Here’s a sneak peak of me playing the famous Temple Run for the new iPhone 5! Enjoy!
Film & Animation
iPhone 5/5S How To: Insert/Remove a SIM Card
Today, we take a closer look on how to remove the new nano sim card on the iPhone 5. Enjoy!
Apple iPhone 5 Unboxing HD 2012
I finally got my hands on the new iPhone 5 and here’s my Unboxing/Opening! More videos to come!
Top 5 Best iPhone 5 Cases, Protectors, and Covers – Review –
These are in my opinion the Top 5 Best iPhone 5 cases out right now. I hope you guy’s enjoy the video!
iPhone 5 Case Links:
Alliance vs. Horde – Mists of Pandaria – Part 1
Jesse Cox joins Alliance and Horde as the Pandaren in the most epic trilogy about World of Warcraft characters standing in a white background.
Alliance vs. Horde – Mists of Pandaria
Michael Adams Davis as Alliance
Michael Schroeder as Horde
Jesse Cox as Pandaren (
Written by:
MIchael Adams Davis
MIchael Schroeder
Sound Recording by:
Ryan Tellez
Editing and Animation by:
Michael Schroeder
– The Warp Zone –
NEW Playstation 3 Model Announced! Official Specs, Features and Information!
The new PS3 model has been announced and will arrive first in North America on September 25th in an Uncharted 3 bundle! Can’t wait!
iPhone 5 vs. Samsung Galaxy S3 Hands On Review and Comparison
Here’s a comparison look between the new iPhone 5 and the famous Samsung Galaxy S3. Which do you think has the better features?
iPhone 5 Camera Quality Test HD
Here’s a look at the iPhone 5’s camera quality test. Hope you guy’s enjoy!
Hubble Image Processors Hangout
Are you an amateur astronomical image processor wondering how the pros do it? Are you just curious to see how a Hubble picture is processed from raw imagery? This Google Hangout, hosted by Tony Darnell of YouTube’s Deep Astronomy, featured Hubble Imaging Group Lead Zolt Levay, who creates many of Hubble’s famous images. Mr. Levay took us through an example of image processing using data for Hubble’s well-known image of Stephan’s Quintet.
Editorial note: Due to a glitch, the first several minutes of this video were not recorded. The missing minutes cover introductions and the beginning of the demonstration, which details how to locate and retrieve data from the Hubble Legacy Archive. Mr. Levay selects the galaxy grouping Stephan’s Quintet, and locates images taken in three filters, isolating different colors of light from the galaxies.
For more information on astronomical image processing and links to resources, visit: