Film & Animation

Our Place in the Universe – Dr. Jason Kalirai

“What is our place in the Universe?” Throughout human history, astronomy has repeatedly overthrown our understanding of this question and new telescopes and astronomers continue to do so. Join Jason Kalirai of the Space Telescope Science Institute as he explores 6,000 years of human astronomy, showcases the biggest discoveries of the Hubble Space Telescope, including some of his own work, and ponders current mysteries of the Universe that may be unlocked by NASA’s next flagship telescopes.

لعبة الحصار و المداهمة السريعة! – Rainbow 6 Siege

جتنا فرصة حصرية اننا نطلع لكندا و نزور ستوديو يوبيسوفت مونتريال و نكون من أول الناس اللي يجربوا اللعبة الجديدة من سلسلة رينبو 6 سيج و ناخذ انطباع مبدأي عنها و نشارك التجربة معكم.. بس وش رأيك انت؟ هل تتوقع ان اللعبة تحمس ام لا؟ تتوقع لعبة تكتيكية تعاونية ممكن تنجح عندنا؟
إذا عجبك المقطع لا تنسى تدعمنا بـ”لايك”

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Behind the Webb: A Perfect Pair (Episode 25)

The James Webb Space Telescope is comprised of some very large structures, and those have to fit together before, during, and after launch. Extreme care has to be taken when moving equipment that weighs thousands of pounds. This episode of Behind the Webb gives us a glimpse into what it takes to test the compatibility between the backplane that will hold the primary mirror segments, the sunshield, and the spacecraft bus. We also see how the sunshield will be pulled into position, giving us a sense of how large the observatory will be when it’s in orbit.

The 21-foot-wide primary mirror of the Webb Telescope is so large that it will have to fold up to fit into a rocket and be launched to space. Join host Mary Estacion as she travels to ATK in Magna, Utah, where the mirror’s foldable backplane “wings” have been constructed.

“Behind the Webb” is an ongoing series that follows the construction of the Webb Space Telescope, Hubble’s successor. Find more episodes at

“Behind the Webb” archive:

اللعبة المستفزة! – BloodBorne

مشهور يخوض تحدي بلودبورن و الظاهر اللعبة اصعب مما توقع و جالسه تستفزة!
إذا عجبك المقطع لا تنسى تدعمنا بـ”لايك”

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مكة المكرمة والطواف بتقنية 360 Makkah & Tawaf in

This video would work on Android Devices as well as Chrome Browsers. as Youtube is responsible for iOS support

This video is intended to demonstrate the new YouTube 360 degree technology. but in case you are wondering about what are you seeing, we summed some Q’s & A’s from the web.

What is Islam?

What Am I looking At ( Kaaba) ?

Why are people walking around it (Tawaf) ?

What is the recording Technology ?
a new technology from YouTube that you will find more about here
here is another video we made in Riyadh/ Saudi Arabia

Why am I there ?
as a Muslim I can visit Makkah, being in Saudi made it easier.

Contact Faisal on Twitter – @falsaif

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الفيديو مدعوم حاليا على اجهزة اندرويد ومتصفحات كروم . والتطوير على منصة ابل راجع لجوجل

الهدف من الفيديو هو تجربة التصوير بتقنية 360 من اليوتيوب . في حال كان لديك استفسار فإليك بعض الاسئلة والاجوبة هنا

ماهوا الاسلام ؟

ماهي الكعبة؟

لماذا يطوف الناس حولها؟

ماهي التقنية المستخدمه؟
تقنية التصوير 360 درجه هنا نشرح لك عنها

تواصل مع فيصل على تويتر @faisal

اشترك معنا لجديد التقنية

رحلة مشهور الى جنة الانمي في طوكيو – Akihabara

مشهور يزور منطقة اكيهابارا في مدينة طوكيو اللي يتمنوها كل عشاق الانمي و الالعاب.
حساب عبدالغفار في تويتر:

إذا عجبك المقطع لا تنسى تدعمنا بـ”لايك”
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Astronomers Find Dark Matter Even Darker than Previously Thought

Astronomers using observations from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope and +NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory  have found that dark matter interacts with itself even less than previously thought by researchers. This finding narrows down the options for what this mysterious substance might be.

By finding that dark matter interacts with itself even less than previously thought, the team has successfully narrowed down the properties of dark matter. Particle physics theorists have to keep looking, but they now have a smaller set of unknowns to work with when building their models.

Please join +Tony Darnell Dr.+Carol Christian  and +Scott Lewis  as they discuss these amazing observations with the team that made them along with special guest Dr.+Katie Mack 

Ode to Hubble Contest Voting is still going on, cast your vote here!

Quarterfinals for #HubbleMania also going on:

NASA’s One Year Crew: