
25 Things Everyone Missed In Frozen 2

Frozen 2 Had So Many Easter Eggs And Hidden Secrets
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Frozen 2 is finally here! And among all the epic scenes, new songs, and great adventures are a ton of hidden moments and Easter Eggs. Time to thaw these frozen treats out as we uncover hidden Disney references, a fun connection to the band Queen, and a great tie-in to Gravity Falls.

Despite taking place three years after the first Frozen, the film is still filled with plenty of flashbacks — including the opening scenes where we see a young Anna and Elsa playing together. Instead of the standard toys, the little girls enjoy some time with snowman figurines. Watch to see what characters are hidden among the designs. One of Elsa’s big songs in Frozen 2 is “Into the Unknown”. The song helps set her off on her journey — and provides us with plenty of lyrics to sing along with. In the movie — the song is also filled with all kinds of great visuals — including one hidden Mickey that appears in a blink and you miss it moment. While Frozen’s time setting prevents a lot of modern-day references, we do hear Anna use the word “epic” as a kid — and there’s also a great reference to the band Queen. After struggling to propose to Anna, Kristoff decides to sing about his feelings in the song “Lost in the Woods”. Well, it turns out the song had all the vibes of a 80’s music video and one of the moments was a direct reference to the Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody. Watch to see all of these moments and so many others in Frozen 2!

Quick warning — there are some major Frozen 2 spoilers ahead!

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Honest Trailers | Jingle All The Way

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Honest Trailers | Jingle All The Way
Voice Narration: Jon Bailey aka Epic Voice Guy
Written by: Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, Danielle Radford & Lon Harris
Produced by: Spencer Gilbert, Joe Starr, Dan Murrell, & Max Dionne
Edited by: Kevin Williamsen
Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand
Production Coordinator: Ryan O”Toole


How Joker Should Have Ended

How Joker Should Have Ended

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Rick and Morty Season 4 Episode 3 Recap: Everything You Missed

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The third episode of Rick and Morty season four might be one of the craziest episodes yet! It is definitely one of the most complicated, there is no doubt about that. Be careful as you read on, there are serious spoilers ahead!

Episode three deals with Rick and Morty dropped into the middle of a heist movie, a la Oceans 11. After their attempted robbery of an ancient tomb is foiled by a well known “heist artist” named Miles Nightly, they set out to track him down. Rick expresses just how much he loathes the genre, a fact which is doubled down on as the pair enter Heist Con. Heist Con is a Comic Con-like convention, all about heisting. Once there, Nightly challenges Rick to a heist-off, and whoever can steal a crystal skull first has to join the other one’s crew. Safe to say, Rick beats Nightly with little to no effort, and that’s not even the beginning. To do so, Rick had invented a robot with a directive to outsmart every heist plan, and things quickly go completely awry. The robot goes rogue, Rick assembles team after team of misfit heisters, Mr Poopybutthole comes back, Morty writes a screenplay, and all sorts of other shenanigans ensue. There are so many twists and reveals in this episode that we had to watch it more than once just to keep track! As always, Rick and Morty is one of the smartest, funniest, and completely insane shows out there. And that’s why we love it!

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10 Movie Moments That Were Not In The Original Scripts

These Movie Scenes Were Improvised By The Actors
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Actores Que Estaban Furiosos Por Ser Reemplazados En Secuelas Y Reinicios:

Film productions can be a rigid environment. Each film shoot is meticulously planned and carried out. It has to be. Especially when there are millions of dollars on the line. But a great filmmaker allows for some flexibility in order for little flashes of unexpected brilliance to shine through. Sometimes a moment is so perfect and adds so much to a director’s final product, they have to include it, even if it wasn’t in the original script.

Some of the greatest moments in film history were completely improvised. Not just lines of dialogue, but entire action sequences. For instance, in ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark,’ Indiana Jones was supposed to have an intense, heavily choreographed fight scene with the swordsman in Cairo. But because actor Harrison Ford was suffering from food poisoning, he made a suggestion that resulted in one of the film’s best moments. In his role in Todd Phillips’ 2019 ‘Joker,’ Joaquin Phoenix found many instances where he could improvise and make the character even creepier. To his credit, Phillips gave Phoenix the creative room to do so. Even a filmmaker as meticulous and as much of a perfectionist as Stanley Kubrick allowed some room for improvisation on his film ‘Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.’

These are just a few examples. Believe it or not, there are plenty more where that came from, including scenes in ‘Good Will Hunting,’ ‘The Warriors’ and even ‘The Godfather.’ Let’s take a look at some of the best moments.

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فلوق اليابان 🇯🇵 : إتحادي يشجع مع جماهير الهلال في الملعب💙🏆( الهلال vs اوروا )

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How Marvel Gets Away With Killing Their Characters

Why Are Superheroes Still Heroes When They Kill The Villain…?
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Some people were pretty outraged by the fact that both Batman and Superman took lives in the DCEU. Typically there’s a kind of moral code surrounding mainstream superheroes that they don’t take lives– that’s something the bad guys do. So how has Marvel managed to mostly avoid having their heroes take lives over the course of more than 20 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

In this video we’ll lake a look at some of the tricks in their book that they use to get past the moral grey area of having villains die (or not die) at the end of their movies. Whether it’s by throwing them in jail, having them be defeated by an act of their own, or simply getting some kind of weird ambiguous non-death scene, Marvel seems to put a lot of effort into keeping their heroes out of that “moral grey zone” and letting them play in the happy fun light zone!

Hey Netflix… You Feeling Okay?

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يجي ولا مايجي كورن فليكس؟؟ | جربنا كورن فليكس مع عصير برتقال

يجي ولا مااايجي 😂🔥
اكتبوا في التعليقات ايش تبغوا يجي ولا مايجي الجاي👀❤️
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