مطبخ حواء

Getting Boners from Eating Boa Constrictors: Sex + Food

Our host Felix Fang visits old-school LA Chinatown chef Lupe Liang for an “off-the-menu” eight-course dinner of boa constrictor—said to spark the libido and increase sex drive. What starts as an eight-foot-long live snake ends as an eight-course meal, and no part of the animal is spared. From deep-fried snake skin and spicy snake belly to potent wine infused with snake gallbladder, Felix and company embark on a culinary adventure in attempts to harness the aphrodisiac powers of the girthy beast. Will this feisty feast inspire other appendages to grow to great length? Watch this episode of our new series—Sex + Food—to find out.... Read More

Meet the Diehard Fans of BBQ: MUNCHIES Presents

At Franklin Barbecue in Austin, Texas, the food is so fucking tasty that hungry patrons have been known to wait in line for up to six and half hours to try it. (The time goes by a little easier when you’ve got folding chairs and a cooler full of beer by your side.) Our meat-loving host Pat Dean joins the purgatorial queue to find out why everyone from an entire bachelor party to a vegetarian is willing to tough it out for a taste of Franklin.... Read More