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Rick And Morty Episode Season 4 Episode 4 Recap

Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim’s Morty Is An Episode No One Will Forget
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Rick and Morty didn’t come back with a new episode for us last week, but thankfully, this week they definitely did. In one of the craziest episodes yet, Rick and Morty returned for an adventure into the Fantasy genre, with dragons galore. Oh yeah, and there’s a whole story with Jerry and a talking cat that is either very adorable or completely disturbing, we can’t quite decide. But watch out before you read on, there are spoilers ahead!
It all starts in the middle of yet another Rick and Morty outer space adventure. It turns out that the only reason that Morty agreed to accompany Rick this time around was because Rick promised him a dragon in return. When Morty won’t let up about it, Rick relents and the next thing we know a wizard and a dragon show up on The Smith’s doorstep. The dragon quickly becomes bored with Morty’s requests to soar through the skies and winds up taking a liking to Rick… too much of a liking, in fact. When the two accidentally soul-bond, which causes Morty to tear up his original contract with the dragon. When the wizard returns and takes the dragon for punishment, it’s up to Rick, Morty, and Summer to save him.
Meanwhile, Jerry has discovered a cat that can talk, but really doesn’t want to talk about why. When the pair make their way to Florida, things go awry quickly. When it finally comes to finding out who this cat really is, well… you’ll have to watch the video to find out!

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Like A Boss (2020) – NSFW Trailer – Paramount Pictures

WARNING! Like A Boss has everything: Strong language, drug use, and coochie cakes. Watch the new NSFW trailer now! Starring Tiffany Haddish, Rose Byrne, and Salma Hayek, #LikeABoss is available now:

Best friends Mia and Mel (Tiffany Haddish and Rose Byrne) are living their best lives running their own cosmetics company they’ve built from the ground up. Unfortunately, they’re in over their heads financially, and the prospect of a big buyout offer from a notorious titan of the cosmetics industry Claire Luna (Salma Hayek) proves too tempting to pass up, putting Mel and Mia’s lifelong friendship in jeopardy. The beauty business is about to get ugly. LIKE A BOSS also stars Billy Porter, Jennifer Coolidge, Ari Graynor, Natasha Rothwell, Jessica St. Clair and Karan Soni.

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Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a major global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), home to premier global media brands that create compelling television programs, motion pictures, short-form content, apps, games, consumer products, social media experiences, and other entertainment content for audiences in more than 180 countries.

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Thanos (Avengers) vs The Death Star (Star Wars)! | Power Levels

This holiday, the toys of a generation of Star Wars fans come home. Explore a whole galaxy of Star Wars toys available at Target

Is Marvel’s & The Avenger’s greatest foe stronger than Star Wars’ greatest weapon? We put it to the test on Power Levels!
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Thanos (Avengers) vs The Death Star (Star Wars)! | Power Levels

VO by Roxy Striar!


Executive Producer: Roth Cornet
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
Senior Producer: Billy Patterson
Writer/Producer: Spencer Gilbert
Audio Editor: Kevin Williamsen
Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand

10 Marvel Scenes That Were Almost Impossible To Film

These MCU Scenes Almost Didn’t Happen!
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The movies of the MCU are polished to a high gloss. There are so few imperfections that it almost seems the films were conjured out of thin air, rather than the result of years of hard work by hundreds of people. Today we’re shining the spotlight on those people and the work they did to turn seemingly impossible problems into what we know as the MCU.

Some of the hurdles they faced are more obvious, like the filming of Avengers: Endgame’s final battle, where they had to assemble a huge group of some of the world’s busiest, most in-demand actors to one studio all at the same time. As hard that may have been, it proved even more difficult to organize a cameo by the directors kids, who couldn’t get time off from school.

Then, there were the challenges of mixing CGI with live action actors. Talking to the Hulk, for example, is not the easiest acting task when what you actually see in front of you is Mark Ruffalo in a skintight suit.

The practical stunts also caused a lot of problems, like when they had to find two Chris Evans lookalike stuntmen to play Captain America when he fights himself in Endgame, or when Tom Holland insisted on trying to do his own stunts.

There were some less grand problems as well. The scene in the first Iron Man in which Tony Stark has to build an arc reactor while stuck in a cave, was apparently the most challenging of all. Why? Because there was no creative solution. Robert Downey Junior simply had to learn how to work with wires and soldering.

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منتج يشيل طعم السكّر من حاسة التذوق ( غريب 🍫😱(

منتج يشيل طعم السكّر من اي اكله😂
اعطونا احلى لايك عشان نتحمس نسوي حلقات اكثر❤️
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These Actors Hated Becoming Famous

Fame Did Not Sit Well With These Major Actors
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There are millions of people that are out there right now trying hard to become famous actors. But according to a whole lot of actors, fame isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Simple things like walking through a park, going out for dinner or just being in public becomes almost impossible. It can be super isolating, but people think you should just put on a smile and that you don’t have a right to complain about your problems.

In this video we’ll take a look at some first-hand accounts from famous actors who spoke up about the problems associated with life as a celebrity. Robert Pattinson, George Clooney, Daniel Radcliffe, Steve Martin and more — all these famous actors have encountered some pretty rough stuff as a result of their fame.

Hey Netflix… You Feeling Okay?

You Need A Very High I.Q. To Understand Rick and Morty

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The Tragic Life of Jim Carrey

This rubber-faced king of comedy pretty well defined silly, slapstick humor in the ’90s, with movies like “Dumb and Dumber” and “Liar Liar” becoming instant classics. But just because he makes us laugh on camera, doesn’t mean he’s necessarily happy off it. Jim Carrey’s life has been a rollercoaster of hilarious highs and regretful lows, the latter of which being unfortunately plentiful throughout. In this video, we explore the Heartbreaking Life of Jim Carrey. What do YOU think is the most heartbreaking aspect of Jim Carrey’s life? Let us know in the comments!

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Top 10 Jim Carrey Performances:
Top 10 Hilarious Jim Carrey Moments:
Top 5 Controversial Jim Carrey Moments:

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Christmas With The Kranks Pitch Meeting

Step inside the pitch meeting that led to Christmas With The Kranks!
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Tim Allen hit gold with Christmas thanks to The Santa Clause movies, and with Christmas With The Kranks in 2004, he attempted to strike gold again! That didn’t exactly work out. Starring Allen, Jamie Lee Curtis, Dan Aykroyd and more, Christmas With The Kranks follows Luther and Nora Krank as they decide to skip Christmas. The movie definitely raises a lot of questions.

Like why aren’t any of the characters likeable? Why does anyone even care if they go on a cruise or not? Why not put up the decorations if it’ll get everyone off their backs and cost them no money? What’s up with their daughter landing in Peru only to come directly home? What’s this movie’s message, anyway?

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to Christmas With The Kranks!

Check Out These Other Amazing Videos:

The Santa Clause Pitch Meeting

Game of Thrones Season 8 Pitch Meeting

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