Science & Technology

Pietro Handbags: Carrying a legacy

Training and tools to help you grow your skills, career, or business can be found at

Pierre opened a handbag factory after immigrating to America. Decades later, when stores and little boutiques that were buying from them started going out of business, his son Alex learned to use digital tools to reach customers online.

Memphis Public Libraries: Going the Extra Mile

Robyn Jonston of the Memphis Public Libraries travels on the JobLINC bus – a free digital workshop on wheels – to help people prepare for the modern workforce. This National Library Week, show your support for librarians who go the distance by sharing your story using the #MyLibraryMyStory hashtag.

See where Google is hosting free workshops in libraries across the US at

Search On: Pedaling for Peace – Trailer

With only a tent, a bicycle, and Google Translate, Dnyaneshwar Yewatkar is a central India native on a four-year journey to meet, and learn from, a world of people. Watch the series:

Inspired by Gandhi, Dnyan aims to spread peace, love, and compassion wherever he goes by meeting as many people as he can, learning from them, and sharing what he knows about the world.

Director: Nick Carbonaro
Cinematographer: Benson Neilan
Editor: Garin Glassy
Producers: Cassandra Evanisko, Fhay Arceo
Production company: Lonelyleap
Composer: Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith
Google Brand Studio

Audio-described version here:

See more of Dnyan’s journey and meet some of the people who made an impact on him along the way at

Ep 9: Pedaling for Peace l SEARCH ON

With only a tent, a bicycle, and Google Translate, Dnyaneshwar Yewatkar is a central India native on a four-year journey to meet, and learn from, a world of people. Watch the series:

Inspired by Gandhi, Dnyan aims to spread peace, love, and compassion wherever he goes by meeting as many people as he can, learning from them, and sharing what he knows about the world.

Director: Nick Carbonaro
Cinematographer: Benson Neilan
Editor: Garin Glassy
Producers: Cassandra Evanisko, Fhay Arceo
Production company: Lonelyleap
Composer: Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith
Google Brand Studio

Go deeper into this episode of Search On at, and see more of Dnyan’s journey and meet some of the people who made an impact on him along the way at

Khabar Lahariya: An all-women rural news organization

Founded in 2002, Khabar Lahariya is an all women-run rural news organization based in India. As an entirely digital organization doing on-the-ground reporting in India’s small towns and villages, they believe in the power of technology to tell stories that matter.

The Google News Initiative believes in the power of journalism reported and told locally. Inspired by the work of organizations like Khabar Lahariya, the GNI is making local journalism one of its top priorities and areas of investment.

Minnesota Star Tribune: A matter of dignity

Minnesota Star Tribune released a five part series known as “A Matter of Dignity,” in which they told the stories of individuals with disabilities in their state who were neglected and segregated in inhumane settings.

The Google News Initiative believes in the power of journalism reported and told locally. Inspired by the work of organizations like the Minnesota Star Tribune, the GNI is making local journalism one of its top priorities and areas of investment.