
The Surprising Reason Cartoon Characters Never Change

We Have The Answer To Your Most Asked Cartoon Question!
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Ever stop to wonder why cartoons never change? Like, it never moves on a linear timeline. It’s almost as if they’re stuck in time, even if the show airs in real time for decades; episodes tend to always finish the same way they started. There’s never much evolution or change. Like, characters rarely age or even change their clothes.

In this video, we’ll dig into the reasons behind this. More often than not, it’s just cheaper to keep things stagnant, especially in the expensive world of animation. Having a character switch up outfits or actually start showing signs of aging would be nearly impossible to do. That’s why so many of your favorite shows, like The Simpsons, Rick & Morty, and South Park all tend to stay exactly the same safe for a few minor tweaks. Even those slight changes are usually done for strategic reasons, as we’ll explain in this video!

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20 Secret Marvel Cameos Everyone Missed

The MCU Cameos That Were Supposed To Stay A Secret
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The MCU is one of the biggest film franchises ever, the only one to successfully tie their universe together and culminate with season finale styled movies known as The Avengers. In the middle of all that comic book goodness, there are a lot of characters to keep track of, as evident by the end battle of Endgame. But it doesn’t stop there. There is an army of characters made up only of cameo appearances by celebrities, who seemingly really wanted to be part of this universe. These cameos are obscure, brief, hidden or voice only, resulting in you not realizing who just appeared on the screen.

Sometimes, films like Iron Man 2 include an A-lister to come in for a brief moment and you stop and wonder, wait was that…? Such appearances include Kata Mara, from House of Cards, Olivia Munn from X-Men Apocalyse and Elon Musk himself. Tom Morrello from the band Rage Against the Machine and Peter Billingsley showed up in the first Iron Man movie. That last entry actually got to relive his MCU cameo in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

There was, of course, a ton of cameos in the Guardians of the Galaxy films, from Rob Zombie and Miley Cyrus having voice cameos to Seth Green showing up twice as Howard the Duck. Seth Green himself showed up for a blink and you’ll miss it cameo in Iron Man 2. Joe Russo has cameos in his movies a few times now and has found ways to integrate Community and Arrested Development into the MCU via cameos. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the MCU cameos, there’s osm much more to unpack!

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CATS Pitch Meeting

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Step inside the pitch meeting that led to CATS!

The internet had a ton of fun when the first trailer for CATS was released, revealing the true fear that is digital fur technology. With an all-star cast featuring the likes of Judi Dench, Ian McKellan, Idris Elba, Taylor Swift, James Corden, Rebel Wilson and more- CATS is the big screen adaptation of the hit Broadway musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Now that the movie is out, the few people that paid money to see it probably have a few questions. Like what is “Jellicle” and why do they keep saying it?! What’s up with all these cats introducing themselves and then leaving. Why are some cats magic and others not? Why are all these cats competing in a singing competition where the prize is dying?

To answer all these questions and more, step inside the pitch meeting that led to the CATS!

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10 Scenes Actors Regret Agreeing To Film

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We all have regrets and even celebrity A-listers feel regret about doing certain scenes on shows and movies. Quite often, it comes down to maybe showing too much on-screen and not being too comfortable with that fact. This happened to actresses like Emilia Clarke, Kate Winslet and Dakota Johnson on productions like Game of Thrones, Titanic and 50 Shades of Grey respectively. Then there’s the whole Basic Instinct thing with Sharon Stone, who didn’t even know what was really happening. Jennifer Lawrence was in a similar boat for Passengers, feeling incredible anxiety for doing a steamy scene with the then-married Chris Pratt.

Other actors took physical injuries in the name of a shot. The late Burt Reynolds almost died while filming Deliverance, all in the name of a stunt, while Margot Robbie felt a drowning sensation in the chemical vat tank during Suicide Squad. The liquid also glued her eyelids shut, essentially blinding her.

