
The Batman’s Alfred Is A Very Different Role For Andy Serkis

Andy Serkis Is Exactly What DC Movie Fans Need
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Andy Serkis is an actor that you might not recognize, but you definitely know his work.

From Gollum to Caesar to Ulysees Klau, Serkis has taken on some really big roles and in massive franchises.

And now, he has been cast in the role of Alfred Pennyworth in DC’s The Batman, taking on a character that is beloved by many movie fans the world over. And it is some big shoes to fill.

Many people have taken on the role. Jeremy Irons, Michael Caine, Michael Gough…a good number of fantastic actors have played the part of Bruce Wayne’s surrogate father-figure and butler, so Serkis definitely has to step up.

And this role may prove a bit difficult for the actor, as it is quite different from what we have seen from him before. How so you ask? Well, in this video we are going to take a look at the actor’s previous roles, and why Alfred’s part in Batman’s life, may prove a challenge for Andy Serkis.

Kick back, have a spot of tea, and let’s dive right in.

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Honest Trailers Commentary | Tangled

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Honest Trailers Commentary | Tangled
Hosted by Spencer Gilbert
Featuring Joe Starr, Dan Murrell & Lon Harris
Produced by Ryan O’Toole
Senior Producer: Billy Patterson
Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand


This Is How Marvel Zombies Could Be Introduced To The MCU

MCU Phase 4 Will Include Blade And So Much More!
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Marvel Zombies were a huge hit in the comic books, but have yet to make an impact in the MCU. With Phase 4 getting underway and a whole new bevy of storylines and characters, it’s very possible that we’ll finally get the superhero walking dead on the big screen. One potential vehicle that they could use to introduce Marvel Zombies is the upcoming Blade reboot starring Mahershala Ali. Blade is a vampire, which is another form of undead creature. Once they start going into the eerie and the paranormal, that may just open up the floodgates for all sorts of ghouls.

In this video, we’ll dive into the possibility that Marvel Zombies make an appearance in the upcoming Blade movie. They can go about doing this in a number of different ways, so we’ll theorize about how this much anticipated introduction can finally happen. While on the subject, we’ll examine the role that all sorts of different monsters can play in the MCU.

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Credit: BossLogic

15 Things Only Adults Noticed In Frozen

Frozen 2 Is Almost Here And We’re Expecting A Lot From Disney
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El Video Que Debes Ver Antes De Frozen 2:

Howdy ScreenRanters! We have a treat for you today. You’re welcome! We’re going to take a look a gander at the singing, Icey themed, animated epic that is Frozen. With the sequel coming out soon, we wanted to take a look at the first film, once more. Only this time, we’re going to let you know about all the details that only made sense to the adults among us. So, if you’re a child, some of these entries today may have escaped your attention. Then again, the same may be true if you’re an adult! But that’s what we’re here for, to enlighten the minds of all.
Frozen is a family friendly film (alliteration). However, they slipped in many adult references to entertain the older generation, as they sat through the film for the 22nd time. Some entries refer to the themes of the plot, some refer to specific sentences and moments. You can expect to learn about Olaf’s acceptance of his snowman related dark fate. Elsa’s lack of a romance story and why that matters. Anna and Kristoff chatting about shoe size. Why King Agnarr and Queen Iduna are terrible parents. The odd parental behaviour of the magic Trolls. Who is Oaken’s family! As well as many, many innuendos scattered through Arendelle. Disney’s animated epic placed in a number of these fun references. So, watch the video to find out what they are!

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Honest Trailers | Tangled

Download NOW to see our first feature-length film – Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary .-

it’s Honest Trailers presented by Fandom
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Honest Trailers | Tangled
Voice Narration: Jon Bailey aka Epic Voice Guy
Written by: Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Produced by: Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, & Max Dionne
Edited by: Kevin Williamsen
Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand
Production Coordinator: Ryan O”Toole


Frozen – HISHE Dubs (Comedy Recap)

Frozen HISHE Dubs. A Comedy Recap voiced by How It Should Have Ended.
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Endgame HISHE Dubs

How IT Chapter Two Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – Return of the Palps

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How Spider-Man Far From Home Should Have Ended

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How Lion King Should Have Ended

