Artist David DelaGardelle shares his artwork and handle carving magic in this episode.
Featured Artist – David DelaGardelle of Cedarlore Forge
Blade by Emiliano Carrillo
Episode Music by Jekabs Dimiters
Northmen all rights reserved, used with permission
Awe Me Channel
Producer – Kerry Stagmer
Awe Me episode video editor – Mahendra Khera
Awe Me Artists Theme music – Andrei Shulgach –
Location filming/edit –
David DelaGardelle Tweets by AweMeChannel
Home Alone Is Coming Back And Fans Are Hyped
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That’s right, the John Hughes classic “Home Alone” is getting a reboot! It won’t just be another sequel, but will instead reimagine the original film with a whole new cast of characters. So don’t worry if you think the original is a masterpiece–the new “Home Alone” is similar in theme, but it will have an entirely new story. Still, it’s going to have to have an amazing cast to live up to the expectations set by Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, and Daniel Stern as the three hilarious stars who brought the original holiday masterpiece to life.
The reboot has just revealed its key cast members to prepare us for what’s to come. They include two of our favorite stars from “The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” and “Deadpool 2” as well as a fresh-faced young actor who made his debut this year in Taika Waititi’s “Jojo Rabbit.” Check out our video to find out just how these new stars compare to their classic “Home Alone” counterparts and what we can expect when the new film comes to Disney+!
Marvel Phase 4 Is Going To Be Way Different
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Hey there Marvel fans, and welcome back to Screen Rant. This year hasn’t exactly been kind to Marvel executives. In fact, many of them received a pink slip citing “creative differences” as the reason for their dismissal. This came as a shock to a lot of people, especially fans, who had to say goodbye to some of their favorite shows. Disney+ was one of the most highly-anticipated streaming services of 2019, but its arrival came at a cost. Disney+ is shaking things up for good, and as a result, Marvel TV will be shut down and folded into Marvel Studios. Back in October, Jeph Loeb, the head of Marvel TV, announced that he would be leaving his post. But fans never once suspected that he had no choice in the matter. To make matters worse, tons of Marvel TV projects are being scrapped, with the exception of a selected few that were already in production.
Things are going to change for streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, who have both had to kiss some of their most popular TV shows goodbye. But this doesn’t exactly come as a surprise. After all, in early 2019, Netflix did announce that Marvel shows like Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, The Punisher, and Daredevil would be airing their final seasons. In this video from Screen Rant, we explain why some major Marvel executives were fired from their posts. We also reveal which Marvel shows will be put on the chopping block, and which ones will live to see another day.
These Star Wars Theories Have To Be True
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Not long now until The Rise of Skywalker finally screens in theatres across the globe. Suffice to say, the hype is very real and many if not all Star Wars fans have loads of questions that need answering. Some have even gone deep enough into the footage of trailers and lore to come up with their own theories and predictions as to what will transpire in the new film. In this video we’re counting down the ten of the best theories which look the most likely to occur in the final film of the sequel trilogy.
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The first two Home Alone movies starring Macaulay Culkin as Kevin Mcallister are absolute holiday classics (although they don’t have a ton to do with Christmas.) So it’s understandable that 20th Century Fox wanted to keep the property alive even after Culkin aged out of the role. The result of that was Home Alone 3– a movie that has nothing to do with the first to in the slightest (except vaguely copying the formula.)
The movie raises a ton of questions– like why are the stakes suddenly so high? How did the bad guys get all their spy tech through airport security? Why did they steal a dog? Why did they rent a house? And maybe most importantly– how are the bad guys surviving all these insanely precise traps?
To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to Home Alone 3!
Check Out These Other Amazing Videos:
Home Alone Pitch Meeting
Home Alone 2: Lost In New York Pitch Meeting
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Not Everyone Loves MCU Movies
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People absolutely love Marvel movies and the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, as evidence by the billions of dollars the films have made at the box office. But one very well-known filmmaker isn’t a fan. Legendary director Martin Scorsese said in an interview that he doesn’t think Marvel movies are cinema. In fact, he said they more closely resemble theme parks.
Naturally, since Marvel has a ton of fans, people didn’t respond very positively to this statement. People like James Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy,) Todd Phillips (The Joker,) and even Marvel super-producer Kevin Feige stepped in to defend superhero movies. However, it seems like what Martin Scorsese was REALLY trying to say is much deeper than just a throwaway jab towards the MCU. In fact, Scorsese seems to have tapped into something that’s affecting the entire film industry itself.
Hey Netflix… You Feeling Okay?
Why Actors Take Playing The Joker So Seriously
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Downton Abbey – The Final Dance: The Crawley family enjoys the ball while Tom (Allen Leech) and Lucy (Tuppence Middleton) have a romantic dance of their own.
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Excitement is high at Downton Abbey when the Crawley family learns that King George V and Queen Mary are coming to visit. But trouble soon arises when Mrs. Patmore, Daisy and the rest of the servants learn that the king and queen travel with their own chefs and attendants — setting the stage for an impromptu scheme and other shenanigans.
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Downton Abbey – For the Love of Me: Andy (Michael Fox) reveals to Daisy (Sophie McShera) that he broke the boiler.
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Excitement is high at Downton Abbey when the Crawley family learns that King George V and Queen Mary are coming to visit. But trouble soon arises when Mrs. Patmore, Daisy and the rest of the servants learn that the king and queen travel with their own chefs and attendants — setting the stage for an impromptu scheme and other shenanigans.
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The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes, and lines from all your favorite films. Made by movie fans, for movie fans.