Film & Animation

Studying Virtual Universes with Supercomputer Simulations

Studying Virtual Universes with Supercomputer Simulations
Dr. Greg Snyder, Space Telescope Science Institute

In extragalactic astronomy, observational studies span a huge range in size scales, cosmic times, wavelengths of light, and galaxy appearance. While we cannot directly watch the development of a galaxy over billions of years, this current era of dramatically increasing computer resources have made possible comprehensive predictions for galaxy evolution. Recent advances toward the goal of simulating realistic ³virtual universes² include the Illustris Project, one of several efforts beginning to reproduce key features of galaxy populations. These successes are only the first steps toward a loftier goal: the prediction of new astrophysics that can be tested by ever-improving telescope technology. Future improvements in computational galaxy formation may lead us there in the coming decades.

Host: Dr. Frank Summers

Recorded live on October 7, 2014 at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, MD, USA

For more information:

Tonight’s Sky: October 2014

Backyard stargazers get a monthly guide to the northern hemisphere’s skywatching events with “Tonight’s Sky.” October boasts an intriguing variety of eclipse, planets and stars. And that faint smudge in the sky is our nearest large galactic companion, Andromeda.

“Tonight’s Sky” is produced by, online home of the Hubble Space Telescope. This is a recurring show, and you can find more episodes — and other astronomy videos — at

Visit Tonight’s Sky on HubbleSite.

James Webb Space Telescope Update: Sunshield Deployment Test

In August 2014, at their +Northrop Grumman facilities in Redondo Beach, California engineers successfully stacked and unfurled the five layers of the largest part of the observatory: the massive sunshield.

The successful unfurling was the first time this had been done and everything worked perfectly.

The Sunshield is about the length of a tennis court, and will be folded up like an umbrella around the Webb telescope’s mirrors and instruments during launch. Once it reaches its orbit, the Webb telescope will receive a command from Earth to unfold, and separate the Sunshield’s five layers into their precisely stacked arrangement with its kite-like shape.

Please join +Tony Darnell Dr +Alberto Conti and +Scott Lewis as they discuss the test conducted last Summer with engineers and scientists at Northrup Grumman and +NASA Goddard as well as the details of the deployment of the James Webb Space Telescope.

As always, we look forward to your questions and comments as well, see you then!

For more information:

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iPhone 6 Plus Extreme Bend Test

It seems as if the newly released iPhone 6 Plus does in fact bend. I managed to prove this in my extreme version. Please do not try at home.

عالماشي: مقاتل الظلام! – Shadow Fight 2

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