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طريلر- حلقة خاصة مع أبطال 6 underground

حلقة جديدة في الموسم الثالث يستعرض فيها محمد الشهري من خلال برنامج طريلر عدد من الأفلام التي يتم عرضها الآن والقادمة في دور السينما بالإضافة لمقابلات خاصة، ويستعرض أخبار يجب أن تسمعها عن الممثلين والمخرجين وشركات الانتاج. ضيوف الحلقة أبطال فيلم 6 underground.

#صاحي – #طريلر 41

تقديم: محمد الشهري

سوشل ميديا: خالد آل خضر


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The Rise of Skywalker – HISHE Review (SPOILERS)

After viewing Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker, Daniel from How It Should Have Ended shares his thoughts on the film. There are spoilers here so beware of your viewing and comment scrolling.
#StarWars #TheRiseofSkywalker #HISHE
It’s going to be a little while before the official Rise of Skywalker HISHE is complete. But don’t worry we are building it! Until then, click the bell for notifications so you wont miss it! Thanks for watching!

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————–Previous Episodes——————–
HISHE Dubs – The Last Jedi

How Jumanji Should Have Ended

How Joker Should Have Ended

HISHE Dubs – Frozen

Super Cafe – Duh Plus

Endgame HISHE Dubs

How IT Chapter Two Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – Return of the Palps

How Godzilla King of the Monsters Should Have Ended

How Spider-Man Far From Home Should Have Ended

Spider-Man FFH HISHE Bonus Features

How Captain America Should Have Returned the Stones

How Lion King Should Have Ended

How Endgame Should Have Ended

Endgame Alternate HISHE

How Venom Should Have Ended

How Aladdin Should Have Ended

Spider-Man Far From Home Trailer HISHE

How Shazam! Should Have Ended

How Bumblebee Should Have Ended

Avengers Endgame HISHE Review

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Avengers Infinity War – HISHE Dubs

How Avengers Infinity War Should Have Ended

How Fantastic Beasts Should Have Ended

How Incredibles 2 Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – Trick or Treat

How Ant-Man and The Wasp Should Have Ended

HISHE Horror Compilation

How Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Should Have Ended

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How The Venom Trailer Should Have Ended

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The Last Jedi Lego Summary

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Jurassic World – Comedy Recap (HISHE Dubs)

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How Black Panther Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – The Dead Pool

How Justice League Should Have Ended

How Star Wars The Last Jedi Should Have Ended

How Thor Ragnarok Should Have Ended

How Spider-Man Homecoming Should Have Ended

Avengers Infinity War and Beyond (Toy Story Mashup)

How IT Should Have Ended

How The Incredibles Should Have Ended

Villain Pub – Penny For Your Fears

Ant-Man Theory Suggests Honey I Shrunk The Kids Is the Reason Hank Pym Keeps Lying to Everyone

This Marvel Theory Makes So Much Sense…
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I bet you didn’t know that there’s a correlation between the MCU and the 80’s cult comedy classic Honey I Shrunk The Kids! What would seem like totally different franchises might actually exist within the same universe, and it all has to do with some little white lies Hank Pym has been spreading.

In this video, we’ll dive into the theory that Hank Pym used Honey I Shrunk The Kids to explain the shrink ray to Scott Lang despite that not being how it works at all. He just didn’t want to reveal his secrets, especially to someone who wouldn’t even understand it. Plus, he already knows Scott’s love for 80’s pop culture, so he just told him something that would resonate with him. After all, they did the exact same thing to explain time travel to Ant-Man by explaining to him that it isn’t just like Back To The Future.

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ردة فعلنا على صورنا أيام زمان ( خذوا راحتكم في التعليقات 😂(

ردة فعلنا على صورنا أيام زمان خذوا راحتكم في التعليقات 😂 بسس في هذي الحلقة هههه
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Baby Yoda Is The Best Marketing Tool

The Mandalorian’s Baby Yoda Has A Special Purpose
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Baby Yoda has taken the internet by storm with his insane levels of cuteness. With each new episode of The Mandalorian on Disney Plus, people scramble to jump on new Baby Yoda memes and spread them online.

