Undertale (PC, OS X) has quite the cult following. The game is worshipped by many, but here are some select complaints from fans.
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Thumbnail Art: Atinum (Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Atinum)
Some footage via: https://youtu.be/D5XKe51ZXPo
10 Hardest Games of 2015 That REALLY PUNISHED US
Challenging games are dime a dozen, but really hard games that’ll make you tear your hair out are relatively rare. 2015 gave us ten of them, so here they are.
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Thumb Art: Damon Woods [https://dkwoods.carbonmade.com/]
Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster – Before You Buy
Resident Evil Zero gets the HD remaster treatment for PC, PS4, Xbox One, 360, and PS3. Is it worth it? Let’s talk about it!
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Top 10 Upcoming Games of 2016 (First Half)
10 most-anticipated games releasing the first half of 2016 for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and more. What are you looking forward to playing most? Let’s talk in the comments!
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(PS4, PC, Mac, Linux) – February 9
Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst
(Xbox One, PS4, PC) – May 24
Far Cry Primal
(Xbox One, PS4) – February 23
Total War: Warhammer
(PC) – April 28
Dark Souls III
(Xbox One, PS4, PC) – April 12
Street Fighter V
(PS4, PC) – February 16
Quantum Break
(Xbox One) – April 5
(PC) – February 5
The Division
(Xbox One, PS4, PC) – March 8
Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
(PS4) – April 26
Fire Emblem: Fates
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
The Witness
Star Fox Zero
10 Fallout 4 Game Concepts That MAKE NO SENSE
Fallout 4 (PC, Xbox One, PS4) in-game concepts that makes no sense. We’re big fans of the series– we just have fun poking holes in our favorite games!
★ Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/gameranxTV
Oculus Rift: 10 Things You NEED TO KNOW
The Oculus Rift represents the greatest leap in VR technology today. Here are ten crucial facts you need to know about it.
★ Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/gameranxTV
Why Do Apple Macs SUCK For Gaming?
Apple’s Mac computers may be good at a lot of things, but they aren’t the best machines for gaming. Here are some big reasons why they suck for games.
★ Evolution of Xbox Hardware: https://youtu.be/h0jQot4PEtM
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The latest cool things in video games including a MGS remake, the next generation of consoles (?), new looks at The Division, and more!
★Follow Jake on Twitter: https://twitter.com/jakebaldino
★Follow Jake on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jakebaldino/
★Follow Jake on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JakeBaldinoP…
★Jake’s Top 10 Movies of 2015: https://youtu.be/MUbORwmQd9U
★Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/user/gameranxTV
-Half Life writer retires: http://www.gameranx.com/updates/id/32…
-The Division beta gameplay: https://youtu.be/XLvLSY16ZYc
-Shadow Moses Metal Gear Solid remake:
-GoldenEye in Unreal Engine 4: https://youtu.be/pc4R2A7xkPU
-Weird Megaman helmet: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/iqhk…
-Nick Valentine cosplay: http://www.polygon.com/2016/1/15/1077…
-Jake’s Top 10 Movies: https://youtu.be/MUbORwmQd9U
-ESPN esports: http://www.engadget.com/2016/01/14/es…
-Pachter on next gen consoles: http://blog.releases.com/home/2016/1/…
Top 10 NEW Wii U Games Coming 2016
The Wii U doesn’t offer too many games in 2016, but the RPGs, adventures and fighting games coming out look pretty cool. Here are the top 10 new games coming out in 2016 for the Wii U.
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#10 Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olymic Games
Platform: Wii U Nintendo 3DS Arcade
Release Date: 2016
#9 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Platform: Wii U
Release Date: TBA 2016
#8 Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem
Release Date: TBA 2016
Platform: Wii U
#7 Mighty No. 9
Release Date: 9 February 2016
Platform: Wii U PC PS4 PS3
#6 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
Platform: Wii U
Release Date: 4 March 2016
#5 Yooka-Laylee
Platform: Wii U PC OS X Linux PS4 Xbox One
Release Date: October 2016
#4 Lego Marvel’s Avengers
Platform: Wii U PC PS3 PS4 XBOX ONE XBOX 360 Nintendo 3DS
Release Date: 26 January 2016
#3 Star Fox Zero
Platform: Wii U
Release Date: 22 April 2016
#2 Pokken Tournament
Platform: Wii U
Release Date: Q2 2016
#1 The Legend of Zelda
Platform: Wii U
Release Date: TBA 2016
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Platform: Wii U PC PS3 PS4 PS VITA XBOX ONE XBOX 360
Release Date: Winter 2016
Project Guard / Project Giant Robot
Platform: Wii U
Release Date: TBA 2016