Film & Animation

Unveiling the Cosmos: Key Inventions Behind the Modern Telescope

Unveiling the Cosmos: Key Inventions Behind the Modern Telescope
Sarah Kendrew of the European Space Agency/STScI

The astronomical telescope is a relatively recent invention in the ancient science of stargazing. Over the past 400 years, generation after generation of technology has transformed telescopes from passive observing tools to complex, highly automated workhorses of science. This astounding increase in sophistication has brought forth a golden age of astronomical discovery and ever-new insights into the nature of the universe and our place within it. Join Dr. Sarah Kendrew for an illustrated guide to the technological inventions that enabled this cosmic transformation.

Host: Dr. Frank Summers of the Space Telescope Science Institute

Recorded live on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.

More information:

الجيل السابع من الايباد هل يستحق الترقية ؟ Apple iPad 7th generation

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Zoom Into the Triangulum Galaxy (M33)

Fly across the local galactic neighborhood to the Triangulum galaxy (M33), a smaller spiral than our Milky Way galaxy. Zoom in first on one of M33’s bright regions of star birth, nebula NGC 604, glowing with hot ionized hydrogen gas. The remarkable ability of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope to resolve millions of individual stars is on display in this pan across M33’s dense star field.

Read the press release:

Credits: NASA, ESA, and G. Bacon (STScI)

ابل وأرباح تاريخيه وسامسونج تطور الابتكار، وقبل تشترك في الـ 5G…..

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