
Mistress America Review – From Sundance! – CineFix Now

Cruz saw a screening of Mistress America while we were at Sundance. It’s the newest Noah Baumbach movie, which is cool for Cruz, because he’s a huge fan of Noah Baumbach. And he thinks you should be too! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/9AGRm

Noah Baumbach (who also directed Frances Ha, the Squid and the Whale, and a number of other Indie/festival favorites) has embarked on his second collaboration with Greta Gerwig… Cruz will tell you how it went?

Will you see Mistress America if and when it gets a wider release? If you’ve seen it yourself, what did you think? Did you agree or disagree with any of Cruz’s points? What other movies out of Sundance are you looking forward to hearing or seeing more of?

Let us know in the comments below!

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