المواقع على الترتيب :
10 – http://www.cubo.cc/creepygirl/
9 – http://www.studentology.net/tuesday/
8 – http://www.watching-grass-grow.com/
7 – http://zoomquilt.org/
6 – http://www.pattiann.com/webcam/paint.html
5 – http://www.snapbubbles.com/
4 – http://alienabductions.com/company/overview
3 – http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/
2 – http://anasomnia.com/
1 – http://thenicestplaceontheinter.net/
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عالم الانترنت
The ‘Game of Thrones’ Show Will End Before the Books
Repeat after me, fellow fans: George R. R. Martin, the most frustratingly slow writer of our modern age, is nevertheless not your b*tch.
Based on the article by Chris Taylor:
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Animal Sex Facts with Sock Puppets
When mom told you about “the birds and the bees,” this probably wasn’t what she was referring to.
Based on the article by Laura Vitto: http://mashable.com/2014/09/28/animal-sex-facts/
Narration by Haile Owusu
Puppets and animation by Alisa Stern
Filmed by Armand Valdes
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إحصائيات الطلاق في السعودية ٢٠١٤
#اسئلتكم | فهد هل انت مسيحي ؟
#خواطر_طالب في الاختبارات
شاب يعذب و يقتل كلب
اهم قرارتي في ٢٠١٤
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منع دخول لجين الهذلول حدود السعودية !
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Top 10 Worst Plagues In Gaming History
Top 10 worst plagues in gaming history- these are the worst of the worst. In video games, everyone dies for some reason or another.
-Subscribe to GAMERANX for more gaming videos and giveaways: https://www.youtube.com/user/gameranxTV
LEGEND OF ZELDA Series Coming to Netflix! (Nerdist News Special Report)
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Breaking News: Netflix and Nintendo in talks for a live-action Zelda series! What can we expect? Will it succeed?! Dan and Malik weigh in on this Nerdist News Special Report.
Legend of Zelda live-action: Yay or Nay? Tell us in the comments!
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10 Safest Places to Hide in a Zombie Apocalypse
From complexes sitting atop a 1,350-foot mountain to a house in the middle of nowhere, we take a look at the 10 safest places to hide in a zombie apocalypse.
أسرار صناعة الجنس و الإباحية فى العالم
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Boobs In The Thumbnail (Animated)
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