Science & Technology

Google Home: Hands-Free Calling

This is Google Home. You can use it to make hands-free phone calls to just about anyone in the US or Canada, whether that’s family, friends, or the deli down the street. Learn more at

Hands-free calling on Google Home is currently available in the U.S. and in Canada in English only, with other languages coming soon.

Nat & Friends: Wi-Fi Sneak Peek

Nat learns why microwaving leftovers could interfere with your Wi-Fi connection, plus 24 more fun Wi-Fi facts. Watch the full video here →

Want to learn more about Google Wifi? Go here →

(P.S. In this video you’ll see Google Wifi without a cord, but it needs to be plugged in to work.)

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Hands-Free Calling on Google Home

Getting things done and keeping in touch with friends and family has never been easier. Call phone numbers in the U.S. or Canada, including your personal contacts and millions of businesses, completely hands-free. Coming soon to Google Home in the U.S.

These sixth graders built a dispenser to make drinking water accessible. #innovarparami

In Mexico, we wanted to explore how teachers and students are using technology to empower a rising generation of innovative changemakers. In Puebla, Teacher Enrique Cordero is inspiring his students to solve problems like lack of access to potable water.

Tune into the hashtag #innovarparami to see how students and teachers in Latin America are thinking about innovation.

Las escuelas alrededor del mundo están imaginando maneras distintas para que los estudiantes tengan impacto fuera del salón de clases. En México, quisimos explorar cómo alumnos y maestros están usando la tecnología para empoderar a una nueva generación de personas innovadoras que representan reales agentes de cambio. En Puebla, el profesor Enrique Cordero está inspirando a sus estudiantes a resolver problemas como la falta de agua potable en zonas rurales.

Visita el hashtag #innovarparami para ver cómo alumnos y profesores en América Latina piensan la innovación.

This teacher is helping indigenous women in Mexico get online #innovarparami

In Mexico, we wanted to explore how teachers and students are using technology to empower a rising generation of innovative changemakers. In Quéretaro, Teacher Miroslava Silva and her student Angélica Ruíz are working together to help indigenous women get online.

Tune into the hashtag #innovarparami to see how students and teachers in Latin America are thinking about innovation.

Las escuelas alrededor del mundo están imaginando maneras distintas para que los estudiantes tengan impacto fuera del salón de clases. En México, quisimos explorar cómo alumnos y maestros están usando la tecnología para empoderar a una nueva generación de personas innovadoras que representan reales agentes de cambio. En Querétaro, la profesora Miroslava Silva y su estudiante Angélica Ruiz trabajan juntas para ayudar a las mujeres indígenas a adquirir habilidades digitales.

Visita el hashtag #innovarparami para ver cómo alumnos y profesores en América Latina piensan la innovación.

This fifth grader uses water bottles to brighten communities. #innovarparami

In Mexico, we wanted to explore how teachers and students are using technology to empower the rising generation. When twelve-year-old Bryan González saw a need for better lighting, he used technology to solve the problem. His method? Turning water bottles into light bulbs! (Bryan walks us through his full scientific process here:

Tune into the hashtag #innovarparami to see how students and teachers in Latin America are thinking about innovation.

Las escuelas alrededor del mundo están imaginando maneras distintas para que los estudiantes tengan impacto fuera del salón de clases. En México, quisimos explorar cómo alumnos y maestros están usando la tecnología para empoderar a una nueva generación de personas innovadoras que representan reales agentes de cambio. En la Ciudad de México, Bryan González, de 12 años de edad, identificó la falta de luz en ciertas viviendas y se propuso solucionar el problema. ¿Su método? ¡Convirtió botellas de agua en focos! (puedes ver su proceso aquí:

Visita el hashtag #innovarparami para ver cómo alumnos y profesores en América Latina piensan la innovación.

#ShowUp Stories: AJ + Steven | Corpus Christi, TX

Meet AJ and Steven, the young couple who not only attended the town’s first-ever Pride parade—they got married at it.

Everyone has a reason to #ShowUp – in spirit and in person, at parades and marches, in cities big and small. This year we traveled to Prides all across America to talk to members of the LGBTQ+ community and their allies about why they show up.

For more stories, visit