
HolaGoogle: Soy Kary on Google+ Photos

Kary Pérez chose travel over the traditional quinceañera. From monuments in Istanbul to cafes in Madrid, Kary’s story continues as she explores the world around her. Learn how she uses Google+ Photos.

Kary’s story is featured on Holagoogle.soy, which aims to bring the best of Google to the Hispanic community in a culturally relevant way. The site highlights our users and the cool things they are doing with Google products. Visit holagoogle.soy to discover other Latinos doing cool things with Google products and share your own story.

Tonight’s Sky: February 2015

Backyard stargazers get a monthly guide to the northern hemisphere’s skywatching events with “Tonight’s Sky.” Venus and Mars huddle together on cold February nights, and star clusters are prominent in the month’s constellations.

“Tonight’s Sky” is produced by HubbleSite.org, online home of the Hubble Space Telescope. This is a recurring show, and you can find more episodes — and other astronomy videos — at HubbleSite.org.

Visit Tonight’s Sky on HubbleSite.