The interesting thing about Baby Yoda however is that the character didn’t appear in trailers or marketing material for The Mandalorian or Disney Plus. In fact, Disney and Lucasfilm didn’t even have any Baby Yoda merchandise available when the show launched.

That may seem like a massive missed opportunity and that Disney made a big mistake in terms of marketing Baby Yoda– but we’re pretty sure that’s not the case. In fact, it seems like by keeping Baby Yoda out of the trailers– they’ve shown a really good understanding of how the internet works and how memes spread online.

Hey Netflix… You Feeling Okay?

Why Actors Take Playing The Joker So Seriously

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Pitch Meeting

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Spoiler alert! Step inside the pitch meeting that led to Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker!

Star Wars is one of the most beloved franchises in the world and the Skywalker saga has come to an end with Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. Rey, Finn, Poe and the gang get together for one last adventure to stop Emperor Palpatine, who was apparently behind this whole thing this whole time.

The movie raises a bunch of questions. Like how exactly is Palpatine alive? Was he really pulling the strings this whole time? Is this movie just trying to course correct after The Last Jedi? Why doesn’t anything seem to have lasting consequences? What’s a force dyad? How can Rey suddenly heal everybody now? Is this a video game? Who did Emperor Palpatine make a baby with? Why can’t we stop picturing it?!!

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to the Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker!

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi Pitch Meeting

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How The Ending Of Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Sets Up Infinite Futures

Spoilers for Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker!!
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The entertainment franchise to end all entertainment franchises has, itself, ended. Sort of.

Although the Star Wars/Lucasfilm/Disney machine will keep chugging along no matter what, Rise of Skywalker does at least mark the end of a chapter in Star Wars history: the Skywalker Saga. This storyline has been 42 years and nine movies in the making. It’s also been building up expectations for those four decades so the ending of Rise of Skywalker ended up feeling a little jumbled. That’s where we come in.

First and foremost (or chronologically, last) is the yellow lightsaber. In the final scene, Rey lays Leia and Luke’s old lightsabers to rest, burying them on Tatooine. This symbolic burial of the old Star Wars is hammered home with the reveal of her new lightsaber. It’s made out of an old stick and…it’s yellow; it’s a nod to the fact that Rey is not working for anybody–no larger cause, no philosophy–but she will be working for the people, maybe? Rebuilding some type of post Order space order?

There were also countless resurrections happening throughout the movies and, with all the force ghosts, force lightning force mothering, it’s hard to keep track of who’s alive and who’s not. We’ll be explaining all that and much more.

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Why You Should Be Upset About Rey In Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Spoilers Ahead!
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There’s a lot to be about with the new Star Wars movie. Its visually stunning and it goes all out in the fan-service department. But that’s also its biggest downfall. In its frenzy to tie up loose ends and walk back the more ambitious ideas of The Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker shys away from all the gray areas of the force, which are now yellow areas.

But this could be the whole point. After forty years of films, TV shows, comics and fan theories ranging from the deranged to the completely plausible, there was a lot of pressure on the people tasked with tying up the Skywalker saga and, unfortunately, the repeatedly chickened out. Every time directors and writers got too ambitious with their ideas, colouring too far outside the set Star Wars lines, they got fired, often halfway through and sometimes almost at the end of the production.

This movie played it safe. Instead of digging into the relationship between Rey and Kylo, they brought back the biggest Star Wars villain of all time and made him Rey’s grandpa. The trailers led us to believe that Palpatine would turn her over to the dark side but, it turns out, that clip of Rey holding the folding red lightsaber, wasn’t actually Rey turned Sith. It’s just dark Rey, a hallucination or Palpatine construction that Rey has to fight, a box to be checked on her archetypal journey. But, based on the final line of the movie, and the new lightsaber reveal, this could all just be a set-up for Rian Johnson’s upcoming and, hopefully, more ambitious trilogy.

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