Film & Animation

Active Luminous Blue Variables in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Luminous blue variable stars showcase a spectacular and rare unstable stage in the death of massive stars. These supergiant stars can rapidly and unpredictably change both their brightness and spectra in outbursts that can last for decades. Some giant eruptions produce nebula that surround the star. Although known for centuries, the identification of the underlying physics remains elusive, and new behaviors continue to be discovered. Long programs of periodic monitoring have produced important pieces of this, as yet, unsolved puzzle. Understanding this dramatic phase will help complete the sequence of massive star development and delineate the progression to the final stellar death as a supernova explosion.... Read More

The View from Mission Operations

Ever wonder what it takes for a space mission to succeed?
The remarkable discoveries from Hubble and other space
telescopes are possible only if there is a capable and
effective command and control infrastructure. Join us for
a view into who and what it takes on the ground to operate
spacecraft from astronomical observatories to the
International Space Station. What was true before is still
true today: failure is not an option! ... Read More

How to Find an Inhabited Exoplanet

Over the past couple decades, research has uncovered thousands of exoplanets in orbit around other stars. In particular, the NASA Kepler Mission taught us that Earth-sized planets are commonplace throughout the Galaxy. But the big question remains – did life take root on any of these distant worlds? Using upcoming large telescopes, astronomers will examine the atmospheres of Earth-like planets for the telltale chemical fingerprints of life. The search for life in the universe has entered an exciting new phase. ... Read More