
Carving an Eagle Head – Ferenc Gregor – Awe Me Artists Series

Man at Arms artist Ferenc Gregor shares his knife handle carving in this episode

Artist Ferenc Gregor

Warthog tusk is ethically acquired though strict government propagation protected species programs to maintain health herds.

Made possible by Coffee…..

Awe Me Channel
Producer – Kerry Stagmer
Baltimore Knife and Sword

Awe Me episode video editor – Mahendra Khera
Cinematographer Ferenc Gregor

Awe Me Artists Theme and episode music – Andrei Shulgach

copyright © 2019 all rights reserved

Honest Trailers Commentary | Galaxy Quest

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Honest Trailers Commentary | Galaxy Quest
Hosted by Spencer Gilbert
Featuring Joe Starr & Danielle Radford
Produced by Ryan O’Toole
Senior Producer: Billy Patterson
Post-Production Supervisor: Emin Bassavand


Brooklyn Nine Nine Best Deleted Scenes And Bloopers

Brooklyn Nine Nine Best Scenes No One Has Seen
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Howdy ScreenRanters! If you read the description before watching the video, let us know by clicking “Like”. We can definitely tell if that’s the case! Anyway, today, we wanted to go all Nine-Nine up on YouTube. We’re going to take you on a trip through bloopers (or gag reels if you prefer) and deleted scenes of everyone’s favourite TV police based, comedy show, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Nine-Nine!

You can expect to see the whole team involved in various capacities. Even Hitchcock and Scully! We left no one out. Some of the deleted scenes offer a new perspective on an episode. Such as the origin on Terry Jeffords’ nickname, The Ebony Falcon. Or even the endeavour Charles Boyle has with kicking down doors. We can even see a fun scene involving one of the best guest characters, the Pontiac Bandit, Doug Judy! Today, you’ll find out about some comedy gold that had to be removed, for some sad reason. Then, we have bloopers galore! Watch Andre Brugher struggle to say lines as Captain Raymond Holt. And Gina Linetti’s struggle with a Sloppy Jessica. As well as Andy Samberg having fun behind the scenes as Detective Jake Peralta. Stephanie Beatriz as Rosa Diaz also makes an appearance. How? Well, you’ll have to watch and find out! So, if you love the Nine-Nine as much as we do (we love it very, very much), then you better get watching to prove it. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, no doubt.

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Darth Vader Reacts to The Rise of Skywalker

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Darth Vader Reacts to The Rise of Skywalker (Episode 9)
After seeing the latest Star Wars movie and the presumed end to the Skywalker saga, Darth Vader shows up at Disney headquarters to hang up his helmet and take a long-overdue vacation. However, with Star Wars embedded into the future of Disney with new investments like Disney Plus and Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland there’s plenty more Disney has planned for Vader to do…

Michael Adams Davis – Mr. Richards
Jon Bailey – as the voice of Darth Vader (
David Odom – as the body of Darth Vader

Written by Michael Adams Davis and Michael Schroeder

Directed by Michael Schroeder

Cinematography by Luke Hanlein

Production Design by Taylor Frost

Edited by Chance Cole

VFX by Richard Cabrera of Romthirty VFX –

Special Thanks to Studio71 and Aaron Siminoff

– The Warp Zone –
Michael Adams Davis (
Brian Fisher (
David Odom (
Michael Schroeder (
Ryan Tellez (

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NEW VIDEOS EVERY FRIDAY! The Warp Zone is a pop-culture sketch comedy, gaming, and music video channel.

We here at The Warp Zone have a passion for all things nerdy- such as video games, movies, tv shows, comics, superheroes, and anime and we love making funny parody videos about them!

#StarWars #EpisodeIX #TheRiseOfSkywalker

The Grinch Is The Joker Theory

This Crossover Movie Theory Makes So Much Sense…
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The Grinch and The Joker are two iconic and crazy characters. They’re both known for their zany antics and erratic behavior, and both represent a lovable villain. In a way, they share the same sort of endearing qualities that make them equally as enjoyable as they are insane. But what if the similarities don’t stop there? What if these two popular characters are actually one in the same?

