
#صاحي : “ع العموم” 14 انتهينا !

قناة صاحي تطلق الحلقة الرابعة عشر من برنامج ع العموم .. برنامج يصور من خلاله عبدالعزيز العبدان ما يدور في فكر المواطن السعودي، تجاه ما تقدمه المرافق الخدمية من مشاريع وخدمات، كل هذا في قالب كوميدي مسؤول!... Read More

GoPro: The Berrics Skateboarding is Fun – April 2016 Winner – Andre Godoy Delolo

Delolo and Peixoto are getting creative again, and showing us a different way to have fun with skateboarding. Is there anyone out there who can match their creativity and show us a unique perspective on skateboarding? Submit your clips here: and show us your crazy, fun, and unique way to make skateboarding fun!... Read More

GoPro: Dust to Resin – Surfing Heritage with Daniel and Mikala Jones

Oahu’s own, Mikala and Daniel Jones, wanted to re-create an image of their father surfing Ala Moana Bowls on his custom red single fin. During the session, Daniel caught a giant close out and unfortunately broke his father’s board. He was crushed. The Jones Family rode that red single fin, hand-crafted by their father growing up as kids in Hawaii. It held a lot of meaning and significance to the Jones brothers. This is the story about family, tradition, perseverance and in turn the shaping and re-creation of the original red bird board. ... Read More