
Star Wars Takes Place In The Matrix

This Star Wars Theory Is So Crazy It Just Might Be True
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I know what you’re probably thinking; that this is some far-out movie theory that’s just taking two popular franchises and trying to find a way to attract viewers. That ain’t the case, though! There’s actually a ton of correlations that would suggest these two epic franchises actually exist within the same universe. In fact, it theorize that Star Wars actually takes place within the Matrix. There’s even evidence within both films that would hint at this being the case.

In this video, we’ll explain how all of Star Wars takes place within The Matrix. There’s the Force, which is eerily similar to Neo’s powers. There’s also the chosen one, which is true for Neo as well as Luke. Then there’s a strangely obvious easter egg found in Attack of The Clones that needs to be discussed. You won’t believe it until you see it, but this theory is actually ultra possible!

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Top Gun: Maverick (2021) – New Trailer – Paramount Pictures

Watch the NEW trailer for #TopGun: Maverick starring Tom Cruise – In theatres July 2, 2021

After more than thirty years of service as one of the Navy’s top aviators, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot and dodging the advancement in rank that would ground him. When he finds himself training a detachment of Top Gun graduates for a specialized mission the likes of which no living pilot has ever seen, Maverick encounters Lt. Bradley Bradshaw (Miles Teller), call sign: “Rooster,” the son of Maverick’s late friend and Radar Intercept Officer Lt. Nick Bradshaw, aka “Goose.”

Facing an uncertain future and confronting the ghosts of his past, Maverick is drawn into a confrontation with his own deepest fears, culminating in a mission that demands the ultimate sacrifice from those who will be chosen to fly it.

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The Jumanji The Next Level Post Credit Scene Is A Huge Twist For The Franchise

The Jumanji Post Credit Scene Is Bringing The Franchise Back To It’s Roots
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If you were patient enough to wait through the credits while watching Jumanji: The Next Level, you’ll have watched the end scene that revealed that the adventure may not be over. For those of you that rushed out, don’t worry, in this video we’ll fill you in. When the film ends, we see a handyman entering Spencer’s house and going down to the basement with Spencer’s mom. There, he sees the broken Jumanji game and begins to fiddle with it. It then cuts to Nora’s restaurant where we see a herd of feral ostriches race past the window. Could this mean that the real world and the game world have been bridged? If so, that would mean that there could be a possible sequel in which the gang much fix this glitch. If director Jake Kasdan does go this route, it will mean he’s paying homage to the movie from 1995 where the character Alan (played by Robin Williams) had to deal with that very problem. We’re hoping to see the characters fend off stampede of jungle animals, just like Alan had to. That being said, if Kasdan does make this choice, we’re wondering what will happen to the avatars in the real world. Will they be able to coexist with their hosts? Will they take on their own personalities? The options are endless. Watch this video to get our take on where the story will go and where the game might take us.

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The Business Of Christmas Movies

Hollywood Makes Billions Off Of Christmas Movies
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The Holiday season is the time for love and cheer. It’s marks the two-month period of the year where the Hallmark Channel puts out an abundance of cheesy christmas movies. Like, a lot of them.

Cheesy Christmas movies have now become a staple of the holiday season, and it seems like more and more of them are being put out each year (because in fact, they are.) The Hallmark Channel alone produced a whopping FORTY original Christmas movies in 2019, bringing their total to over 325 during the past decade. Companies like Netflix, Lifetime Network, and even Disney are following suite.

So why is it exactly that companies are jumping on this? What could it be about cheesy Christmas movies that’s driving so many studios to want to churn them out at such an insane pace! Let’s check it out.

Hey Netflix… You Feeling Okay?

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10 Things You Missed In Jumanji: The Next Level

The New Jumanji Movie Had So Many Easter Eggs And Secrets
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Today, we’re just going to use our Screen Rant vision to point out all the little details that you missed in Jumanji: The Next Level. We’ll be going over a couple easter eggs hidden throughout the film including that Jack Black’s character has the new strength “geometry.” We’ll be arguing that it the detail is a nod to School of Rock. Don’t believe us? We’ll prove it with a certain scene and you’ll have to watch to find out which one. Following that, we’ll be recapping the post credit scene and discussing what it means for the films in the future. While we think it could mean that director Jake Kasdan will be taking influence from the earlier Jumanji movie, it could be more than just that. In fact, there might be a whole expansion of a Jumanji universe in the near future. According to Jack Black, the introduction of space in the upcoming films is very likely. Adding on this, we have reason to believe that the films to come might include references to Zathura, the space adventure starring Kristen Stewart and Josh Hutcherson. Because Zathura was written by the same man who wrote Jumanji, they exist in the same universe and therefore might collide in the near future. We’re hoping this means we’ll get a cameo from K Stew. Departing from that, we’ll explain the significance of The Rocks eyebrow raise, who Bebe Neuwirth is, and where we’ve seen Nigel Billingsley before. We’ll cover everything from the inclusion of the old game pieces to the usage of the phrase “what the Sam Hill.” Join us as we catch you up on what you missed!

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Star Wars Holiday Special Pitch Meeting

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Step inside the pitch meeting that led to the Star Wars Holiday Special!

Star Wars is one of the most beloved franchises in the world. But between the first and second movie, when nobody really knew what it was going to be– they tried to capitalize on the success of A New Hope while working on Empire Strikes Back. That attempt took the form of the Star Wars Holiday Special, a made-for-TV movie that’s set in the Star Wars universe and featured Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and Chewbacca’s family. Okay, MOSTLY Chewbacca’s family actually.

The special raises a ton of questions- like why isn’t Luke blinking? Why does Chewbacca’s family have so many screens? How are they accessing live feeds of private establishments? Why did do the bad guys watch a full Jefferson Starship music video? Why is Bea Arthur here and why is she singing? What’s up with that weird virtual reality fantasy lady? And most importantly WHAT IS GOING ON?!

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to the Star Wars Holiday Special!

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The COMPLETE Star Wars Saga Recap for Rise of Skywalker | CRAM IT

This holiday, the toys of a generation of Star Wars fans come home. Explore a whole galaxy of Star Wars toys available at Target

CRAM IT for the Star Wars Skywalker Saga!!
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The COMPLETE Star Wars Saga Recap for Rise of Skywalker | CRAM IT
VO: Dan Murrell
Written by: Lon Harris
Produced by: Billy Patterson
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand

طقطقة – شخبار الضغط؟

حلقة جديدة من برنامج #طقطقة يقدمها بندر حلواني في الجولة 11 من دوري الأمير محمد بن سلمان بين #النصر و #التعاون

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Henry Cavill Explains The Witcher

Hal checks in with Henry Cavill and the cast of The Witcher to explain just exactly a Witcher even is – it’s The ScreenJunkies Show!
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Henry Cavill Explains The Witcher

Hosted by Hal Rudnick
Edited by Randy Whitlock

Produced by Billy Patterson
Supervising Producer: Max Dionne
Production Coordinator: Ryan O’Toole
Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand

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