
Lex – Driving me Insane (Dedicated to Fragrantica!)

YEAH! THOSE SUCKERS GOT A SONG! Not my best work but my god this was an absolute CUNT! to make lyrics for, after the 30th attempt I managed to make it somewhat decent…I think…:P

===LYRICS=== (You’ll need this, trust me!)

Are you trolling I can’t tell! you cant even fucking spell! did you even go to school? maybe you were just too cool!

You can’t even read or write, so why are you on this site? your reviews just cause me pain! and you’re driving me insane

Oh please stop writing reviews, Oh please stop writing reviews! cause you’re causing me this pain and you’re driving me insane!

Your bad reviews make no sense, how can someone be so dense! Have some shame! you’re to blame! making everyone insane!

All capitals made up words and even italics, there’s no need for these on a site made for short reviews!

Oh god why are you still here, I’m on my 15th beer! oh god why are you still here? please just go away!


Original track: Lex – Ghosts N’ Goblins N’ Synths

Lex – 80s Powerhouse Workout!

Lex – 80s Powerhouse Workout!

This is my first attempt at making a high energy 80s workout track but I think it turned out pretty well! enough cheese in there to make a good Macaroni or two!

Download link: