the table. Rarely, but sometimes, they may even recast for a sequel. Every so often, it sparks fury in the thespian that’s been kicked to the curb. Sometimes, they aim their ire at the production companies. Sometimes, it’s aimed at the actors taking over from them. And that’s the topic of today’s video! We’re going to look at circumstances when the out-going performer has been furious at being replaced. Either via very strong rumour, or from social media and whatnot!
What can you expect from today’s film filled content? Good question. Let’s break it down. Firstly, we’re going to chat about why this happens. Then, we’re going to drop in some examples and all the sweet, juicy gossip behind it. You can expect to see at least one DC and two Marvel actors on the list! Is it from Spider-Man? Iron Man? Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker? Find out in the vid! Let’s just say a recent Warner Brothers related outburst swept through the internet. Alec Baldwin pops up too. But was he the replacing thespian or the angered, replaced actor? On top of that, we have alumni from Back To The Future and Ghostbusters too! Watch to find out all the answers in this vexing video!

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10 Movies That Were Horribly Wrong About The Future

These Sci-Fi Movies Got It All Wrong!
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Speculating about what the future may hold isn’t anything new. People have been doing this since the beginning of time, so it only makes sense that it became a common theme among major motion pictures. Sometimes, movies like to predict futures with advanced technology. Other times, they opt to depict the future as a desolate one. What’s interesting, however, is that some of these older movies made predictions about the future so long ago, it’s actually now become the present.

In this video, we’ll examine some movies that made predictions about the future, which has actually now become the present day. We’ll see how accurate they were, and in most cases, how horribly far off the target they actually ended up being. I mean, it’s 2019. We SHOULD have hover boards by now, right?! Strap in, these are the top movies that were horribly wrong about the future.

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Top 10 Famous Actors Who Started on Bad Shows

We can’t believe how far these famous actors who started on bad shows have come. We’re looking at big name actors whose early roles were on tv shows that would now be considered beneath them. Hey, before you can make it big, you’ve gotta take whatever work is offered to you! WatchMojo ranks the most famous actors who started on bad shows. Are you surprised these actors started on such lousy shows? Let us know in the comments!

Watch more great acting related content here:
Top 10 Bad Movies With Good Actors –
Top 10 Movies That Feature Both Great and Bad Performances –
Top 10 Models Who Suck at Acting –

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#LeonardoDiCaprio #RamiMalek #JasonMomoa

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Top 10 Anime Characters Too Powerful for The Show They’re In

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These anime characters are too overpowered! For this list Ashley counts down shows like One-Punch man, Vinland Saga, Dr. Stone, Baki the Grappler, Hunter x Hunter, How Heavy are the Dumbbells you Lift?, Bungo Stray Dogs, Durarara!, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, Golden Kamuy, and more to see which characters are too strong for the show they’re in. Some of these characters had to be written out! Expect characters like Saitama, Pannacotta Fugo, and Yujiro Hanma to appear along the way!

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#Anime #DrStone #OnePunchMan

#10. Tatsuma Ushiyama
#9. Shizuo Heiwajima
#8. Thorkell
#7. Meruem
#6. Machio Naruzo
#5. Chūya Nakahara
#4. Tsukasa Shishio
#3. Yujiro Hanma
#2. Pannacotta Fugo
#1. Saitama

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25 Things You Missed In Terminator Dark Fate

Terminator Dark Fate Has A Lot Of Behind The Scenes Secrets
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The Terminator franchise has been going for a long time. Almost forty years. All that time has meant a lot of mythology has built up, sat there, and got itself ready to be plucked out and pasted as an easter egg into the new Terminator: Dark Fate. There are endless callbacks to Terminators of the past but also to everywhere else in pop(and not-so-pop)culture.

The movie begins with callbacks to Terminator 2, when Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) was in an asylum. Her voice from that movie finds itself in the new one. Her face from that 90’s film is here too, but digitally de-aged. Her son, John Connor (played by Ed Furlong), also has his face pasted onto a new body.

The movie has practical effects too, though. Like paint, on the door of a van. You may have noticed that “Carl,” aka T-800, aka Arnold Schwarzenegger’s drapery van had a phone number on it. See what happens if you call it…

All the historic Terminator lines are back too. Some are more obvious, like when Arnold tells his human family “I Won’t Be Back.” Others have wider implications for the direction of the franchise, like Linda Hamilton being the one to say the classic “I’ll Be Back” this time around.

There are also bunches and bundles of historical and political references in Dark Fate. The new Terminator, Rev-9, is a reference to the judgment day in the bible. The setting of many of the new movie’s battles is also approaching the status of political commentary, but maybe not quite. But that’s only the beginning.

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Joker Is Entirely Imagined By Arthur Fleck

Terminator: Dark Fate Pitch Meeting

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