
Frozen 2’s Mental Health Message Is On Point

Frozen 2 Made Us Understand Who Elsa And Anna Really Are
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Frozen II is a pretty awesome movie for a multitude of different reasons. From the funny dialog to the heartfelt moments, there is a lot to enjoy in the film.

However, there is a much deeper reason to truly appreciate the film, that being the positive message the movie makes in regards to dealing with serious mental health issues.

Not quite sure what we mean? Well, stick around and in this video, we will take a look at how Elsa overcomes a serious bout of anxiety, and how Anna faces down her own darkness, literally walks through it, and comes out on top.

Guess these two sisters really do learn, to let it go.

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Hollywood Wants To Bring Actors Back From The Dead

Hollywood Draws No Lines To Cast The Perfect Actor
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It’s hard enough for living actors to book roles and get a career for themselves going in Hollywood. Now it seems like they might have to compete with movie legends that are no longer with us. What?

After a few instances of deceased actors appearing in films after their passing, like Peter Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin and Paul Walker in Furious 7– this concept has just now been taken to a whole new level. It was announced that James Dean had been cast in an upcoming movie called Finding Jack. Yes, THAT James Dean. And no, he’s not “playing himself” or reprising a character he’s already played — the studio straight up wants to recreate him digitally and have him play a role in the movie. What is going on?

In this video we’re going to break this case down a little bit and explore how insane of an idea it is, and where it could lead us down the line!

Hey Netflix… You Feeling Okay?

Why Actors Take Playing The Joker So Seriously

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Pitch Meeting

Step inside the pitch meeting that led to Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle!
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The original Jumanji film starring the late, great Robin Williams was beloved by fans around the world. So naturally, in this generation of sequels and reboots, Hollywood had it in its SIGHTS. Starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Kevin Hart, Karen Gillan and Jack Black, this new movie takes the players inside the game to survive in the jungle of Jumanji.

The movie was a massive hit, but definitely raises a lot of questions. Like what’s up with the game establishing video game rules only to abandon them later? Why is Ruby REALLY dressed like that? Is Kevin Hart trying to play his character or is he just doing his usual shtick. And what’s up with the avatars having accurate human anatomy?

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle!

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Evil Morty Will Be The Hero of Rick And Morty Season 4

Evil Morty Is About To Make His Return To Season 4
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Rick & Morty is coming back for another season, and audiences are already speculating about what this new instalment might entail. One popular theory is that the antagonist character Evil Morty from the previous season will play a larger role than you may think. Of course, this is a complicated show, and it takes someone with an extremely high IQ to understand it properly. In short, there are alternate reality versions of Rick as well as alternate reality versions of Morty. One of which happens to be Evil Morty, but his origins and background are still mostly unknown.

In this video, we’ll explore the Evil Morty character, and speculate about how he might factor into the story moving forward. We’ll also theorize where the character came from, why he’s evil, and what his correlation might be to the main reality of the show. There may be some interesting links that you didn’t even see coming!

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Top 10 Bad Animated Series Finales

Can we just erase these worst animated series finales from our memories? We’re looking at the worst endings in cartoons, considering shows both kid-friendly and mature. However, we’ll be excluding anime as they deserve a list of their own. WatchMojo ranks the worst animated series finales. What do you think is the worst cartoon finale? Let us know in the comments!

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Frozen 2 Ruined Connection Theories To Other Disney Movies

The Disney Universe Theory Has Officially Been Ruined
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Six years since the release of Frozen we’ve been building a checklist of questions and theories. And Frozen 2 answered them all. Where did Elsa’s powers come from? Did their parents really parish in the huge storm? Is another Disney character really their brother?!

It’s OK to admit it now — we were all a little too obsessed with the first Frozen. When we weren’t belting out “Let It Go”, asking random people if they wanted to build a snowman, or looking back at signs of Hans’ deception, we were digging deep into every frame — and some pretty convincing theories came out of it all. Let’s start with the whole secret little brother thing. So, the theory states that Anna and Elsa’s mom was carrying a third child — and what do you do when you get pregnant? Hop aboard a ship and take a journey across rough waters. Yeah, we can only imagine the combination of fresh crabmeat, sea sickness, and morning sickness all combined for a pretty messy shipdeck. Buttt — their ship never made it to any part of Africa. There were many other connections and by watching we’ll explain exactly how water memories come into play here!

Well, we may not like the answers we got — because the movie pretty much DEBUNKS every single Frozen theory connecting the franchise to other Disney universes. So let’s dive into the unknown and uncover all these big reveals. Join us at Screenrant as we break down each scene, showcase ALL of the evidence, and teach you all exactly how Frozen stands out from the rest of the pack!

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The Mandalorian Chapter 4: Everything You Missed

The Mandaorian Will Explain Baby Yoda And We’re So Ready
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The fourth chapter of The Mandalorian is finally upon us, and it is definitely one of the best episodes yet! Not only does it give us a lot more of The Mandalorian’s backstory and a handful of new characters to get excited about, there were also a ton of awesome easter eggs hidden throughout that are enough to make any Star Wars fan jump for joy.

Be careful if you haven’t seen the episode yet, however, because there are a ton of spoilers ahead. We definitely suggest checking it out in all of its glory before continuing on here.

Now that we’ve got that bit of business out of the way, here is just a taste of all the easter eggs that you can expect in the video below!

For starters, in the very first moments of the episode we see a bunch of shrimp-looking fish swimming under the water before being fished out by a happy group of fishermen. Those fish aren’t random, they are actually Krill, and while this is their first appearance on screen, they have come up before in the Star Wars Visual Encyclopedia. In fact, it’s not the only pop-up in this episode that we’ve never before seen on screen, there’s also a Loth Cat to watch out for! From The Klatoonians, to the reappearance of an AT S0T, to a secret that Omera might be hiding, and everything in between, this episode has it all. Check out the video below for all of the best easter eggs in The Mandalorian, Chapter 4!

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The Surprising Real Story Behind Frozen 2

Frozen 2 Is Based On Many True Stories!
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While the first Frozen might have tried to pay homage to a handful of Scandinavian and Nordic cultures, there were some aspects that they just didn’t get right. It’s clear that the movie is set in a fictional version of Norway, what with the accents, music, reindeer, and costumes, but even though Arendale might not be real, these cultures are! It might surprise you to know that one of the dominant cultures in Frozen 2 is based off of a very real, specific group of nomadic reindeer farmers known as the Sami people.
In the first movie, the filmmakers went ahead with some research and that’s about it. But in Frozen two, they went the extra mile in order to get things right. Which is great! There is nothing lost by including the voices of the people whose culture you are borrowing from, it’s a total win-win situation. The group gets to feel understood and respected, and the movie is only made better and more interesting by being accurate! Who better to tell their stories than the people that the stories are actually about, right? Check out the video below to find out all about this amazing culture, and just how the Frozen team went about collaborating with them.
Be warned, there are some Frozen 2 spoilers in the video, so if you haven’t made it out to the theatre to check it out yet, what are you waiting for?? It’s Frozen 2!

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