Sophia Loren Turns 81 Today. See Sophia Loren’s Changing Looks…!!

She’s an Italian goddess, a Hollywood legend, an iconic actress, and today happens to be her birthday. Did you guess it? Of course, we are talking about the Sophia Loren. Happy birthday, Sophia!

Born 81 years ago today, Loren, who is perhaps best known for her 1962 Academy-Award-winning role as Cesira in Vittorio De Sica’s Two Women, has spent almost her entire life in the limelight. Beginning her career as a teenager, Loren not only transformed as an actress, but changed her look many, many times. When asked about her time as an Italian starlet, Loren once admitted that she “used to change [her] hair color almost every day … one day I would be a redhead, the next a blonde and finally a brunette.” To see the birthday girl’s dramatic transformation for yourself

Sophia Loren Turns 81 Today. See Sophia Loren’s Changing Looks…!!

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