In this video, we’ll dive into the theory that The Grinch, like the one who tried to steal Christmas, is actually the origin story of Gotham’s greatest bad guy. We’ll closely examine their shared mental issues and how they sync up with one another. We’ll also explain the timeline of events and show how this entire theory actually makes a lot of sense. More specifically, The Grinch is the origin story to Arthur Fleck’s version of Batman, and that explains why his backstory is so shrouded in mystery.

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تحدي بدون كلام #2 | الفريق الخسران يطب في المسبح🤫😂

شكراً عالمشاهده💘، فعّل جرس التنبيهات🔔، لاا تنسىٰ لايكك👍🏼

لعبك رالف لورين

قناة ميشو برازيل
قناة علي اخوي
قناة ياسر طاهر
قناة حسن وحسين

-「فيديو أنصحك تشوفه؟」

🔗 هنا :


✅ سناب :
✅ انستقرام :
✅ تويتر :

-「للإعلانات التجارية」

📧 ايميل :


✅ حتى الان : 6,917,106 مليون مشترك.


✅ قال النبي ﷺ (البخيل من ذكرتُ عنده فلم يصلِّ عليَّ)
فلا تنسون الصلاة على اشفع الخلق محمد ﷺ

عكاظ- أن تكون أولًا

#عكاظ تطلق هويتها الجديدة في حفل أقيم في بوليفارد #الرياض -مسرح أبو بكر سالم- برعاية وحضور معالي المستشار تركي آل الشيخ وحضور معالي وزير الإعلام تركي الشبانة ومعالي مدير مكتب ولي العهد بدر العساكر ورئيس مجلس إدارة مؤسسة عكاظ عبدالله صالح كامل ورئيس التحرير جميل الذيابي وعدد من المسؤولين والسفراء والشخصيات البارزة إعلاميًّا وثقافيًّا واقتصاديًّا.

15 Foreshadowing Moments In The Star Wars Prequels You Totally Missed

These Star Wars Movies Are So Much More Important Than They Seem
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You know what is one of the benefits of creating a series completely out of order. Not only can you put the best parts out first, hooking people on your story so they have to watch all of the proceeding entries, but you can also retroactively add in some sweet moments of foreshadowing in the prequel films that you make later.

Seems that George Lucas realised this, as he managed to add in a lot of small moments that contained connections to future films and, of course, the original trilogy.

Is it foreshadowing if it is connected to something that has already happened? Pastshadowing? That sounds just a bit weird, though it is more accurate. Eh whatever, we’ll just go with Foreshadowing.

So let’s take a look at a handful of moments of foreshadowing that you may have missed, and see what they were trying to tell us.

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10 Home Alone Scenes That Make No Sense In 2019

Home Alone Did Not Age Well…
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On paper, a movie about a kid defending his home from a couple of crooks doesn’t sound like a Christmas classic, but Home Alone has become an annual favorite, infused with everything related to the holidays. But how well has the filmed aged? We all see the Wet Bandits as the true villains of Home Alone — but their actions pale in comparison to some of the other adults in the movie. Seriously, the adults in Home Alone are pretty terrible people. There’s the greedy Uncle Frank, who doesn’t seem to have a compassionate bone in his body and would probably STILL blame Kevin for ruining his trip to Paris. In Home Alone, Kevin draws out his battle plan, setting traps in nearly every room of the home. Well, we don’t need to talk about how long that would’ve taken to set up because we would just take a deep dive into an endless logic hole — but we do need to talk about the house they live in. It’s practically a mansion. With a separate garage, a decked out treehouse, and a finished attic that seems better than most studio apartments.

As kids, we laughed and cheered Kevin on as he outsmarted the Wet Bandits, but now that we’re all grown up, we realize that there are a whole lot of things that don’t make sense. Sure, we still LOVE the movie, but there are a few nagging parts we just cannot get off our mind — including some baffling decisions from Old Man Marley.

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