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How Venom Should Have Ended

How Aladdin Should Have Ended

Spider-Man Far From Home Trailer HISHE

How Shazam! Should Have Ended

How Bumblebee Should Have Ended

Avengers Endgame HISHE Review

Captain Marvel HISHE

Avengers Infinity War – HISHE Dubs

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HISHE Horror Compilation

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How Spider-Man Homecoming Should Have Ended

Avengers Infinity War and Beyond (Toy Story Mashup)

How IT Should Have Ended

How The Incredibles Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – Penny For Your Fears

How Robert Pattinson Transformed Into Batman

Robert Pattinson Had To Get Ripped To Play Batman
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It’s not easy playing the Dark Knight. Not only is there an immense amount of pressure from the Batman fanbase, but you’ve also got to prepare yourself physically and mentally. While Robert Pattinson’s casting in Matt Reeves’ ‘The Batman’ was met with a fair amount of criticism. But here’s the truth, people: Robert Pattinson is an excellent actor. You can take a look at the many film roles he’s taken on in the years since ‘Twilight’ and it becomes clear. He’s worked with amazing directors such as David Cronenberg and James Gray and is currently working with Christopher Nolan himself on Nolan’s upcoming film ‘Tenet.’ Most recently, he co-starred with Willem Dafoe in Robert Eggers’ ‘The Lighthouse,’ and his performance is a tour-de-force.

Pattinson has always demonstrated an impressive commitment to his craft, and it’s clear he’s taking this role as the Dark Knight seriously. He’s already begun diving into the many, many decades worth of Batman comics. He’s even started engaging in an intense workout regimen. This is something that all Batman actors have done in the past, including Christian Bale, who put on 70 pounds of muscle to play the role.

Pattinson also has some really interesting ideas on who Bruce Wayne/Batman is and why the character isn’t necessarily a hero. Let’s take a deep dive into all the ways he’s preparing to take on the legendary role. One thing’s for sure: this has a strong chance to be one of the most fascinating live action takes of this character that we’ve ever seen.

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Rick And Morty Season 4 Episode 2 Recap: 10 Things Everyone Missed

Rick and Morty Season 4 Episode 2 Had Loads of Easter Eggs
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Rick And Morty always brings it in the easter egg department. Every new episode is stuffed full of reference to, well, pretty much everything. It can be hard to keep up with all of it, so we’ve put together a recap of everything that happened and everything that you missed in the new episode.

They waste no time introducing the first cameo, who is an alien intern. You can probably guess who’s behind the voice. He’s this moment’s Hollywood it-boy, getting some of the biggest jobs in the industry after rising through the indie ranks with some very inspired comedies. He’s also been doing cameos in his own movies as well as The Mandalorian. If you haven’t guessed it by now, it’s Taiki Waiti. His character convinces Jerry to develop a dating app that turns the whole world into a chaotic mess of monogamy.

Rick has his own “solo” issue in this episode: he just wants to defecate in peace, but some interloper has been trespassing on his tailor-made bathroom planet. So Rick goes on an interplanetary quest to find the fish-alien that’s been using his toilet and bring him to justice. But justice, in this case ends up visiting Rick in the end.

Along the way there are endless opportunities for dropping easter eggs and references. There’s A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, Ernest Hemingway, even a Stan Lee cameo. Stick with us, and we’ll explain all of it as best we can.

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What Nobody Noticed About Arthur’s Dancing In Joker

Joker’s Dancing Meant So Much More Than You Realize
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It’s clear that Arthur Fleck, the titular character of Joker, wasn’t a completely well person. He definitely suffered from some serious mental issues, but to what extent did they affect him? While it’s easy to chalk up his tendency to dance as just an awkward quirk, it’s actually a lot more than that. There’s a much deeper meaning as to why he chooses to dance so frequently, and how he chooses to express himself.

In this video, we’ll explain what Arthur’s dancing in Joker really means, and what most viewers didn’t notice at first. In a way, his dancing is sort of the polar opposite of his laughing condition. The more comfortable he gets, and the more confidence he gains, the more he’s able to express himself, which is something he suffers with greatly. His laughing condition limits his ability to communicate, but his tendency to dance is actually directly linked to his mental state.

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