Terrence Stamp took a job on Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace just so he can share a scene with Natalie Portman and did it for a pay cut. Boy, did he get the short end of the stick on that deal. Then there’s Chris Hemsworth, who despite being a chiselled Norse god as Thor in the MCU, isn’t so fond of his topless scenes. Finally, Nicole Kidman won all the awards for her role in Big Little Lies but that role left the actress feeling awful due to how real and traumatic the role was.


Entry 1 Chris Hemsworth’s Topless Scene
Entry 2 Emilia Clarke’s Awkward Family Viewing Day
Entry 3 Nicole Kidman’s Scenes in Big Little Lies
Entry 4 Harley Quinn’s Origin
Entry 5 Bad Day for Terrence Stamp
Entry 6 50 Shades of Regret
Entry 7 Not So Basic
Entry 8 Jennifer Lawrence’s Steamy Scene
Entry 9 Maybe a Stunt Double Burt?
Entry 10 A Titanic Error

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#فيلم_مسامير – العرض التشويقي الثاني

اشترك في القناة الرسمية لـ ميركوت :
#فيلم_مسامير – العرض التشويقي الثاني

على شاشات السينما في 9 يناير 2020
في السعودية الإمارات عمان البحرين الكويت العراق الأردن مصر

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Black Widow Is Alive And Stranded on Vormir Theory

Black Widow Might Be Alive After All…
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If you’ve seen Avengers: End Game (let’s face it, EVERYONE has seen End Game at this point), then you know exactly what happened to Black Widow. She pulled a hero move and sacrificed herself so the team could win their epic battle against Thanos. If it wasn’t for her heroic actions, there’s no way they would have come out on top like they did. But what if that wasn’t actually the end for Natasha Romanova?

In this video, we’ll dive into the possibility that she’s actually alive and well. Hmm… maybe “well” is a bit of an exaggeration, but alive nonetheless! Remember when Hulk puts on the Infinity Gauntlet and says he tried bringing her back but couldn’t? Well, what if he actually did and just didn’t know he did? After all, she wouldn’t just appear back on Earth; she’d wind up back on Vormir. So perhaps that’s what the plot of the upcoming Black Widow movie will be about!

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We Answer Every Question You Have About Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Video Compilation
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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker does a lot of things. Not only does it bring a close to the Skywalker Saga, but it also brought a ton of awesome easter eggs and little details to the screen that you might not have noticed upon your initial viewing.

Or your second, or third, or even fourth. Let’s be honest, Star Wars fans like watching these movies over and over again. So odds are you’ll probably see it a couple of times in theaters.

You know that we here at Screen Rant love our easter eggs, so of course we are gonna take a look at a bunch of them and where you could see them for yourself on your next viewing.

Also, as you would expect, this video is going to be chocked full of a bunch of spoilers so if you haven’t seen the movie for whatever reason, go watch it first, then come back to this video. We’ll be waiting!


15 Things You Missed In Star Wars Rise Of Skywalker:

Why You Should Be Upset About Rey In Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker:

How The Ending Of Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Sets Up Infinite Futures:

15 Foreshadowing Moments In The Star Wars Prequels You Totally Missed:

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Disney Will Buy Pokémon And Take Over The World

Is Pokemon The Next Thing On Disney’s List To Buy?
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Disney has taken over the box office in recent years. Thanks to some huge acquisitions they’ve been able to cash in on Marvel by developing the Marvel Cinematic Universe, on Lucasfilm by launching a bunch of new Star Wars movies and a TV show, and on Pixar by making a bunch of amazing animated films. They even recently acquired 20th Century Fox which is bringing a whole lot of exciting properties under the Walt Disney Umbrella.

With acquisitions being so profitable for them in the past decade, you have to wonder– what do they have their eyes on next? Well in terms of popular global franchises, there’s literally nothing more popular than everyone’s favorite pocket monsters– Pokemon. Could Disney line up to try and acquire Pokemon in the next few years? Check out this video to see why that may just be the cast.

Hey Netflix… You Feeling Okay?

Why Actors Take Playing The Joker So Seriously

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