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Game of Thrones’ The Mountain BREAKS Viking record! (Nerdist News w/ Jessica Chobot WTFridays)

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Hafthor Bjornsson aka THE MOUNTAIN from Game of Thrones DESTROYS a 1000-year-old weightlifting record! Plus DOCTOR WHO Legos coming soon, a Millennium Falcon drone, and your Best Worst Comment of the Week on Nerdist News WTFridays with Jessica Chobot.

Want a SEVENTH SON poster signed by Ben Barnes, Julianne Moore, and Jeff Bridges? Tell us in the comments if you’re more of a Supernatural Assassin or a Badass Mentor for a chance to win! Winners will be chosen at random. Don’t miss Seventh Son in theaters today!

More on these stories:
Doctor Who Lego Sets http://youtu.be/SblCKsE3F9c
RC Millennium Falcon http://youtu.be/GRtXd1eiH-s
Hafthór Björnsson New World Record http://youtu.be/JpUrXJNcS_8
Tiny Breakfast http://youtu.be/tJ2ayOTC2do

Watch more Nerdist News: http://bit.ly/1qvVVhV

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Jessica Chobot https://twitter.com/JessicaChobot
Dan Casey https://twitter.com/osteoferocious
Malik Forté https://twitter.com/Malik4Play
Kyle Hill https://twitter.com/sci_phile

Nerdist News 5 days a week, Monday through Friday at 8am PST.



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Jeff Bridges challenges you to a game of 2 Truths and a Lie, SEVENTH SON edition! Which is the lie? Make your choice and all shall be revealed…

Wool Underwear? http://youtu.be/C-G5aqzaWr8
Cannon Ass Kiss? http://youtu.be/yXoI0lsZ79Q
Pass the Pigs? http://youtu.be/fQfp-8qhjRg

Don’t miss SEVENTH SON in theaters today!

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احمد الشمري – واللقافة #نادي_جدة_للكوميديا

*لمعرفة المزيد عن نادي جدة للكوميديا، أو للتقديم على تجارب الاداء، أو لمعرفة مواعيد العروض وشراء التذاكر فضلاً تابعنا على https://twitter.com/JedComedyClub

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Minecraft Hide And Seek | لعبة الغوميضه – ورق الشجر الزاحف

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Five Nights At Freddy’s: The Sequel | PewDiePie

Five Nights At Freddys 3, We play it early!

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Welcome to the official channel of PewDiePie! PewDiePie aka Felix is a Swedish born web comedian, gamer, author, video game creator, and Indie game enthusiast. Known for Let’s Play commentary and vlogs only here will you find PewDiePie gameplays, video game reviews, original comedy videos, funny videos, weird internet stuff reviews, and Gamefaqs from PewDiePie. Join the Bro Army for video game walkthroughs from mainstream video games like South Park and Minecraft as well as indie games like Slender The 8 Pages, Goat Simulator, and Cat Mario. Whether you’re looking for gameplays or video game reviews of scary games, horror games, anime games, MMORPG, and Gaia Online – you name it PewDiePie’s Let’s Play-ed it! The awesomeness doesn’t stop there PewDiePie invites you to vlog with him in LA, check out hilarious product reviews and YouTube challenges with his girlfriend Marzia(CutiePie), and his funny cartoons! Subscribe and unite with the Bro Army.