Science & Technology

Daley College: Trayendo nuevas oportunidades a Chicago

En el Gateway Program de Richard J. Daley College en Chicago, estudiantes como Rutilia y Ulises utilizan el programa Applied Digital Skills de Google para desarrollar las habilidades de computación que les ayudarán a prepararse y tener éxito en nuevos trabajos.

Google está ofreciendo recursos y herramientas gratuitas para ayudar a los Hispanos a emprender sus carreras o hacer crecer sus negocios. Para aprender más, visita

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Daley College: Bringing new opportunities to Chicago

At the Gateway Program at Richard J. Daley College in Chicago, students like Rutilia and Ulises use Google’s Applied Digital Skills curriculum to build practical computer skills that can help them prepare for and succeed in new jobs.

Google is offering free tools and resources to help Spanish speakers build their careers or grow their businesses. To learn more, visit

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What Emmy nominee Jared Harris is searching for

Emmy nominee Jared Harris shares three recent Google searches—from getting a little help on the crossword to finding his must-listen podcast of the moment. Watch for more!

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Crowdsource by Google: Building better products for everyone with machine learning

When you use Crowdsource by Google, you improve products like Translate, Maps, Photos, Assistant, etc for your language, country and culture.

Crowdsource is like a game where you answer simple questions. Answers from you and millions of others around the world are used in Machine Learning based products, making them work well for everybody around the world.

Download the Crowdsource app for Android at the link below, and help us create inclusive products that everyone in the world can use and enjoy.

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The making of “Margaret by Moonlight”

What do the mirrors in a solar energy array do at night? Could we point them at the moon to create a giant image of Margaret Hamilton, made of moonlight? Yes, as it turns out. With the help of a lot of trigonometry, Google Earth, and Margaret herself. Learn more at

Margaret Hamilton by Moonlight: Honoring an Apollo 11 Icon

8:07 p.m. Mojave Desert. Moonlight strikes more than 107,000 solar mirrors to create a portrait of Apollo 11 computer programmer Margaret Hamilton. Bigger than New York’s Central Park, the portrait is a tribute to Hamilton’s contributions to the Apollo program and the field of software engineering. Learn more about Margaret at

To learn more about Ivanpah, visit

Bridestowe Lavender: Harvesting global business from rural Australia

Using basic digital marketing skills, the owners of an Australian lavender farm transformed their business into a successful destination attracting visitors from around the world to rural Tasmania. Find free training and tools to help you grow your skills, career or business at

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Celebrating Small Businesses: A Moment in Search

Join us in celebrating small businesses around the world for always being just around the corner. For more, visit

To help small businesses meet the rising demand of their customers, the Google for Small Business website—a Grow with Google initiative—aims to help owners understand which Google resources are the best fit for their business. In addition, Grow with Google provides free training, tools and expertise for small business owners and job seekers alike. Learn more at

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