لعبة سيارات استراتيجية غريب من نوعها .. لازم تودي كل سيارة للمشوار حقه و ترجع في الزمن و توصل سيارة ثانية بدون ما تصدم سيارتك الأولى.. لا تنسوا تدعمونا بلايك اذا عجبكم الفيديو!
رابط اللعبة للاندرويد: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mediocre.commute&hl=en
رابط اللعبة للايفون: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/does-not-commute/id971756507?mt=8
إذا عجبك المقطع لا تنسى تدعمنا بـ”لايك”
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So I got myself the 42mm blue Apple Watch Sport and decided to see how strong the thing is when accidentally dropped…I really didn’t think it…well…just enjoy.
With about a million observations under its belt during its 25 years of service, some of the Hubble Space Telescope’s most memorable images have been of the vastness of space and the early days of the universe. These “deep-field” images actually improved over the years because shuttle astronauts were able to upgrade the observatory. This episode, entitled “The Incredible Time Machine” shows us how Hubble has been able to give us a glimpse of a cosmos in its formative years.
Twenty five years ago today, the +Hubble Space Telescope was launched aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery to usher in a new era of observing the Universe.
For this special *Friday* #HubbleHangout , your trusty co-hosts +Tony Darnell, Dr.+Carol Christian and +Scott Lewis will be discussing their favorite images, discoveries and accomplishments that have been made over the past quarter century with our grand telescope.
Also joining the team is +European Space Agency, ESA’s Georgia Bladon who will be presenting the winners of the #OdeToHubble competition! Many fantastic entries were submitted and you can view the “Shortlist” here: http://www.spacetelescope.org/projects/Hubble25/odetohubble/
We’re also looking to hear from you about _YOUR_ favorite memories, images and breakthroughs from Hubble. Please search through our image gallery and News Center, and let us know in comments below or tweet at us with the hashtag #HubbleHangout
Join Hubble astronomers for an online exploration of the remarkable history and still-bright future of a telescope that has transformed both the way we do astronomy and our understanding of the universe. Discover the trials and triumphs of NASA’s first Great Observatory, learn about some of its remarkable scientific achievements, and experience a compendium of some of the greatest imagery the universe has ever known. Our featured speaker is Dr. +Frank Summers, outreach astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute.
For more information about the Hubble National Teach-In, including how to be part of the Nationwide Galaxy Count, visit: http://hubble25th.org/go/Teach-In
ليش مقاطع المقالب و التحديات انتشرت بشكل كبير في اليوتوب الفترة الاخيرة؟ و هل هذا الشي كويس؟ و كيف تقدر تطبق هذه الافكار بنفسك؟
إذا عجبك المقطع لا تنسى تدعمنا بـ”لايك”
موقعنا : http://saudigamer.com
حسابنا في تويتر: https://twitter.com/saudigamer
حسابنا في انستجرام: http://instagram.com/saudigamer
When it comes to durability, which smartphone will reign on top? Watch as I drop test every single Samsung Galaxy S series device from approx. 5 feet! (With the exception of the active/mini/edge models).
The nebula Gum 29 is a star-forming region about 20,00 light-years away in the constellation Carina. At the core of the nebula is a cluster of several thousand stars called Westerlund 2. These newborn stars are approximately 2 million years old, and their light illuminates, heats, and erodes the surrounding gas. The Hubble image, utilizing both visible and infrared light observations, was released in celebration of the telescope’s 25th anniversary.
This visualization provides a three-dimensional perspective on the nebula and star cluster. The flight traverses the foreground stars and approaches the lower left rim of the nebula. Passing through the wispy darker clouds on the near side, the journey reveals bright gas illuminated by the intense radiation of the newly formed star cluster. Within the nebula, several pillars of dark, dense gas are being shaped by the energetic light and strong stellar winds from the brilliant cluster of thousands of stars. Note that the visualization is intended only as a scientifically reasonable interpretation and that distances within the model are significantly compressed.
Credit: Jay Anderson, Greg Bacon, Lisa Frattare, Zolt Levay, and Frank Summers (STScI)
Acknowledgment: The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), A. Nota (ESA/STScI), the Westerlund 2 Science Team, and ESO
For more information: http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2015/12/
This visualization provides a three-dimensional perspective on Hubble’s 25th anniversary image of the nebula Gum 29 with the star cluster Westerlund 2 at its core. The flight traverses the foreground stars and approaches the lower left rim of the nebula Gum 29. Passing through the wispy darker clouds on the near side, the journey reveals bright gas illuminated by the intense radiation of the newly formed stars of cluster Westerlund 2. Within the nebula, several pillars of dark, dense gas are being shaped by the energetic light and strong stellar winds from the brilliant cluster of thousands of stars. Note that the visualization is intended to be a scientifically reasonable interpretation and that distances within the model are significantly compressed.
Credit: NASA, ESA, G. Bacon, L. Frattare, Z. Levay, and F. Summers (Viz3D Team, STScI), and J. Anderson (STScI)
Acknowledgment: The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), A. Nota (ESA/STScI), the Westerlund 2 Science Team, and ESO