Film & Animation

Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa – Messed Up TV Spot

Johnny Knoxville stars as Irving Zisman in Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa. In theaters October 25th!

Visit the official site to make your own GIFs using the Bad Grandpa GIF Creator:

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The Orion Nebula: What We Have Learned So Far

This week, The Space Telescope Science Institute is hosting a workshop dedicated to the Orion Nebula. Talks and smaller presentations will discuss everything the wealth of ground-based and Hubble observations have taught us about this famous landmark in the sky.

The workshop offers us an amazing new look at an old friend.

To celebrate this event and to offer the attendees an opportunity to talk about their research to the general public, we are hosting two Hubble Hangouts on Monday and Tuesday and 6pm EDT.

+Scott Lewis and +Tony Darnell will host members of the workshop to talk about (among other things):

* What kind of stars are being born?
* What can infrared observations tell us about Orion?
* Ages and age spreads in the Orion Nebula
* What does the nebula tell us about star formation?
* What can the stars being born in Orion tell us about young star clusters in the galactic center?

Interested in the kind of cutting-edge research that pushes the boundaries of our knowledge of this famous star-forming region? Mark your calendars and bring your questions and comments.

We know you’ll learn something new and we are looking forward to seeing you there!

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iPhone 5S Not Recognizing Touch ID After Scratch Test

After only a small knife test, the iPhone 5s Touch ID would not recognize my fingerprint. After deleting the fingerprint in my settings and trying again it would not fully recognize any of my fingers.

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit – Official Trailer

Based on the character created by bestselling author Tom Clancy, “Jack Ryan” is a global action thriller set in the present day. This original story follow a young Jack (Chris Pine) as he uncovers a financial terrorist plot.

News from Hubble and Across the Universe! October 2013

Join Dr. Frank Summers and Tony Darnell as they discuss the latest news from Hubble and elsewhere in the universe. We discuss Voyager 1’s exodus from the heliopause, cosmic jets, solar eclipses as seen from Mars and latest Comet ISON observations from the HIRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and take your questions!